Icelandic Civ

I love you.. what about Leifur Eirikson as a leader, when I saw: Iceland, I knew I had to get it. The first thing that came to my mind was Jón Sigurðsson. Where is he! ... maybe Hallgrímur Pétursson, Snorri Sturluson, Egill Skallagrímsson and...Master Megas as great artists? and Þorlákur helgi as a great prophet. And as a great engineer will be Guðjón Samúelsson for Hallgrímskirkja. And Eiríkur rauði will join his son, Leifur, as Great merchant. Thank you again for this magnificent addition to my civ.
Well as far as i Know ... Leif seems to be rather from Greenland than from Iceland (he was born there but after the age of 3 he raized in Greenland and even looked itself as a greenlander) So... he might be on the wrong nation here...
No, he didn't go there at the age of 3.. he was a teenager, and considered himself Icelandic.. and so did his father, Eiríkur rauði, aka Erick the red. He never really settled in Greenland, since he ran away in his ship and found Vinland (N-America).. Was he at the age of 3, don't ask me. Surely, he's Icelandic.
SkippyT said:
No, he didn't go there at the age of 3.. he was a teenager, and considered himself Icelandic.. and so did his father, Eiríkur rauði, aka Erick the red. He never really settled in Greenland, since he ran away in his ship and found Vinland (N-America).. Was he at the age of 3, don't ask me. Surely, he's Icelandic.

well following the book "the vinland saga" he considered himself as an greenlander as well as his father (who settled in greenland and took Leif with him) so he raized in greenland.

here from the german wikipedia

Über Leif's Erikssons Herkunft ringen sich momentan 3 Staaten:

Norwegen: sieht Leif Eriksson als Norweger , da sein Vater Erik der Rote ein verbannter Norweger sei -> Nationalität geht nicht verloren , wenn man im Ausland wohnt.

Island: Als Geburtsort von Leif Eriksson

Grönland: schon seit früher Kindheit lebte Leif auf Grönland und startete auch von hier aus zu seiner "Vinland-Fahrt".

Von ""

translatet: there are 3 states claiming Leif Erikson as one of them

Norvegia: For them Leif is a norvegian because Erik has been one (banned) -> Nationality doesnt get lost if you live abroad.

Iceland als the birth place of Leif

Greenland: since early childhood Leif lived in Greenland and startet his voyage to Vinland from there.
As has been pointed out, Vikings did not have horned helmets.
Also, Viking was never a term applied by the Vikings to themselves. Your comments about it in the text box need to be updated. Majki-III is wrong in his definition.
"Viking" did referred to the act of piracy/raiding they engaged in. Specifically, Vik is Norwegian for a small creek. Viking refers to lying in wait in a small creek (where those on the Fjord would not see you until too late) and ambushing them as they came along. Clearly this has nothing to do with traveling, but the act of raiding and ambush attacks. Recent tests in Denmark have shown the Viking longboat to be shockingly fast. It seems that above a certain speed, it would suck air under the hull along the seams in the clinker-hull. This would create a hydrofoil type effect launching the ship forward at unheard of speeds (by the standards of the day). In an era where 6-8 knots was a wicked fast ship, the Vikings were capable of up to 17.
So with these longboats, the Vikings could strike, withdraw and maybe strike again elsewhere before a warning could get out. A significant advantage.
The other advantage many of them enjoyed was superior iron. Along the south western portions of Sweden and continuing well into much of Norway there are significant and easily accessible titanium ore. Much of this ore is mixed in with the iron ore. This combined with the Viking's method or sword making (use lots of thin rods, let them "cook" directly on the charcoal, then twist them together, pound it flat and in some cases twist it again) would create a crude for of tungsten Steel with which they only had to face fairly low quality (soft) iron weapons. Also their weapons were far stronger (due to the twist technique) and so were less likely to break and held an edge far longer.
Finally the Vikings, by both genetics and the necessity of eating a much more varied diet (in the far north you eat everything edible or die in the winter) were much much larger.
In my family, I am considered short. I am 6'1.5". I had an uncle that was 6'10". Several stories include mention of Vikings 7" tall.

The largest disadvantage the Vikings had was themselves. They were extremely difficult to govern. They would change sides when it suited them (though not so much on an individual level, but clan by clan). The Vikings were a rude and crude lot. They had some high-lights of civilization, but were basically "bears with furniture". They were extremely focused on the concept of equality. Not fairness, though. You could be born a slave and die a king. But, you would have to really prove yourself along the way. Similarly amongst the Jarls, there was some fluidity about who was leading. A King was only king so long as those following him thought he was going to get them what they wanted. Several times during various wars in England, groups of Vikings on one side were persuaded to switch sides. Iceland itself was created mostly out of those not wishing to be ruled by those in Norway.
This sort of attitude made empire building difficult. For example, the Czars of Russia were swedish but did not answer to the Swedish King. Norwegians settled up and down the UK but would typically not answer the call from a king, though they might respond to their old clan, but more likely would be convinced by bribary rather than loyalty.
LordJonsson said:
I don't get the building, indeed we still speak and read the same language as we spoke and wrote 1000 years ago, but I would replace it with "Alþingi" (Althing), it more Icelandic


I agree the Althing is one of the great Syblom of Iceland in my mind(Nortic studys dude) and most of the Saga tell tales of the it

as for Civic I say favor Rep
I saw the Sci-Fi miniseries "Dark Kingdom" last night. It was so-so but man was the Iclandic queen HOT! It makes me want to download this mod right now. Maybe I can find a picture from the miniseries online and use it as a leaderhead.

Roger Bacon
Icelandic queen? We've never had a queen :) We had a woman president and she is well, old and ... grumpy. And she was also when she was elected.

I've never seen 'Dark Kingdom' and I don't know what it's about. A tale?
Fellow said:
Iceland als the birth place of Leif

Kansas City Missouri actually.

My only critique of this mod is the use of the popular (if over-used) Viking unit, I would prefer to have the melee UU somthing that is specific to Iceland.
Yesterday was the first day of summer on Iceland. Since the weather on Iceland mostly involves hard winds and low temperatures, the Icelanders have decided that summer starts april 20th. :lol:

Gledilegt sumar! :)
Bjornlo said:
Several stories include mention of Vikings 7" tall.

I seriously doubt a seven inch tall Viking would be much use in battle.

I also seriously doubt that (m)any of them were seven feet tall. The stories about Vikings are almost all wrote, not by Vikings, but by European Christians that were the subject of Viking raids. If you watched your best soldiers killed by a group they vastly outnumbered, you're going to big them up somewhat.

Regarding horned helmats. There are no depictations of Norse origin of Vikings with horned helmats, however, there are depictaions of Christian origin depicting Vikings with horned helmats. This is probably due to the fact that Chirstian Europeans believed that the Vikings were sent by the Devil, and would instinctively add horns to anything they believed to Satanic.

A friend of mine is a Viking Re-enactor, as an experiment they tried battling in horned helmats to see if it was feasable. The Horned units were very weak, as their opponants would always grab their horns and wrench their heads down, thus a horned helmat would be a definite disadvantage in battle.
Mozza said:
Regarding horned helmats. There are no depictations of Norse origin of Vikings with horned helmats, however, there are depictaions of Christian origin depicting Vikings with horned helmats. This is probably due to the fact that Chirstian Europeans believed that the Vikings were sent by the Devil, and would instinctively add horns to anything they believed to Satanic.

Do you mean that there are pictures from 800-1000 AD depicting vikings with horned helmets?
By Ingvina Freyr:
Yesterday was the first day of summer on Iceland. Since the weather on Iceland mostly involves hard winds and low temperatures, the Icelanders have decided that summer starts april 20th.

Hard winds, not really. Low temperatures. Maybe. But it were the ancient Icelandic vikings that decided summer started at the beginning of Goa, the first Thorsdag (Thursday). It doesn't have to be the 20th of April.

I think you, as a Swede, should recognize Tysdag, Onsdag (Odinsdag) and Thorsdag. If not, you ain't a true viking buddy :)
SkippyT said:
Hard winds, not really. Low temperatures. Maybe. But it were the ancient Icelandic vikings that decided summer started at the beginning of Goa, the first Thorsdag (Thursday). It doesn't have to be the 20th of April.

I think you, as a Swede, should recognize Tysdag, Onsdag (Odinsdag) and Thorsdag. If not, you ain't a true viking buddy :)

I was told (by an icelandic person) that it was the 20th of april this year.
I am certainly aware of the days of the week and their names (freys day too), but I'm not sure what you mean. Are you reffering to the names of the months that were used before the roman calendar was introduced?
Yes. The Icelanders had to be sure when to go to Althing every summer and made their own calendar of 12 months. We didn't have Freday until under the power of the Danish though. Well, there are not many who know that the first day of summer is that complexed. The ancient Icelanders were complexed too and very smart and intellect. It was just a farm country and not as evolutionized as Europe up until 1900 but the main reason that Iceland isn't like a 2nd world country is that everybody knew how to read and write.

Good day to you mate :)

We stand together in Civilization as Scandinavia ;)
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