Irkab-Damu leads Ebla in Sid Miers cilizations


May 28, 2016

Ebla rose around 3000 BC and Lasted for around 700 years before it was brought low by Sargon of Akkad only to be ressurected twice. I was one of the worlds first superpowers managing to cover most of modern day Syria and served as the basis for future amorite states in the region.
It is known through archeology as well as over a thousand intact tablets.

Ruler: Irkab-Damu

The Most celebrated of the known rulers Irkab-Damu succefully ended the tributes to Mari and expanded the kingdom to its greatest extent and readily employed diplomacy to futher his goals.

UB: E-am (House of Metals): Replaces Industrial district when placed directly on top of a mining resource that source become mined futhermore after this the E-am now generates additional science and gold.

UU: Qarradu (Warrior/Hero): Replaces warrior, stronger, strong against barbarians, killing enemy units generates faith. Equipped with short javelin, leather cloack and helmet

Warriors were held in very high standing and warfare in general was associated with divinities of high importance.

ULA: Chora: +1 Gold for every pasture and +1 Gold for every third farm within the capital cities limits, cities gain +20% Build speed towards buildings allready built in the capital.

The Rulers had complete control over their main holding (Chora) with autnoumous vassals responsible for maintaining their own cities.

UCA: Royal Necropolis: Holy sites situated next to a city increases loyalty in the city, theater districts adjecent to cities gain +1 Artifact slot.

The Eblaites practised worship of dead kings and their tombs were spread between various cities.
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