• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


  1. T

    Triumph and Tragedy: Bronze Age to Late Antiquity v1.0a ToTPP

    NOTE: This is an alpha version of this mod (currently in playtesting). Report bugs here. This mod simulates, in general, a Mediterranean/Ancient Near East-like world moving from the bronze age to late antiquity (~1800 BCE to ~500 CE). The preferred game mode is a new game, with a custom-made...
  2. PlutonianEmpire

    [TOT] [ToTPP] AI civs are refusing to fight

    I have encountered an unplayable problem where all AI civs refuse to fight each other or even me. This happens no matter what mod or scenario I use. I am on 0.18.4, and I have this issue on previous versions too. I ran an AI Original game and started with Marco Polo's Embassy to keep track of AI...
  3. Pablostuka

    The Spanish Civil War v4 for ToT + ToTPP + Lua - Development Thread [ON HOLD]

    Introduction to SCW v4 I first started designing and creating the Spanish Civil War scenario for Civ2 MGE back in 2002 when I was just a teenager. Back then I reached José Pellón (a.k.a. @Kramsib) in the Spanish Apolyton Site for permission to use his wonderful Iberian Peninsula map. The first...
  4. P

    The Great Lua Library

    This thread is meant to serve two related purposes. The first is to provide a general Q&A thread for Lua and related topics. The second is to provide a link index for questions and their answers, as well as other resources. I'll edit this post periodically to add links to the questions and...
  5. P

    [TOT] Installing Test of Time in Linux Mint 20

    EDIT: Test of Time Patch Project v0.16 was released, so a couple instructions are no longer necessary. I've edited the relevant sections (but didn't bother changing TOTPP15 references). It's probably worth checking this page to see if a later version is available before starting. This thread...
  6. Knighttime

    Medieval Millennium release thread

    Medieval Millennium is an adaptation of Civilization II: Test of Time, based on Western Europe during the one-thousand-year period from A.D. 500 to A.D. 1500. It requires the Test of Time Patch Project (TOTPP) version 0.15.1 and takes advantage of many features that this enables. This is a...
  7. Knighttime

    Medieval Millennium 1.0

    Medieval Millennium is an adaptation of Civilization II: Test of Time, based on Western Europe during the one-thousand-year period from A.D. 500 to A.D. 1500. It requires the Test of Time Patch Project (TOTPP) version 0.15.1 and takes advantage of many features that this enables. In a technical...
  8. P

    Over The Reich JPetroski vs. Prof. Garfield

    Here's a new game of Over the Reich: JPetroski (Allies) vs. Prof. Garfield (Germans) JPetroski Turn 1: A few targets hit in the Ruhr and a U-Boat sunk. Prof Garfield Turn 1: Attacked a couple bombers, nothing killed. Other Stuff: I've attached the current OTR scenario; as well as a what...
  9. P

    [TOTPP] Prof. Garfield's Lua Code Thread

    For my current method of code distribution, see this thread instead. I've decided to change the way I 'distribute' the Lua code I've been working on. Until now, I've started a thread for each 'type' of module/library that I've made, with the intention of posting updates to each thread when...
  10. Knighttime

    Deleting the active unit: Move Pieces mode vs. View Pieces mode

    I'm frustrated by a gameplay issue resulting from Lua events, and wondering if someone out there knows a better way to handle this. I have some code that is called when a unit is activated -- meaning, it is run from the onActivateUnit() trigger -- which evaluates the newly-activated unit and...
  11. P

    [TOT] [TOTPP] Custom Music Patch

    I have taken advantage of @TheNamelessOne 's TOTPPv0.18.1 to create "Extended Music For TOTPP" Note that this download is ~50MB, since it contains all the music that has shipped with any version of Civ II. Even if you don't want any of the extensions, this is an easy way to get the tracks...
  12. P

    [TOT] [TOTPP] The Munitions Library

    The Munitions Library is a module that provides some functionality for generating munitions or recruiting units based on a key press when a "spawning" unit is active. Feel free to post requesting extra features or bug fixes, or even to implement extra features or bug fixes. An example of usage...
  13. P

    [TOT] [TOTPP] The General Library

    Edit: Go to this thread for updates to the General Library. The General Library is a collection of relatively basic functions with wide potential use. The standard usage will be gen.generalLibraryFunction(input1,input2) The General Library is currently under construction, so go to the last...
  14. P

    [TOT] [TOTPP] Legacy Event Engine Development Thread

    The purpose of the Legacy Event Engine is to allow Test of Time events written in the original "macro language" to be used in scenarios that take advantage of the Lua Events System made available with the Test of Time Patch Project. When complete, this will allow older scenarios to be updated...
  15. JPetroski

    Over the Reich 4.13

    OVER THE REICH A scenario for Civilization 2 ToTPP 15.1 By John Petroski & Prof. Garfield BACKGROUND “My personal message to you – this is a MUST – is to ‘Destroy the Enemy Air Force wherever you find them, in the air, on the ground, and in the factories.’” - Hap Arnold’s Christmas greeting to...
  16. P

    [TOTPP] Get Started With Lua Events

    Note: I've started (but not got too far) a new version here. This thread is meant to be a resource for learning how to use the Lua functionality of the Test of Time Patch Project. The first 10 posts will (eventually) contain "lessons" which are intended to teach enough about programming, Lua...
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