Instant War-Weariness

Sometimes when I get to the end of a game, I still have a conscript warrior fortified in my capital.

Assuming that you have been in republic at least 300 turns, that's a waste of 600gp which translates to 150 cash-rushed shields, meaning that you could have had at least an extra veteran cav and tank instead of that conscript warrior. :eek:

Tsk, tsk...

Bah, I switch to Fascism as soon as I've beelined to it.

But no, seriously with the amount of upkeep I pay for my workers, one warrior isn't going to break the bank. Eventually I'll get to the point where the upkeep is zero.

I would be interested in hearing what your Adviser is thinking about. he appears to be giving major points for those defensive units which I have always heard that they don't 'really' count.

I'm pulling for you to come through on this one.

You misunderstood. Defensive points do count when the AI is comparing military strength, just less.
An attack point is worth about 1.5 defense points.

However, that is only the power the AI assigns to it, when combined with intelligent use, offensive points are really worth much more.

I see 29 tank (8 def 16 att) 22 MI (18 def 12 att) and 12 MA (16 def 24 at)
for a total of 820 def points and 1016 attack points, worth about 2344 strength in total.
The enemy has 29 inf (10 def 6 att) 8 tank and 75 MI. for a total of 1704 def points and 1202 attack points, worth about 3507 strength in total.
Plus they have a bunch of TOW Infantry and tons of ships count? I know artillery doesn't count and I've got a bunch, about 80, including captured ones. I had quite a few losses in defeating the Maya, but I will recover soon. Then I will plan my D-Day invasion.
Plus they have a bunch of TOW Infantry and tons of ships count? I know artillery doesn't count and I've got a bunch, about 80, including captured ones.

Actually, artillery does count, but it is heavily discounted. I think it is .2 per bombard point (vs. 1 per defense point and 1.5 per attack point).

Wait one.

OK, I just looked up the article in the war academy. Each bombard point is "worth" 0.175 defense points. The article does not analyze sea-going units, so I am not sure if they count or not. Sounds like a good exercise for someone with the editor and a little bit of spare time. Unfortunately, that isn't me. :( If that is you, please report your results back in this thread.
Bombard is worth 0.5 points - there is a correction to that article in the posts that follow.
Well, sort of. If I understood the article correctly, the strength points of offensive and defensive units are multiplied by hitpoints and modified by terrain, but the bombard values of artillery are not. So although a standard-issue artillery piece has 12 bombardment value, those 68 artillery units Overseer has are the rough equivalent of 10 regular infantry fortified on grassland, according to the AI.
My fleet is pretty puny, 2 Destroyers, 2 Cruisers, 5 Transports, 4 Frigates, 11 Dromons. I will need to really build a bunch more modern ships before I launch the invasion.
Hmph, the AI always beelines fascism

A VERY good reason NOT to have anything to do with it, Mr Roderick Spode (Not for the true-born Englishman. The entire expanse of Gloucestershire... :lol: ) . Apart from Mursilis, who else has Fascism as their favoured government?
I think Communism works better than Fascism because of less penalties and similar benefits. Besides, you can't build the SPHQ under Fascism, which is really stupid. A police state without that wrinkle makes no sense. Maybe they could add a city improvement that does something similar, reduces corruption much more than a police station, but causes 2 unhappy citizens.
I think Communism works better than Fascism because of less penalties and similar benefits. Besides, you can't build the SPHQ under Fascism, which is really stupid. A police state without that wrinkle makes no sense. Maybe they could add a city improvement that does something similar, reduces corruption much more than a police station, but causes 2 unhappy citizens.
Good point! What indeed is fascism without the geheimstatspolizei, schützstaffeln and sonderkommandos?
Fascism is not to be confused with German nazism.
Fascism is not to be confused with German nazism.
I'm sorry MAS, but that simply is not correct.

Fascism and National socialism are both variants of socialism and as akin or dissimilar as Stalinism/Leninism/Maoism are to each other in the communist area of the socialist spectrum. Whereas communism believes in state control of both economy and the minds of the people with social democrats in state control of the economy but a retention of "free" speech, fascism/national socialism believe in a free market but control of the people. This is why social democrats and communists label fascism/national socialism "right wing extremism" on the basis of their own commonality - a state-controlled economy - as an insult to both fascists/national socialists and the present-day enemy, liberals and conservatives who believe in the benefits of a "free" market.
I started the invasion which would eventually succeed in destroying the English, however, I am also 3 turns from finishing Robotics. This means that I can complete my original goal of a spaceship victory the turn after that, and since it is my first unassisted one at this level(Emperor), I will do that. However, I will save before committing to that course so I can also play it out to a Domination and a Conquest, as I am able to win those ways also. I'm going to test myself for which VC is the most satisfying with this game, because I want revenge, and I'm not sure a Spaceship victory is enough.

Spoiler :

Here is my Invasion fleet, and how they were deployed at sea:

Here is what I landed the turn after the English tried to repel them:

I am going to raze and replace almost all enemy cities, here was the first ones razed:

I'm going to test myself for which VC is the most satisfying with this game, because I want revenge, and I'm not sure a Spaceship victory is enough.

A very satisfactory way to achieve revenge is to assemble a huge amount of bombers and battleships, then destroy every improvement whilst imagining "Good Queen Bess'" courtiers spreading their capes in the craters whilst she holds up her skirts on her inspection tour of the devastated landscape with peasants and burghers alike dying from starvation in droves... :D
I launched in 1898, with my conquest of England just getting rolling. The boost that comes with Radar artillery is fabulous for conquest, being able to bombard and retreat is powerful, plus they really trash enemy units, so you can really grab territory fast. Here are some pictures I did, maybe someday I will do a game for the Stories forum.
Spoiler :

Here is a look at the status of my conquest of England just before launch.


Victory at last!


The victory status page.


Demographics, I guess my captured Maya/Aztec cities didn't count.


Here is the Histograph, nice comeback, if I say so myself.


Here is my filmstrip of the Replay, spoilered separately for size.
Spoiler :

I finally got my spaceship victory at Emperor level, all by myself:)

The last save before launch:
This is why I never believe people who tell me that you don't need to defend your cities in Republic. Paranoia can be a very useful trait for Civ players. :eek:

You don't need to defend your interior towns, you do need to defend your border.
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