If I were a leader, my traits would be...


I was saying boo-urns...
Oct 14, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Recently I've been wondering how the makers of civ decided on which traits to give which leaders. I mean how did they know how charismatic or organised those guys (and gals) really were. This got me thinking what traits i would have (I have a lot of spare time ATM). So what does each trait tell you about yourself and which ones are you? here is a good reference chart for which traits you have and I'd like to see if anyone gets some good synergy.
Aggresive=You get into lots of fights
Creative= Imaginative/artistic (I also considered overweight for this one as both get you many border pops:lol:)
Expansive=Overweight/wear large hats
Financial=Rich baby rich!
Industrious=Hard worker
Organized= Everything always in neat piles
Philosophical= You have a beard and enjoy looking upwards whilst stroking it
Spiritual=You are a believer or do yoga
Imperialistic= You claim everything as your own
Charismatic= You're good at attracting the opposite sex (probably not many of us who spend all our time on the comp playing games)

As for myself i'd say I'm industrious and protective which makes me Qin Shi Huang, oh well guess i'd best be off and go build myself a wall...
Creative and Spiritual. Although I like to pretend that I'm Financial and Imperialistic at times. :D
Spiritual (I'm Buddhist)/Protective

That makes me.... Saladin! Whoop!
CHA/ORG, but I'm taller than Nappy. :)

(I didn't see it on the Civ IV ref tables, who is the PRO/ORG leader? And don't say Supr49er).
Hmmm interesting, i'm starting to see a pattern. It seems that although it is a dud trait, most people are very protective of their computers, I wonder why that may be ...:mischief: It also appears that the "snacks are good in moderation" tip is working as we are yet to have someone expansive (although that may be because eating time interferes with civ time so its best to skip meals) Also amusingly almost no one is financial, probably due to the fact that we spend most of our time and money on civ:lol:!

Roosevelt... drat.
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