Important Decisions

Fact is: An early game action can be interesting, while the same action late game can be tedious and repetative. That's just the nature of a turnbased game. The problem scales with map size and units.

As I see the problem with interesting decisions, it is -again- a question about automation. Workers late game has ALWAYS been tedious. Small cities in the corner of the map have ALWAYS been tedious. You can't make those interesting late game no matter what you do. The option to automate these two things solves almost all of the tedious and repetative late game player actions.

Replacing workers with builders in civ6 introduced more tedious actions that can't be automated late game. Civ6 also removed any help the player had in earlier civ titles. Civ6 is excellent early game, terrible late game and almost unplayable on huge maps/marathon late game. The solution is not to make civ7 into a game that does not resemble the civ genre at all. The UI/UX just needs to help us with an option to automate tedious tasks. If you do not like automation, just remember it's optional if you use it. I don't understand why people are against it, but are happy with "solutions" that would change the game radically to something that doesn't resemble a civ game at all.
This is more or less why I stopped playing Civ 6. There's so much content, so much to do, but more isn't always better. The choices are often small and inconsequential, systems don't really interact meaningfully, and there is an ungodly amount of gamey micromanagement, like swapping policy cards in or out, or swapping current research at the right time if you don't want to waste several turns of beakers. At some point, the tedium got to me, and I realised much too late that I hadn't really been having fun with the game for a long time.

For me, the solution was going back to Civ 5, with Vox Populi. It's a vastly superior experience in my opinion.

I would also keep an eye on Ara: History Untold, which is coming on the 24th of September this year. I know there have been a few of these "Civ-likes" lately which, while they all have some good qualities, haven't quite hit the mark for many civ fans. Ara, however, is far more promising to me. I have played the alphas, and while I am not at liberty to describe it in any detail, I will say that the last alpha took up pretty much all my free time while it was up, and the game is a definite day 1 purchase for me.
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