1440 AD - Check over the save, make some minor tile adjustments. Switch to 100% research to get to those Grenadiers faster. Begin to chop the few remaining forests in our lands. We don't have enough Catapults for my liking, so I'm going to build some more. (I generally like 1/3 to 1/2 of the military as Catapults.)
1450 AD - Canterbury falls.
1460 AD - We adopt Mercentalism. Rather large troop buildup (including Maces) spied in Hastings. Nottingham is, however, relatively poorly defended.
1470 AD - Great Engineer born in Beijing. Neither the Hagia Sophia nor the Sistine Chapel is of any value to us, so I suggest we save him for the Taj Mahal.
1500 AD - Nottingham falls.
1505 AD - Chemistry discovered, and Grenadiers are being produced everywhere.
1510 AD - Science slider to zero, to either research later on Steel or to upgrade Macemen, it's the next player's choice.
1515 AD - Lizzy sends her Catapults out against our stack next to Hastings, and then proceeds to waste all of her Macemen in a futile battle against London, for some weird reason. Anyway, the effect is that she's left herself wide open for attack in Hastings, so I take advantage.
1520 AD - Hastings falls.
Lizzy is now down to a single city. It is up to the next player whether we eliminate her, or try to grab some techs for peace. Since we're so close to domination though, I say we just finish her off completely, and then proceed on to either Cathy or Hatshepsut to get the victory. We might need to found a couple of 'fairly useless' cities in places to claim those few extra tiles needed, rather than going to war with a whole new civ (although there's nothing stopping us, since our army is now so colossal).
Anyway, I'll leave it to the next player to decide those things, and to get the first tastes of our new Grenadiers in action in battle.
EDIT: Save now attached.