Instant War-Weariness

Congratulation Overseer. Great job and excellent playing.


@vmxa... I usually play on tiny and small maps so most of my cities are easily reached by Cavs. there is little width to my land masses.
Nice game and thanks for the post. I feel sure enough that your people want to colonize another planet and get away from all that spilled (barbarian... not civ barbarians... but barbarians as in any tribe not like you) blood. Since you war-mongered so much on a continents map, and the Byzantines seems more like a peaceful archipelago tribe than a war-mongering tribe, I'd guess you could actually do well at demi-god. Although, I've just started some demi-god attempts, so maybe I don't know what I talk about here.
I have great teachers at war-mongering, TheRat and Greebley are among the best playing, and I am honored to be in the Rat series. AW really sharpens your war skills. I can handle the war-mongering at DG level, but my empire management needs work, I have trouble balancing all the factors. I think I need to win every type of Emperor game before I move up. If I move up, as higher levels require near-perfect execution and more work, which might detract from the fun aspects of this game. Thanks for reading this, I enjoyed all the commentary.:)
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