Oh dang, that means we still have 4 UU and UB less civs, I'll do the research if neccesary but I don't have anymore time to fiddle with the XML. I still have a bunch of UB's that I can't even do... Sandman's having the same trouble over at the UU department.
Which civs are UU/UB less now?
I am already having problems with the UUs as Joecoolyo said, so if someone could hlep me that would be great.
From what I picked out by just eyeballing it, Turkey, New Zealand, Georgia, and Bangladesh.
Oh and about my previous post, I am still committed to this project, its just until school is over I am not going to have anytime to work with the XML. Once summer comes around (and I'm back from my D.C. visitation) I will gladly work on the XML if needed.
Im pretty sure that Georgia was on the old civ list.
Really? Well its still UB/UU-less
I know for sure that we have the UU idea, maybe not the XML
idk know about that, I for one don't remember researching it, did you or someone else? I might have missed it.
Oh btw, how was Six Flags?
Which civ list are you guys using? Here is the FINAL civ list:
This is NOT exactly the same as the first post on the 'final civ list' thread as that first post has not yet been updated.
Hope this helps as this is the final civ list that you should be working to. Sorry if it sounds like i'm all heavy on advice whilst not contributing much- i'm not very technical at all, but i have been following these forums for a while.
Do we already have all the Art done for the ArtDefineTag's or do i need to search for existing models?
For now i am doing the USA TV station just to get started.
EDIT: found this: great help http://civ4.wikidot.com/xml:civ4buildinginfos