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Im feeling overwhelmed


Oct 17, 2009
So I just got myself back into Civ4 after a few months of not having it on the PC, and Im facing the same problem I had before: I cant keep a game going.

Not because I don't get it, not because I continuously mess up, or get bored. But because I suffer from a condition we in the WoW community would call "Altoholism". I start a new game before I really let the game Im working on get on its feet. Sometimes I go until Renaissance, sometimes I don't even make it past Classical.

I've tried a multitude of leaders, can't really seem to find the one right for me. Mainly because I can't finish a game to find my playstyle! If the game goes on long enough, I become overwhelmed. If I can't finish it early on, its mainly because I don't like how the game is going for me.

Games on Normal speed and on Standard size isn't very interesting, I like the Marathon speeds, on Huge maps, preferably Terra. I just feel it adds the "umph" I need. Normal speed becomes overwhelming faster, and Standard or smaller maps are just un-appealing to me. I like epicness :p

So yea. I don't know how to get past this! Any advice? I may go play another game for now, and see what happens. Though I don't think Ill end up getting close to finishing it. Again.
Big maps take forever to manage all of your cities and wars. It's easy to lose focus and feel like it's just too much work to finish this game. Take Dave McW's advice, play smaller maps, maybe at a slightly higher difficulty. Decide early what kind of game you feel like playing, war, builder, diplomacy, etc, and then play to win
I don't know if upping difficulty is the answer since you don't finish games at your current level - not sure what that is or your overall success.

Try running a shadow game on the forum to play along with others and maybe get good advice from more experience players. Commit yourself to playing along with others at say 50 turn intervals. Post screenshots and reports. Others will do the same. ( You can still go off and play whatever other games you want in whatever fashion, but commit to the forum game at a steady pace - maybe a round a day or every 2 or 3 days)

I suggest trying standard Fractal maps at Epic speed, which is a good balance between Normal and Marathon. I guess leader doesn't really matter unless you are fairly inexperience. Maybe Darius, Liz or any Egypt for fun.
I have the same problem OP its called ADD. But seriously if you can't stick to a game even going smaller map sizes just take a break for a week and try later that usually gets me back into a game is taking a small break.
Try a smaller map and do a One City Challenge. With one city you do not get "overwhelmed". You can micro to your heart's content and still only be spending 10 seconds on a turn.
If you have fun starting games, don't worry if you don't finish. You're still getting hours of fun, and feeling like you have to do somehting is the opposite of fun.

But... finishing a game while having fun is even better. I find roleplay works well for keeping my interest. Try playing to match a leader's personality rather than playing for optimum advantage. My favourite is the Spanish Inquisition. Play as Isabella. Found one, but only one, religion and raze the holy cities of every other religion. Missionary spam throughout the game with an attempt to spread your religion to every city in the world. Make every diplomatic decision based on religion. Never switch out of Theocracy. All must accept the One True Faith or be destroyed! :crazyeye:
I play the Hall of Fame gauntlets which have a limited time window (2 weeks for minor gauntlet, 4 weeks for a major gauntlet). And you get to compare your skills to other players.
I have more fun with the early game as well. I don't think of it as a problem!

Anyway, I find it fun to try out different early game strategies and see which ones are performing best.

Set a goal, like fastest time to education or Civil Service, and see how fast you can do it. Try a radically different strategy and do it again. It is lots of fun and your gameplay skills improve too. Most games are won or lost in the first 100 or so turns anyway (imo), so I think you are actually playing most games and just not wanting to do the boring ending micro.
I have played alot of Marathon and Large games in the past but I changed to EPIC so I could play more games and try different leader and strategies. Epic still feels like distinct Eras for wars, exploration etc.

Based on your description of your symptoms I bet you a quitting because you lose focus on what you want to accomplish. In the begining settling, rushing, or chasing a key wonder keep you focused and you quickly get the satisfaction of accomplishing your goals.

The key to keeping that feeling going is to set up other goals for later in the game and to have a midterm strategy. Whether is it is a key wonder, City to capture, or some roleplaying goal create some reason in your mind to find a path forward. This will get your the happy " I kick Butt!" feelings you need to see the cool end parts of the game.
For fun ... try a senerio
as for games ... Large Pangea Egypt (Hat) Noble ... pretty standard, but you should be able to get a leg up and compete ... nice getting the cultural push so you have an easy jumpoff point to attack your neighbor in early game with Chariots, push your religion and corporations. As long as your competing you'll want to play.
The key to keeping that feeling going is to set up other goals for later in the game and to have a midterm strategy. Whether is it is a key wonder, City to capture, or some roleplaying goal create some reason in your mind to find a path forward. This will get your the happy " I kick Butt!" feelings you need to see the cool end parts of the game.
Indeed. In my current game, I focused on the usual liberalism race, with some milestones like the pyramids. I was distracted when Montezuma decided to declare war on Isabelle, then on me, then on Isabelle again who asked if I would join the party once again. Oh, and Gengis declared on Sitting Bull, who asked for my help too. So yeah, I was distracted, but I still had had goals: survive, and maybe fight back.

And then suddenly Montezuma is my vassal and I'm like 5 turns to liberalism. So I lose all my goals at the same time. I save, and I quit.

To continue this game, I need new goals ;) I guess Sitting Bull should watch out for his totems, 'cause the green baddy is now my buddy...
If you have fun starting games, don't worry if you don't finish. You're still getting hours of fun, and feeling like you have to do somehting is the opposite of fun.

But... finishing a game while having fun is even better. I find roleplay works well for keeping my interest. Try playing to match a leader's personality rather than playing for optimum advantage. My favourite is the Spanish Inquisition. Play as Isabella. Found one, but only one, religion and raze the holy cities of every other religion. Missionary spam throughout the game with an attempt to spread your religion to every city in the world. Make every diplomatic decision based on religion. Never switch out of Theocracy. All must accept the One True Faith or be destroyed! :crazyeye:

He-he... In my Role-Play games I don't found religions except Christianity or conquer Christian Holy City)
Play multiplayer. Games finish in 1 or 2 hours tops. The maps are smaller the players are more aggressive and the team games have city elimination.
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