• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Ideas for Unique Units and Buildings.

The U.S. is a dealer nation, which means it has more than one UU, I'm not actually sure which ones they just that its already been decided, sorry :undecide:
there should be a special ops. team unit. It should be a national unit so you can build only 3 - 5 per country. It can attack without declaring war (50 % chance it will hurt relations with the other country).


:strength: 40

:move: 2

starts with amphibious and commando can be dropped from planes. Plus 50% against gunpowder units plus 50% against infantry.
For UU's for America:

Jet Fighter: F-22 Rapier

Stealth Bomber: B-2 Spirit

Modern Armor: M1 Abrams

Gunship(helicopter): AH-64 Apache

Unique Units for European Union:

Jet Fighter: Rafael

Stealth Bomber: (couldn't think of one sorry)

Modern Armor: Leopard 2

Gunship(helicopter): Tiger Attack Helicopter

Unique Units for Russia:

Jet Fighter: Mig-33 Super Fulcrum

Modern Armor: T-90
OK here is a list of Unique Units. I combined the list from DVS' first post with our new civ list.
Some civs still need a UU and some are part of our later to be implemented arms trade feature and won't need a special UU.

Spoiler :

1 Canada
CH-124 Sea King and/or Joint Task Force 2 and/or
CC-138 Twin Otter (air transport)
holds 3 units
+2 :move:
15 :strength:
can land on costal waters

2 Mexico
Kaibil (replaces infantry)
+2 :move: (from infantry)
+2 :strength: (from infantry)

3 Brazil
EMB 314 Super Tucano (replaces fighter)
+25% chance of intercepting other aircrafts
+3 :strength:

4 Argentina
Argentine National Gendarmerie (replaces infantry) got it
strength: 20
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
starts with city defense I

5 Peru
PR-72P (replaces battleship)
+2 strength
can attack land units from the water

6 Chile
Carabineros (replaces infantry) got it
strength: 20
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
can see espionage units

7 Colombia
AFEUR (replaces infantry)
+3 strength
+25% defense
+50% against terrorists

8 Bolivarian Alliance
Venezuelan Militia (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

9 UK
Royal Marines
elite light infantry of the Royal Navy
effective in all combat situations, counter terrorism, special ops, high intensity warfare.
start with hill defence
amphib assualt
50% vs gunpowder
25%vs armour.

10 Spain - red & gold - Jose Zapatero - FIN/CRE
11 France - dark indigo & white - Nicolas Sarkozy - PRO/CRE
12 Germany - gold & black - Angela Merkel - IND/PHI
13 Italy - middle cyan - Silvio Berlusconi - CHA/CRE

14 Sweden
CV9040 (replaces Mech Inf) got graphics
need stats

15 Poland
KTO Rosomak (replaces Mech Inf) got graphics
need stats

16 Turkey - pink - Recep Erdogan - PRO/IND

17 Ukraine
T-55AGM (replaces modern armor)
:strength:: 40
:move:: 3
Cost: 200
1 First Strike
Doesn't receive defensive bonuses
Starts with Blitz
Can intercept aircrafts (25% chance)
+50% against armored units

18 Caucasus Union
Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs special units (replaces infantry)
strength: 22
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Militia (like the Swiss army)
replaces infantry
-25% unit cost
-25% strength

20 EU
- Peacekeeping Taskforce and/or
Eurofighter Typhoon (replaces jet fighter)
strength: 26
movement: 12
cost: 200
Can intercept aircraft (100% chance)
Can destroy tile improvements and bomb city defenses (-16%/turn)

21 Libya
this can only be the notorious
Amazon Guard (replaces Paratrooper) got graphics here or here
need stats

22 Egypt
Central Security Forces (replaces infantry)
+25% defence
Can see :espionage:

23 Morocco - light brown - Abbas el Fassi - PRO/PHI

24 Algeria
Sûreté nationale (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 120
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
can see espionage units

25 West African Alliance
MEKO 360 (replaces battleship)
+3 :strength: (from battleship)
can hold 3 units
+2 :move: (from battleship)

26 Belarus
Infantry of Belarus (replaces infantry)
strength: 16
movement: 1
cost: 80
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

27 East African Alliance - (repeated color to be decided) - Meles Zenawi - AGG/PRO

28 South Africa
Valkyrie (replaces mobile SAM)
:strength:: 24
:move:: 2
Cost: 250
1 First Strike
Can intercept aircraft (50% chance)
+50% vs. Helicopters

29 Saudi Arabia
Lightning Force (replaces infantry) got it
strength: 22
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

30 Palestine
Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades (replaces Infantry) got it
invisible to enemy units
can bombard city defense (-5%/turn)
:strength:: 20
:move: 1

31 Syria
Syrian Infantry (replaces infantry) got it
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

32 Israel
Merkava Mark IV- Replaces Modern Armor got it
- 2 First Strikes
- Doesn't receive defensive bonuses
- Starts with Blitz
- 100% Vs. Helicopter Units

33 Iran
Revolutionary Guards (replaces infantry) got it
+15% city defense

34 Vietnam
VPA Militia- Replaces Infantry
- 20 Strength
- 2 Movement
- 100 Cost
- +25% Vs. Gunpowder Units

35 Russia - dark red - Vladimir Putin - PRO/FIN
Republican Guard (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

37 Pakistan - green & white - Asif Zardari - SPI/AGG
38 India
Sukhoi Su-30MKI (replaces jet fighter)
:strength:: 26
:move:: 12
Cost: 200
Can intercept aircraft (100% chance)
Can destroy tile improvements and bomb city defenses (-20%/turn)

39 China - dark yellow - Wen Jiabao - IMP/FIN

40 Thailand
HTMS Kamronsin (replaces destroyer)
:strength:: 32
:move:: 9
Cost: 180
Can see submarines
Can intersept aircrafts (30% chance)
Cab bombard city defenses (-18% per turn)
+100% against submarines

41 Indonesia
Pindad Panser (land transport)
:strength:: 24
:move:: 3
Cost: 200
Can hold 3 units

BTR-3 (replaces anti-tank)
:strength:: 20
:move:: 2
Cost: 100
Starts with Ambush
+75% vs. Armored units
Can intercept aircraft (20% chance)

43 North Korea
Taepodong 2 (replaces tactical nuke)
range: 6 (+2)
Cost: 300 (+50)
+25% more damage
Can nuke enemy territory
Can evade interception (50% chance)

44 South Korea
K1A1 88-Tank (replaces Modern Armor) got it
:strength:: 43
:move:: 2
cost: 200
2 First Strike
Doesn't recieve defensive bonuses

45 Japan
Mitsubishi F-2 (replaces jet fighter)
:strength:: 26
:move:: 12
Cost: 120
Can intercept aircraft (100% chance)
Can destroy tile improvements and bomb city defenses (-20%/turn)

46 Australia
Anzac (replaces destroyer)
:strength:: 30
:move: 8
Cost: 275
Can see submarines
Can intercept aircraft (50% chance)
Can bombard city defenses (-16%/turn)
+50% against submarines
+50% against other ships

47 Balkan Union - dark purple - Stipe Mesic - CRE/PRO

48 Taiwan
Sky Bow III (replaces Mobile SAM)
:strength:: 24
:move:: 2
Cost: 200
Can intercept aircrafts (50% chance)
Can intercept nukes (50% chance)
+50% against helecopters
There is a new Brazil mod with UUs and UBs made including Art. See here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=333660

UU- Rainforest 'Selva'. Replaces Infantry and free woodsman 1 & 2 promotions

UB- 'Estadio'. Replaces Colosseum and provides one artist specialist.

Note- The author, Rittmeyer, notes the 'Supertucano' to be a close second choice for UU.
I have contacted Rittmeyer and he is very happy for his work to be used. At this stage, whilst it is great to be coming up with our own list, do most agree that it is a good idea to use existing art and UUs/UBs where appropriate and possible? (e.g. Redcoat isn't going to be much good)
Yes, absolutely. If there are any civs that we're missing UUs for that have already been made, that's a very sensible way to go. Are there any more that fit? I know DWOLF made a lot of modern civs, but I think we've got those covered.
Yeah, I stumbled upon some of that kind. I'll look into that as soon as possible.
OK, I got some. I'll edit it. Should I replace the Brazilian UU? I'd say so...

I updated Sweden, Poland, Libya
Hey lads, I took a quick tour in few pages. This work is really good, I'll be happy to test this mod.

I'm in Spain and those UU for EU looks great... "Peacekeeping Taskforce and/or
Eurofighter Typhoon".
I think Peacekeeping Taskforce is ok, but isn't much representative because they're quite standar "Mechanized infantry"; Eurofighter is much better to identify the european "strong focus" because as far as I know was developed by UK, France, Spain and Germany; The other option that I saw was the Leopard 2 that was built by Germany, other countries that have it (like Spain) just can modify it (Leopard 2E). Aswell there is an "Eurocopter" too, Tiger used by those countries, so it could be a common unit for NATO and EU (requiring a project in both civs, so if I'm NATO I need to build my project and wait until EU builds his own. This can give more background to western europe theatre).

Also, in the post #366 it's written "10 Spain - red & gold - Jose Zapatero - FIN/CRE" well... from inside doesn't look like that... the real name is "Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero". What I feel is a politician wanting to keep everyone happy, so one of the traits maybe the... +:health: or +:) in each city, because he doesn't look much creative. In other way we'll keep the crysis much longer than the rest of europe, but this prime minister is trying a lot of "crap projected laws" (the stage before it's accepted by the parlament) to help the economy.

I don't know about modding, but if I can help in another way... just let me know.
List of UUs we still need:

Spoiler :

Ones that I have no clue on how to do (bold is what I don't know how to do):

Algeria- Sûreté nationale (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 120
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
can see espionage units

Egypt- Central Security Forces (replaces infantry)
+25% defence
Can see :espionage:

Columbia- AFEUR (replaces infantry)
+3 strength
+25% defense
+50% against terrorists

Peru- PR-72P (replaces battleship)
+2 strength
can attack land units from the water

North Korea- Taepodong 2 (replaces tactical nuke)
range: 6 (+2)
Cost: 300 (+50)
+25% more damage
Can nuke enemy territory
Can evade interception (50% chance)

Taiwan-Sky Bow III (replaces Mobile SAM)
:strength:: 24
:move:: 2
Cost: 200
Can intercept aircrafts (50% chance)
Can intercept nukes (50% chance)
+50% against helecopters

Sri Lanka- Unicorn (land transport)
:strength:: 20
:move:: 3
Cost: 150
Can carry 3 units

Indonesia- Pindad Panser (land transport)
:strength:: 24
:move:: 3
Cost: 200
Can hold 3 units

Chile- Carabineros (replaces infantry)
strength: 20
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
can see espionage units

Working on:

Myanmar- BTR-3 (replaces anti-tank)
:strength:: 20
:move:: 2
Cost: 100
Starts with Ambush
+75% vs. Armored units
Can intercept aircraft (20% chance)
Need Anti-Tank XML File

Australia- Anzac (replaces destroyer)
:strength:: 30
:move: 8
Cost: 275
Can see submarines
Can intercept aircraft (50% chance)
Can bombard city defenses (-16%/turn)
+50% against submarines
+50% against other ships

India- Sukhoi Su-30MKI (replaces jet fighter)
:strength:: 26
:move:: 12
Cost: 200
Can intercept aircraft (100% chance)
Can destroy tile improvements and bomb city defenses (-20%/turn)

South Africa- Valkyrie (replaces mobile SAM)
:strength:: 24
:move:: 2
Cost: 250
1 First Strike
Can intercept aircraft (50% chance)
+50% vs. Helicopters

Revolutionary Guards (replaces infantry)
+15% city defense

Permanent Neutrality-
Militia (like the Swiss army)
replaces infantry
-25% unit cost
-25% strength

Venezuela- Venezuelan Militia (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Argentina- Argentine National Gendarmerie (replaces infantry)
strength: 20
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
starts with city defense I

Kazakhstan- Republican Guard (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Georgia- Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs special units (replaces infantry)
strength: 22
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Belarus- Infantry of Belarus (replaces infantry)
strength: 16
movement: 1
cost: 80
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Ethiopia- Ethiopian Militia (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Sudan- Popular Defense Force (replaces infantry)
strength: 20
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
starts with city defense I

Angola- Angolan Infantry (replaces infantry)
strength: 16
movement: 1
cost: 80
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Syria- Syrian Infantry (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Saudi Arabia- Lightning Force (replaces infantry)
strength: 22
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Independent African States- Gendarmerie (replaces infantry)
strength: 20
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
starts with city defense I

African Union- OAU Infantry (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Minor Nations- Infantry of the Minor Nations (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

South American Socialist Allies- SASA Infantry (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units


could you check with the current civ list?

I'm quite sure that it doesn't match with this UU list...
List of UUs we still need:

Spoiler :

Ones that I have no clue on how to do (bold is what I don't know how to do):

Algeria- Sûreté nationale (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 120
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
can see espionage units

Egypt- Central Security Forces (replaces infantry)
+25% defence
Can see :espionage:

Columbia- AFEUR (replaces infantry)
+3 strength
+25% defense
+50% against terrorists

Peru- PR-72P (replaces battleship)
+2 strength
can attack land units from the water

North Korea- Taepodong 2 (replaces tactical nuke)
range: 6 (+2)
Cost: 300 (+50)
+25% more damage
Can nuke enemy territory
Can evade interception (50% chance)

Taiwan-Sky Bow III (replaces Mobile SAM)
:strength:: 24
:move:: 2
Cost: 200
Can intercept aircrafts (50% chance)
Can intercept nukes (50% chance)
+50% against helecopters

Sri Lanka- Unicorn (land transport)
:strength:: 20
:move:: 3
Cost: 150
Can carry 3 units

Indonesia- Pindad Panser (land transport)
:strength:: 24
:move:: 3
Cost: 200
Can hold 3 units

Chile- Carabineros (replaces infantry)
strength: 20
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
can see espionage units

Working on:

Myanmar- BTR-3 (replaces anti-tank)
:strength:: 20
:move:: 2
Cost: 100
Starts with Ambush
+75% vs. Armored units
Can intercept aircraft (20% chance)
Need Anti-Tank XML File

Australia- Anzac (replaces destroyer)
:strength:: 30
:move: 8
Cost: 275
Can see submarines
Can intercept aircraft (50% chance)
Can bombard city defenses (-16%/turn)
+50% against submarines
+50% against other ships

India- Sukhoi Su-30MKI (replaces jet fighter)
:strength:: 26
:move:: 12
Cost: 200
Can intercept aircraft (100% chance)
Can destroy tile improvements and bomb city defenses (-20%/turn)

South Africa- Valkyrie (replaces mobile SAM)
:strength:: 24
:move:: 2
Cost: 250
1 First Strike
Can intercept aircraft (50% chance)
+50% vs. Helicopters

Revolutionary Guards (replaces infantry)
+15% city defense

Permanent Neutrality-
Militia (like the Swiss army)
replaces infantry
-25% unit cost
-25% strength

Venezuela- Venezuelan Militia (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Argentina- Argentine National Gendarmerie (replaces infantry)
strength: 20
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
starts with city defense I

Kazakhstan- Republican Guard (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Georgia- Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs special units (replaces infantry)
strength: 22
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Belarus- Infantry of Belarus (replaces infantry)
strength: 16
movement: 1
cost: 80
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Ethiopia- Ethiopian Militia (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Sudan- Popular Defense Force (replaces infantry)
strength: 20
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
starts with city defense I

Angola- Angolan Infantry (replaces infantry)
strength: 16
movement: 1
cost: 80
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Syria- Syrian Infantry (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Saudi Arabia- Lightning Force (replaces infantry)
strength: 22
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Independent African States- Gendarmerie (replaces infantry)
strength: 20
movement: 1
cost: 160
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units
starts with city defense I

African Union- OAU Infantry (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Minor Nations- Infantry of the Minor Nations (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

South American Socialist Allies- SASA Infantry (replaces infantry)
strength: 18
movement: 1
cost: 100
+25% vs. Gunpowder Units

Quite a bit more than that, actually--we also are doing tanks and jet fighters. I've done some of my own work on those, so I'll send you my files. Also, keep in mind that I think you need to include the normal type of unit for each class, so the game knows what the UUs are replacing.

I'd like it if this crew became a little bit more coordinated, so I think you should look at Sheep's post in page three of the other Units thread. The original idea, and the one I followed before I knew somebody else was doing units, was to have some nations with starting units that are unbuildable because they were purchased from other nations that once built them but ceased to when they developed better types. So when I coded for units I made all of these obsolete replace the default "tank" unit and set them to unbuildable. (You can can do this with any unit by setting their "icost" tag to "-1".) They also aren't unique units as more than one nation uses them. When nations develop a little more, the plan is to let them actually manufacture their own tanks. And naturally, some already can. Does anybody know if that idea was abandoned?

Also, how about increased hills combat for the Swiss militia unit?
Here are my unit files. They aren't done; I submit them in case you want to coordinate efforts with me.


I haven't worked on these for about a year, and I'm not really sure what changes everyone made, so I probably won't be the best one to complete the UUs. Also, I have no idea how to do a lot of them or how the arms trade is going to work, so it would be better if a more experienced programer were to finish them up.
I can do that. A question for the mod's directors, though: Are we still using the system where certain nations have obsolete tanks and aircraft that aren't buildable, forcing them to research and industrialize to produce modern ones?
Setting it up is a very minimal affair. All one needs to do is make certain vehicles unbuildable and add them in the Worldbuilder, as well as make some nations research modern MBTs/Fighters. I think I'll keep going that route, and I'll also merge in what Sandman got done.
I have... returned to do more data mining...
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