Immortal University XVIII

Spoiler T145-T179 :

I plan to attack Charly as soon as possible with a collection of maces/pikes/cannons. Getting to rifling feels to ambitious so I just reach for grenadiers instead.
I'm crossing my fingers for Charly or Kublai to tech both theology and economics for me because I really want them before T155.

T145-T148 I start to put a turn into forge/pikeman/maceman/cannon/musketman almost everywhere. The food-poor pig frontier city just prebuilds units.
Capital also puts turns into market/grocer/bank.

GPerson arives at T148 and I run GA right away.
First two turns of the GA cities just pump up some GPerson points, no plan to get any of them out though.
T150 first switch is done:
Organized religion?! Well, it helps abit with the cities that still lack forges.
I don't plan to finish any units the comming next 5 turns either (just whip, and let them stay in the queue). Mercanalism to help get some more GPP to some time in the distant future get out two more GPersons.

No clue why I put him into merc here. Should have taken OR.
Very relieved that I got those two techs.
Snailing my way toward rifling now (it will take a looong time).

The glorious Zulu capital. Now you see it!

And now you dont...
Grenadier/Cannon/Musket was only 1turn from finish so I only got to do 1pop whips of them. Rest of population went into the 3 economic buildings.
All pop here gets 50% capital bonus when whipped.

Only now, when the capital is oblitereted I go out of burocracy/orgReligion and into vassalage/theocracy. Also go for free market now.
Now a flood of units that have been whipped in all cities will be unleashed, all with +4 xp.

After I declare, Kublai wants to follow for a cheap price (he wanted every single tech previously)

Longbows and landsknechts won't help you now charly.

This looks funny. :)

T172 Capital has recovered enough, and I have enough units that I swap to burocracy and OR. OR to whip infrastructure in charlys cities.

Did run 100% wealth for a while and sold some techs to Louis, so now I have alot of CR3 rifles. Just have to coordinate everything now but I think I can go for Kublai without much resupplies, and hopefully I can set up the empire and get some national wonders up. There are alot of potential beasts on the other continent.



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Yes, playing deity.
Very proud how I handled great persons and civics here.

@Fippy look, vassalage! No draft! :)
Making good progress :D
I wonder why you bribed Kublai in, not a bit dangerous? (stealing the vassal and / or cities)

My thought process (which might be completely faulty) was that I am tiny and I'm pretty starved for production, so I could not afford to trade alot of units with Charly.
I plan on attacking both of them, so the idea that they trade units with each other is nice. Also if they are in warmode I think they tech slower...?

I tried to bribe Kublai off Charly multiple times after my initial gains but he said "No thanks, we would rather win the game.".
And I was afraid that he would capitulate every single turn of the war, thats also why I accepted his capulation to me right away.
If he would have vassaled to Kublai I would simply have declared and continued with both of them.
That he would steal cities I haven't thought about really... But now that you mention it, he have taken 2-3 cites from Charly, and with that alot of buildings where razed.
You really can't expect me to remember those things!
I wouldn't be able to tell either.
All I know is that in the current game I'm playing right now, they look big and scary. :)

To correlate this with some turn or year I wouldn't be able to do.
Spoiler T182-T188 :

2 settled great generals in Aachen, I want heroic epic and a military academy here to one-turn units for the rest of the game.
The academy has the added bonus of providing a quick borderpop. :)
I cold-whipped a ikanda to avoid starvation, but then realized I could move in some more units.
Starting to get my eyes opened for the utility of HR more and more.

Kublais SOD seem to be in Cherokee. 4 stray knights vunerable on the open field to..

What better way to start a war than with 2 turns of revolt?


The other continent senses some danger and gangs up.

This shows how insane CR3 promotion is on rifles. 97% odds w/o any cannons being fired (altough it is after bombardment).

I had alot of nearby cities put a single turn into rifles so I could whip more defenders. Was not sure which way that SOD would move, but it looks like about half of them went my way? I thought these city defenders would hold better, even had a C2-Formation rifleman there which I upgraded from a musket.
The last wounded rifle abandons the city.

A few turns later, the available units have worn down his wounded horsemen. Like shooting fish in a barrel. :)

Bombard to 0%, and then 1 CR3 cannon softens the city up. Then the CR3 rifles has 100%. Although I continue with the cannons to get more of them up to 10XP.
I usually manage to get at least some CR3 rifles, but I never have had 10 of them.

All green.

Will just continue to roll over Kublai here, but I'm abit at a loss on how to handle the other continent.
Perhaps I should just ignore them and go for space?
Spoiler :
A four way Defensive Pact would suggest that perhaps getting off this planet is the better solution, yes. You'll want to keep around your offensive units and put them in transports ahead of time, though. Inevitably one of those four will go culture, and if endless spy revolts aren't going to stop it, well...:devil:
Spoiler T189-T208 :

I got friendly with Louis, and I took the opportunity to chip away one AI from that superblock.
I was stupid and waited with trading MT with him, thought "I can do that whenever I want", but since I bribed him away from free religion he dropped down in relations and the trade was off. :(

Charly did some progress of his own, and he did a supreme job of being a meat-shield.
I hardly built any new units. 5-10 rifles?
At the end of the war, I was starting to build some cavalery too, 10?

I was a complete moron and left this city almost undefended (a lone warrior), so I took a bunch of nearby workers to make a meat shield. It did work!
This city was my sixt university city, I had just built it and was going to start oxford in capital but then it revolted and flipped to charly. >_<

I have been waging war against him for 18 turns, taken quite a few cities and he is still #1 in land. :)

I got 5-8 workers the last two turns, very nice as I have just got railroad. And I even got that rice/sheep city as a peace treaty.
I whipped the buddhist cathedral there to exert alot of cultural pressure against kublai.

I have really no idea what Kublai was teching after he got electricity, but it wasn't rifling! It was muskets/swords/knights all the way, all of them standing peacefully in their cities waiting for CR3 Cannons+CR3 rifles doing their long march along the western shore.

Perhaps he was simply broke due to an extremely large standing army and sprawling empire? I gave him RP/Biology/Communism as a welcome gift into the glorious Zulu empire. And let him go for radio.

Have whipped some galleons and will whip more, have drydocks in the 3 western cities of my old empire now.
Overall, I have an absurd amount of infrastructure.

The elite army will march to Ning-Hsia and once upgraded to infantry they will be dropped of at Louis place, gaining an important foothold on that continent.

The half-filled bar of GPP points that I spoke about at around T150? Well, now it's almost full, and I'm set to do the 2GPP GA next turn.
Have to plan abit now, but rep-bur-slavery-state-pacifism sounds likely. I'm pressed for happines and running rep-specialists to stagnate on sounds reasonable. Next GPerson costs 900, so I could get out quite a few more now.


I'm settling quite a few filler cities too. Lacking a bank for wallstreet (shrine is 30gpt) and lacking a univ for oxford.
Heroic is done and is spamming cavalry with 11xp.
Have to figure out if/where I want to place national epic.
Have ironworks half-built and have many lovely cities by rivers with levees in place.
Getting levees up is so often a hassle, but now I was in OR/Slavery and it was no problem at all.

Spoiler :

When still pre-optics, I did notice that Kublai was starting to fall more and more behind. Charly did get techs much faster than him.
I suspect that all his tundra/ice settlements costed him dearly in maintenence.
Spoiler To T289 :

Teched toward tanks and have almost all my elite units at Louis now, was planning on killing him and get an important foothold on that continent.
Charly was 1T away from combustion which I wanted to trade with him, and the moron goes into 3-4 turns of anarchy. >_<

The AIs troll me completely by signing the superblock again the same turn I was planning on hitting Louis with the hammer. I couldn't declare earlier because I had a bunch of resupplies that I was going to unload on his eastern shores before declaring so that they would be teleported east.
This really extinguish alot of joy I had for this game, and the empire now basically gets automated while I cruise forward.

33 turns later, my army is still standing at the same location and Louis breaks free from Cathrine (he had peace-vassaled) I declare right away.

Infantry vs infantry in a bombarded city, 96% odds for the CR3 ones.

I was only lacking the docking bay of the big parts, and I was ONE turn away from finishing it.

The turn it's out of revolt it just reenters revolt again.

Finally get my spaceship away, just barely before Cathy.

Had to nuke Pacal because he was winning culture. Only one nuke of my 6 ICBM got through his SDI, but that was enough to get the time I needed.

Cathy was NOT happy with my behaviour!

Oh well Cathy, you can have this planet, I'm out of here!

Spoiler :
Haven't seen a space race that harrowing since I last played an Always War game :ar15:. Congrats on making it past the final stretch of RNG and AI trolling :trophy:.
How do you guys who go to space quite frequently handle the period from the last push (rifles/cannons or perhaps tanks) and onwards? I tried now to spam alot of +% research buildings and then factories+health buildings, but it is really tedious. Also micromanaging workers to set up workshops/windmills in a efficient manner...
Any shortcuts that one can use? Fully automated govenor? Outside of carefully grooming capital and perhaps 2-3 more production heavy spots?
Maybe cycle thru your cities each ~5t, checking if they work okay tiles only?
I find checking cities via the map really tedious, and much prefer using arrows inside city screens for that.
For workers i like making armies of 4 or so, more satisfying to start an improvement and wooo it's finished ;)
As far as industrializing is concerned, if at all possible, switch into Slavery/Organized Religion and mass-whip infrastructure using the buildup of pop from centuries spend teching in Caste System/Pacifism. Factory, Coal Plant, Aqueduct for some cheap extra :health:, Levees, and if you're going for space, Observatories for later since Labs require them. If you've got a ton of pop build up, Universities in a few key cities as well. It might be late for Oxford, but with power it'll be a cheap Oxford. The whip is no less effective with power than without, and especially if you've only got 5 turns of Slavery before you have to switch back during a Golden Age you've got to make the most of it. Be sure to invest some hammers into the builds beforehand so you don't dry whip or waste previous Slavery turns investing hammers the normal way. And of course, make sure to keep an eye on your diplo when you switch into Organized Religion and, possibly, into a (different) religion - I've had one game where Charly started plotting the turn after I adopted a heathen religion and he DoWed me some time later, so beg 1 gold beforehand or keep a close eye on your neighbours.

As for worker micro, there's just no escaping it sadly. It's tedious, but letting the AI is just inexcusably stupid when it comes to improvements. In fact I'd suggest that you don't even let them automatically replace your road network with railroads, because you'll be waiting a long time on them to improve your Mines. Take Flippy's advice and bundle up your workers enough so that they can build whatever improvement you want that particular bunch of workers to focus on in one turn, it'll ease the tedium a lot. Though of course, keep in mind that Desert/Tundra/Snow tiles take more worker turns to improve.

I'd say you can reasonably trust the city governor if you've got a city that you want to work it's tiles and no specialists at all. Set the governor to focus on food and hammers, and they'll generally do a...serviceable job of choosing good tiles to work. City governors are shy about growing into unhealth, mind, so you might need to do some manual work if you've got something like Genetics coming in soon. If you've got a city that you want to run specialists, any specialists, or if you've got a city that's got any Spy slots it can run at all, never tell a governor to manage that city. Governors love to run spies any chance they get, and they'll gleefully run a spy over, say, working a literal goldmine or something. They're also quite stupid about whether to work a Floodplains Town or whether to work a Scientist. If you want to be a bit more efficient about it I'd suggest checking your message log every turn and seeing which cities report that they've grown another pop, and then check what that city is doing. You don't need to check every city every turn, necessarily, just the ones that aren't working the same tiles they were the turn before for whatever reason.

As for building/unit automation, never set a city to automated building/unit production when you've got Fission unlocked and Uranium hooked up, or when you discover...I think Mass Media and are building Eiffel Tower already. Governors love to build Nuclear Power Plants every chance they get and don't care whether you've sunk a couple thousand hammers into Eiffel Tower, they want to build Broadcast Towers. They want to build them literally everywhere, even if it causes your economy to plummet because no one is building Wealth anymore. I'm sure there's more pitfalls, but those are the two big ones I've noticed. If managing city building cues gets too tedious just save a cue (Ctrl+1-9, IIRC?) and paste it wherever a city asks what to build. You unfortunate can't cue up buildings a city can't build yet, so you can't cue up a Coal Plant after a Factory since the latter requires the former to have been build already, but them's the breaks. Better that than having city governors change your empire's name to Empire of Chernobyl, IMO.
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