If you were FIRAXIS


Aug 26, 2001
Mountain View, California, USA
With so many 'If you were' threads , I just could'nt resist posting this one .

Me , first I'd poprush Civ IV , then capture all other game companies & raze them to the ground . (After switching to communism , of course )
i would first release a civ3 multi player gold version without any mp functions and just one scenario, europe without fixed starting positions.:D
I'd make a bunch of promises about listening to my fans and creating things like multiplayer, then just as we are about to release the product, I'd cut the thing in half and give all the loyal civfans out there a portion of what we promised at full price then release the complete game six months later and charge full price again.

...wait a minute...
Sounds like this belongs more in Humor & Jokes....

but I like the first post, the poprush tactic is no longer valid though, they took it out of the game, or atleast weakened it's use.
I'd come up with a way to make a game like Civ much more MP friendly.

If they could (i hate RTS, too) RTS with turn based somehow so that you could play a game like civ3 with 15 human players without having to wait 2 hours for your turn, without loosing any of the turn based depth I guarantee you it would be the hottest thing since....ever.

Imagine the diplomacy....trading, forming of alliances, negotiating....

What they should work on his having all players make their decisions and 'move' at the same time, then when all are done the turn is executed.

I know wargames have been done with this sort of engine or concept before and it should be doable.
I would make Alpha Centauri II!!!!!

Of course, in my version, the hive would be the only playable faction, and the game would consist solely of controlling torture chambers with all the other faction leaders. Mmmm, all the screaming. ;)

Oh, VoodooAce...Firaxis already did the simultaneous turns thing in Alpha Centauri. SMAC MP rules!
Originally posted by VoodooAce

What they should work on his having all players make their decisions and 'move' at the same time, then when all are done the turn is executed.

There is a board game called Diplomacy that has that exact concept. I know, it's only a board game, but it is way more fun than say Risk and can also be played over the internet by e-mail and such.
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