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If you were Kim Jung Il

Han Wu Di

Mar 15, 2002
Overseas Chinese
What would you do if you are the North Korean Dictator?
What if US is planning to attack your country?

If I am Kim Jung IL , I would Nuke Japan and fire all the ICBM to the US.Before that I would force my people to massive construct nuclear weapons,US ABM can only defend about 6 ICBM ,North Korea has more than that and can nuke the US!
No offense to American people,North Korea hates US in reality
I'd stick my head between my legs and kiss my own ass goodbye!:D
I'd also wonder why the hell the US is picking on Korea,
and not trying to finish the job in the Middle east.

And maybe stopping the violence between Israel and Palestine
would be more intelligent than these profitless global adventures...
I have the same answer that I gave for Saddam. Just send a cheque for $14.3 million to the Republican National Committee...
I'd shoot myself. 'Cause if I continued doing what I was doing, I would be killed by the US, and if I reconciled with the South and freed my people, they'd kill me. I'm glad I'm not Kim Jung Il.
Originally posted by Richard III
I have the same answer that I gave for Saddam. Just send a cheque for $14.3 million to the Republican National Committee...

That'd be like Stalin giving Trotsky the key to the Kremlin.
If I were KJI, I'd be a megalo-maniac with delusions of grandeur who believes implicitly the voices in his head, so it wouldn't really matter what I did, it would be perfect, and young virgins would scatter rose petals ahead of me as I walked and probably blow me whenever I wanted them to.

The man is nucking futs.:eek:
Originally posted by FearlessLeader2
If I were KJI, I'd be a megalo-maniac with delusions of grandeur who believes implicitly the voices in his head, so it wouldn't really matter what I did, it would be perfect, and young virgins would scatter rose petals ahead of me as I walked and probably blow me whenever I wanted them to.

But isn't this not far off reality at the moment, my dear FL2? ;) :lol:
Originally posted by CurtSibling

And maybe stopping the violence between Israel and Palestine
would be more intelligent than these profitless global adventures...

Kimberly aside, why does everyone seem to think that the US can wave a magic wand and solve the whole Israel Palestine issue? About the only thing the US could do to bring the two sides together would be to try and force peace, in which case the two may well unite to force the US out.

Everyone derides both Sharon and Arafat, yet the US is supposed to somehow be able to get past these barriers and a thousand others and make peace.

This isn't to pick on you Curt, because you aren't the only one I have seen express this thought. Now anyone can question the actions and goals of the US all they want, but sending diplomats to Israel and engaging in global adventures are not mutually exclusive.
If I were Kim Jung Il...

I'd be a paranoid megalomaniac bent on the destruction of the West and posession of nuclear weapons. I'd become a brutal communist regime, defying humanity and starving my own people.

How can there even be an American Communist Party when screwballs like this are running the only commie countries left?
Me, dicatator of PRK? Abosolute power?


Throw open the banquets halls my dear little minions. Bring wine, bring your women, bring food, and come paaarty with Kim Il...

Er, what do you mean there's no food? A drought? Hadn't heard about that. Just the other day my minister mentioned the Floods. Now tell me, how can we be having a drought when we've just had floods!? Amazing the things that keep disrupting our finely-tuned People's Agricultural Collectives...

Wait! How about some of the national specialty! Roast a few of those up my friends. Chew! Savor! Swallow! It's a weakness I know but they're "doggone" good!

Not to be found? Eaten ... every last one? Down to the mangy strays in Hero's Park? Blast! There must be some of those aid packages around here somewhere, the ones we keep reserved for the party faithful. ;)

Oh, and when I say women, i'm tired of these wan, famished looking types! I want women with ooomph! If you must, comrade, then send another submarine off to Japan and snag some new stock for the harem.

Now then, to top the night off I want you to instruct our generals to fire the latest of our glorious rocket technology (y'know, the new DUD6 model) high into the air at midnight! how about straight over the nips, that'll get them sweating..


Er, second thought, no thanks.
I would be quiet and enjoy the power I have, knowing that if I get people too mad I would get lumped into the Axis of Evil.....oops too late! ;)
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