Install problem, fixes not working (Windows 7)


Sep 23, 2010
I have Windows 7 (much to my dissmay) and decided to install Civ IV once more after a long brake from it. Now however whenever I try installing it, it gives me that "Error Code: -5009 : 0x8000ffff".

I spent hours trying to fix this and just like it sais on this link:
I've tried deleting the Temp content and the Installshield files. Nothing have changed however, it gives me the same error everytime.

Anything I'm missing, or is it Windows 7 being the eternal d**k?
Got a brand new pc with win7 home premium 64 bit, (CPU i5 dual core). Last night I installed civ IV from the latest edition (complete edition). no error message. check your pc :)

(But then I tried to install patch 3.19. It downloaded but didnt seem to work. Giving it a new try this evening, but is it a common problem with that patch and win7?)

(maybe not helpful answer, but that's what I can tell).
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