In C3C, do resources still remain if you terraform?


Nov 24, 2006
Like, if you chop down a forest in C3C... is the rubber still in it?

It is in Vanilla... I would presume this is something that would have been edited/patched out, personally.
In C3C, do resources still remain if you terraform? = Yes. However, if the resource depletes then it can't 're-spawn' on that tile. Rubber never depletes but this can affect other resources.
Weird... it gives you no incentive whatsoever to not chop down a fruit-bearing jungle, or a rubber-filled forest.

Makes no damn sense, it doesn't.
Weird... it gives you no incentive whatsoever to not chop down a fruit-bearing jungle, or a rubber-filled forest.

Or preserve a large jungle/swamp tract and only chop the tropical fruit tiles, then make certain everyone else has chopped theirs and just wait for all those resources to pop up in yours.

Nah! You bet your last dime if you do, no such resource will deplete for the AI for the all-too familiar old reasons... ;)
That might have been Civ2, but it's not the case in Civ3. Resources stay on the tile even after terraforming, and resources can appear on tiles which would not normally allow the resource if you've terraformed. For example, if you clear jungle, leaving grassland, you can still find rubber on that formerly-jungle-now-grassland tile, I believe.
I always wipe out every jungle tile in sight ASAP, and oftentimes I still find the coal where the jungle was. There are strong incentives for clearing activities, and very little penalty for doing severe clearing, other than using up worker turns. At some point you might get global warming, but I rarely see that, even in a late modern games where the nukes are flying left and right. The global warming was much more severe in Civ2, you'd get these huge strips of useless territory wreaking havoc with everything, or lots of jungle and desert appearing. Civ3 encourages you to clear forests and jungles, with only having minor consequences for global warming. The strategic resources are the only ones that might deplete, but that happens regardless of your activities. Even then, it's only coal, iron, saltpeter, uranium and oil that disappear often. Horses never deplete, rubber might possibly, and maybe aluminum, but I've never seen it.
Interesting. This is something that I have often wondered too.

Just to be clear, because I'm special....

If I clear jungle BEFORE I get to the tech that allows rubber to appear, I can still get rubber to pop up on the cleared jungle?
I have terraformed tropical fruit jungle to grassland and then mined it with the fruit still there. However, in a Vanilla game that I am playing, I had to put a city in the tundra to get access to the oil that appeared there. Note, it was faster to build a city on the coast, put in a harbor and run a short road to the oil than spend the worker time building a road to it from the rest of my area. To boost the yield of the tundra, I started planting forests, which makes it more productive. But when I tried to plant forest in the tile the oil was in, I could not do it. Evidently, if a resource is there, you cannot terraform the tile into a terrain that would not allow the resource. I need to try this on horses, cattle, and aluminum and see what happens, both in vanilla and Civ3 Complete. I also can check to see if you can terraform marsh with Oil in it to grassland, as that has been showing up fairly frequently for me.
I just had rubber appear on grassland when I got the tech. This was in captured territory from another civ and is in a mod where rubber only appears in jungle. The previous owners of that tile must have cut down the jungle before I took it over. This is in C3C.

Excellent! Thank you.:)
Interesting. This is something that I have often wondered too.

Just to be clear, because I'm special....

If I clear jungle BEFORE I get to the tech that allows rubber to appear, I can still get rubber to pop up on the cleared jungle?

Actually, the rubber doesn't "appear" on that tile, rather, it has always been there, and once the jungle is cleared, it is still there. Its just that you couldn't see it before you got the right tech.
Actually, the rubber doesn't "appear" on that tile, rather, it has always been there, and once the jungle is cleared, it is still there. Its just that you couldn't see it before you got the right tech.

Which is pretty bizarre, if you think about it, as in real life you wouldn't be able to see it after you cleared the jungle :lol:

(Well, ok, you could make a rubber plantation. But you know what I meant, anyhow ;) )

The initial positions of all the resourses are determined at the start and the resourses will appear in those spots when the required techs are discovered no matter what you do to the tile. Many resources never deplete eg: fish, so it is possible to end up with fish on grassland after you have cleared a marsh. If a resource does deplete I believe it will only appear on the correct type of terrain, but I don't think there's any resourses that deplete that are limited to only appearing in jungle, forest or marsh. There must be a list somewhere on this site of what resources do what.
And when you get steam power, you can run a railroad to the fish in the forest.
And when you get steam power, you can run a railroad to the fish in the forest.

But in that case, you should really chop the forest and mine the fish. It's more food.

Besides, there's nothing quite like a good fish mine....
But in that case, you should really chop the forest and mine the fish. It's more food.

Besides, there's nothing quite like a good fish mine....

Mining the fish. . . um, is that like throwing a hand grenade in the water & watching them float belly-up to the surface? :lol:

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