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I won't touch the game again unitil the AI gets fixed.

Oct 25, 2009
Ok, I have invested almost 2 dozen hours into the game and while I had loads of fun to begin with I have now reached the conclusion that the AI is simply too horrible for the game to be enjoyable. I knew that it suffered from some issues, but the fact that it literally doesn't build (or at the very least, extremely rarely) a lot of the units in the game like air power and nukes, doesn't build enough units unless you are playing on high difficulty levels and even then only because it cheats, and is just all around horrible at protecting itself thus removing all challenge from the game means that I just don't see the point in playing the game right now.

Don't get me wrong, I don't actually hate the actual game part of the game (though I do think it could use some improvements), its just that the AI is so bad that it sucks all of the fun out of the game. When and if it gets fixed I will probably start investing dozens of hours into Civ 5, but in the meantime I will probably just do something else with my free time.

Anyone else feels the same? :(
The AI cant protect itself, thats the main problem. But its also not oppurtunist.

Early war with my neighbour Persia, one of my archers get severely wounded and I move him back behind my borders. One of Persias' scouts come into range, it can easily finish of my archer. Crap, lost an archer! - But no, the scout ignored it and continued exploring or whatever it did.

Also same war, I kill all their units within 10 turns whils not losing a single one of my own, mind you they were the aggressors, so they shouldve, right?

The only hard part is the Happiness hit you get from taking their cities.
Every time I hear a naysayer of this game they remind me of Dermott from Venture Bros. "Civ V? Pfff. Man, I beat that game like a bajillion times when I was in kindergarten. I just use my patented GDR rush strategy and the AI's a total push-over. Except I don't play on harder levels because, like, the AI totally cheats."
@ something witty. I play civ 4 on deity and win about 50% of the time. The AI has advantages on that level that lead to production, money, and research bonuses. The AI is also given a jumpstart to get them going. It doesn't get stacks of a hundreds of units that would make it unreasonable to play at all.

The response the developers made to their game having a horrible AI was to give them so many units on higher levels that the AI doesn't need to have any strategy at all. It just puts a unit in every space and makes you try to plow through all of them.

The game is incredibly broken. I hope they will fix it, but unless they drop the 1 UPT system of combat I doubt they will ever be able to make the AI function properly.
Every time I hear a naysayer of this game they remind me of Dermott from Venture Bros. "Civ V? Pfff. Man, I beat that game like a bajillion times when I was in kindergarten. I just use my patented GDR rush strategy and the AI's a total push-over. Except I don't play on harder levels because, like, the AI totally cheats."

I laughed.

Last night's episode was fantastic + barfy
I'm sorry if I don't find the game fun knowing that the AI is getting massive bonuses. Don't misunderstand me, I realize that we will not see AIs that are very competitive for a long time, but I still expect the AI in strategy games I buy these days not to make stupid mistakes.

Like many have pointed out on these forums, the AI in CiV is just terrible, specifically tactically. I love many of the features that have been added, especially the idea of 1upt, but I find no enjoyment in watching the AI stumble around carelessly.
The response the developers made to their game having a horrible AI was to give them so many units on higher levels that the AI doesn't need to have any strategy at all. It just puts a unit in every space and makes you try to plow through all of them.

i havent tried to play on higher levels, remembering the uberstacks of the past, but thats exactly what you've described.

Now, though, they arent producing a stack of units that can plow through all your army and cities, they have to move it.

They get a production benefit, which they put into solid walls troops, which they kill you with.

The only way to beat Diety level, as always, is to play on Archepelago, with rain levels at highest, and hold a tiny island while they wipe each other out, until you get a cultural/space race/UN victory.

Or to put city states to highest and play as Alexander (with same condits) and make an army of others.:cool:

Lower leveled AIs may be more passive, but highers are still the same.
For sure it will be much more enjoyable (and I will get beaten more often, too!) if the AI fought war way better. Heck the other day, at Prince level, I sent an artillery to a city state at war with 2 others.. when everyone else still had Infantry... What did the CS do? It sent the Arty to the front line (with accompanying rifleman I had gifted right in tow) to be mowed down by Egyptian knights, then parked his rifleman within 2 hexes of the city to be bombarded into oblivion...

I've seen the same behaviour dozens of times now, the same "park a unit within firing range and leave it there with no purpose or reinforcement", over many games... it's really broken as people say.

Yet the same AI knows how to ROP rape (old Civ3 term "right of passage rape" aka putting units into position around a city, declaring war, no units are moved out so instant attacks on an important target who can't do anything against it).. so it should be fixable! Can't wait. Literally, can't wait, I still play lol.
I can't argue against the AI being bad, and it is a detriment.

If people can teach a computer to play chess, though, I'm pretty sure the devs can teach the ai to play this game.
Anyone else feels the same? :(
Yes. It just feels unlinke Civ to win every game from the beginning. I admit that Immortal was somewhat challenging, but mowing down scores of dumb AI units that move inside zone of control instead attacking etc is already getting old on me :sad:
Anyway, on to the Deity and then it'll be time put the game away and hope for the fixes. Which will come or not - after all soon it's going to be... Facebook Civilization!!! :rolleyes: Yay, right? Who cares about Civ5 when you have CivRev and CivFacebook? :crazyeye:
The AI cant protect itself, thats the main problem. But its also not oppurtunist.

Early war with my neighbour Persia, one of my archers get severely wounded and I move him back behind my borders. One of Persias' scouts come into range, it can easily finish of my archer. Crap, lost an archer! - But no, the scout ignored it and continued exploring or whatever it did.

Also same war, I kill all their units within 10 turns whils not losing a single one of my own, mind you they were the aggressors, so they shouldve, right?

The only hard part is the Happiness hit you get from taking their cities.

That only hard part is not really a problem thanks to the "ignore happiness" strategy.
That only hard part is not really a problem thanks to the "ignore happiness" strategy.
I completely agree. In my last game on Immortal thanks to vanishing luxuries bug I went all the way down to -79:mad: That didn't stop me from conquering whole continent, recover to +30:) and win the game in 1912AD.
Yeah I enjoyed it at first but the AI is really non existent during a war.... shelved til it gets fixed
Try OCC always war on Deity (not archipelago obviously since they cant invade...), seems like the only way to get a "challenge" in this game, normal map/game settings just don't do it anymore.

In Civ 3 I couldn't even get past Regent, but that's because I never bothered to learn to play the game correctly and just had fun with it.

For Civ 4 I played a ridiculous amount of games (a good thing imo) to eventually step up my game from Noble to Immortal, I once beat Deity but that's it. All standard map settings obviously.

Now in Civ 5 I'm steamrolling every Deity AIs with Horses/Swords/UU/you-name-it in the first 150 turns the same day I bought the game, there's not much thinking involved and almost no micromanagement required. Such a "strategy" wouldn't get you farther than Monarch on Civ 4, but even if they "fixed" this issue (more AI cheats?) and made Deity unrushable the game still feels VERY limited in terms of what you can do and how you can win, they just removed too much content from previous games and simplified the whole thing for casual gamers. It feels like I'm playing Civ Rev, which was ridiculously easy and boring.

I want my deep strategy game back. Civ 5 is all graphics and poor gameplay, sad.
Wow @Hassar - you've registered in 2007, in three years only 8 posts, and one in here...
Thank you for your input :)
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