G&T's The Basques for Vox Populi


May 31, 2015
The Basques
(Requires VP4.16 at least for full compatibility)

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Leader - Antso III.a Gartzeitz
Leader Icon.png

UA - Euskal Herria

With Fishing, Basque Marine Expeditions give Whale or Fish Resources to your cities when founded and bonuses when they come from friendly :c5citystate: City-States and Civs with open borders. 50% of base :tourism: Tourism is lost per turn but gained as :c5culture: Culture. At war, all lands units gain Babesten Promotion.

Spoiler Basque Marine Expeditions :
The first three Coastal Cities founded (Capital included) as well as all the other cities created on another landmass reveal a Whale Resource before Industrial Era and a Fish Resource after.
Fish and Whales resources at :trade: Sea Trade Route distance from the nearest Coastal Basque city in non workable Basque, CS friendly and Open Border territories contribute 50% of their yields which are distributed to all Basque cities.

Spoiler Babesten Promotion :
On your territory, all Land Units gain +1 :c5moves: Movement and can cross Mountains.
Cities the Basques founded spawn basque partisans every turn they are occupied by a civilization at war with them.

UU1 - Karabela (replaces Caravel)

Unlocked at Compass
160 :c5production: Production Cost

27 :c5strength: (instead of 25)
4 MP

Reconnaissance Gains XP from revealing titles
Lema Ignores ZOC
Arrantza-eremu Berriak Generates :c5science: Science and :c5greatperson: Great Admiral Points whenever you reveal tiles with this Unit

UB1 - Balea Geltokia (replaces Harbor)
Whaling Station 2.png

+2 :c5gold:/:c5production:/:c5science: instead of +1 :c5gold:

Completing a Sea Trade Route originating here and targeting another Civilization, triggers a (or strengthens an existing) Historic Event producing :tourism:Tourism with the targeted Civilization and one-third the amount with every other Civilization
+1 :c5food: Food from Coast and Ocean tiles, and +1 :c5production: Production from Sea Resources worked by this City
+2 :c5culture: Culture from fishing boats
Sea Trade Routes gain +75% Range (was 50%) and +2 :c5gold: Gold
+2 to Military Unit Supply Cap
+10% :c5production: Production of Naval Units and Diplomatic Units per Open Borders instead of +15% :c5production: Production of Naval Units
+1 :c5greatperson: GAdmiral Point by whale worked by the city (additionally, all whales from Basque Marine Expeditions count for the Capital)
Converts 50% of :c5food: Food from Basque Marine Expeditions in :c5gold: Gold

Can only be constructed in a Coastal City

Spoiler 4 UC Compatibility :
UGP - Kapitaina (replaces Great Admiral)

In addition to the abilities of the Great Admiral
Merkataritzaren Izenean When Kapitaina is expended, conducts a Diplomatic Mission and earns 30 :c5influence: Influence with all discovered Coastal City-States with which you are at peace.
Marque Gutuna Gives all Sea Military Units within 2 tiles the Kortsarioa Promotion for 5 turns.

Spoiler Kortsarioa Promotion :
+1 Sight.
Can enter into Rival Territory.
May heal damage Outside of Friendly Territory.
Gains :c5gold: Gold and :c5culture: Culture, scaling with Unit level and Era as well as 1XP if whether you are on or adjacent to a :trade: Land or :trade: Sea Trade Route path of other Civilization.

UI - Burdinola

Unlocked at Iron Working

800 construction time
Must be built adjacent to Rivers or on Iron Resource and improve it.
Cannot be built adjacent to another Burdinola except those on Iron Resource.
Remove features

1 :c5production:/:c5science:

+1 :c5science: to Iron Resource if built on
+1 :c5production: if on Riverside
+2 :c5production: from Forges

Gain Bonus per different adjacencies:

  • Each adjacent Lumbermill: +1 :c5production: to Burdinola
  • Each adjacent Mountain: +1 :c5production: to Burdinola
  • Each adjacent Iron Resource: +1 :c5science: to Burdinola
Tech bonuses:

  • +1 :c5production: at Metal Casting
  • +1 :c5science: at Machinery
  • +1 :c5gold: at Compass
  • +1 :c5gold: at Astronomy
  • +1 :c5production: at Metallurgy
  • +1 :c5gold: at Navigation
  • +1 :c5science: at Steam Power

Artistic Credits (All Rights Reserved to original authors):
Development Credits:
  • Txurce: Original Idea, Research, Design, GameText, DoM Voice, Testing
  • Jarcast: Code, Design
  • Adan_eslavo: Code, Design
  • Ghost Toast: 3DModel for Burdinola
  • Gwennog: Research, Design, Art, Code, Testing
Special Thanks:
  • Jarcast, Adan_eslavo: for their great knowledge of lua code and their kindness in communicating it
  • Ghost Toast: for taking the time to create an original 3D Model for the Burdinola
  • Irkalla: Civ Icon guide
  • Deliverator: 3d model guide
  • HungryForFood: Lua API wiki
  • VP teams for all bug fixing work and to improve VP again and again
Very Special Thanks:
  • Hinin, Astérix Rage: A civilization without them, but it was they who gave me a taste for that
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We are very happy, Txurce and I to offer you a new civilization for Vox Populi. A civilization of sailors which has managed to preserve its unique culture and language throughout time and to this day.
I hope that like us, you will enjoy playing it.
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Looks like a potential lot of fun playing Aztec-> Authority-> God of war, and maintaining war against the Basques as long as possible...
Babesten Promotion is lost if a unit is outside of owned territory. Is this intended?
Yes, but thank you, I just noticed that I forgot to specify that.

Babesten is a promotion for the defense of your lands :
On your territory, all Land Units gain +1 :c5moves: Movement and can cross Mountains.
Basque Partisans will appear each turn around captured cities until a peace is signed with the invader.
Any old Basque city will see Basque Partisans appear again if the civilization that controls the city goes to war against the Basques.
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If I declare war on a neighbor and take one of their city, will there be partisan spawning every turn until I peace out? Or would the UA only proc if I'm being declared upon?
If I declare war on a neighbor and take one of their city, will there be partisan spawning every turn until I peace out? Or would the UA only proc if I'm being declared upon?
My take on this is that cities which spawn partisans follow these rules :
  • The Basques must be the founder,
  • The occupier must be at war with the Basques
  • Spawned units are Basques
If this is the intended behavior, I'd change the text to :
"Cities you founded spawn partisans every turn they are occupied by a civilization at war with you".
"Cities the Basques founded spawn basque partisans every turn they are occupied by a civilization at war with them".
@Rosete I'm quit sure that there is no consideration towards attacker and defender, aka it doesn't matter who declared war : if the enemy takes one of your cities, then you get free rebels no matter what. It does matter who is winning/taking cities, though.
A mechanistic question: what are the yields of remote fish tiles based on? Only the fish yield? The actual tile yield (including any bonus for that tile of its owner), or what you would get from the tile (including your UB culture)?
A mechanistic question: what are the yields of remote fish tiles based on? Only the fish yield? The actual tile yield (including any bonus for that tile of its owner), or what you would get from the tile (including your UB culture)?
Good question, I could have specified.
The actual tile yield (including any bonus for that tile of its owner)
Do the partisans appear if you capture an AI city, or if the AI captures one of your cities?

A bonus for losing cities would be quite wierd. Getting partisans for what? Retaking the city? Then I would rather not lose it in the first place. Losing buildings and pop is too punishing.

Just trying to wrap my mind around this civ...
Do the partisans appear if you capture an AI city, or if the AI captures one of your cities?

A bonus for losing cities would be quite wierd. Getting partisans for what? Retaking the city? Then I would rather not lose it in the first place. Losing buildings and pop is too punishing.

Just trying to wrap my mind around this civ...
Or is the plan to found lots of cities to spawn whales, then let AIs take most of them and still get whale yields from open borders? Now THAT is a unique playstyle!
This civ is really fun! I'm a big fan of civs that are able to create resources. But maybe there should be some kind of cap on the bonus from open borders? On a huge map with open borders with all other players, you're getting +110% production to naval and diplomatic units in every city. On quick speed, every one of my 12 cities was able to create any naval unit it wanted in one turn. You're also getting bonus yields from the fishing boats from every one of those civs. I would imagine that with more than 12 civs, this would become even stronger.
Do you need to reveal the tiles before getting the bonus, or is being in range plus open borders etc. enough?
Yes, for sure.
Do the partisans appear if you capture an AI city, or if the AI captures one of your cities?

A bonus for losing cities would be quite wierd. Getting partisans for what? Retaking the city? Then I would rather not lose it in the first place. Losing buildings and pop is too punishing.

Just trying to wrap my mind around this civ...
@Anarcomu 's explanation is very clear (more than mine). If the Basques lose a city, Basques partisans (military Basques units) appear to try to take it back. I agree that the best thing is not to lose it but if you do, you have a better chance than another civ of getting it back :lol:.
The Basques
(Requires VP3.10 or 4.2 at least for full compatibility)
View attachment 675531
Download Here

Leader - Antso III.a Gartzeitz
View attachment 675532
UA - Euskal Herria

With Fishing, Basque Marine Expeditions give Whale or Fish Resources to your cities when founded and bonuses when they come from friendly :c5citystate: City-States and Civs with open borders. 50% of base :tourism: Tourism is lost per turn but gained as :c5culture: Culture. At war, all lands units gain Babesten Promotion.

Spoiler Basque Marine Expeditions :
The first three Coastal Cities founded (Capital included) as well as all the other cities created on another landmass reveal a Whale Resource before Industrial Era and a Fish Resource after.
Fish and Whales resources at :trade: Sea Trade Route distance from the nearest Coastal Basque city in non workable Basque, CS friendly and Open Border territories contribute 50% of their yields which are distributed to all Basque cities.

Spoiler Babesten Promotion :
On your territory, all Land Units gain +1 :c5moves: Movement and can cross Mountains.
Cities the Basques founded spawn basque partisans every turn they are occupied by a civilization at war with them.

UU1 - Karabela (replaces Caravel)
View attachment 675533
Unlocked at Compass
160 :c5production: Production Cost

27 :c5strength: (instead of 25)
4 MP

Reconnaissance Gains XP from revealing titles
Lema +1 :c5moves: Movement and Ignore ZOC
Arrantza-eremu Berriak Generates :c5science: Science and :c5greatperson: Great Admiral Points whenever you reveal tiles with this Unit

UB1 - Balea Geltokia (replaces Harbor)
View attachment 675534
+2 :c5gold:/:c5production:/:c5science: instead of +1 :c5gold:

Completing a Sea Trade Route originating here and targeting another Civilization, triggers a (or strengthens an existing) Historic Event producing :tourism:Tourism with the targeted Civilization and one-third the amount with every other Civilization
+1 :c5food: Food from Coast and Ocean tiles, and +1 :c5production: Production from Sea Resources worked by this City
+2 :c5culture: Culture from fishing boats
Sea Trade Routes gain +75% Range (was 50%) and +2 :c5gold: Gold
+2 to Military Unit Supply Cap
+10% :c5production: Production of Naval Units and Diplomatic Units per Open Borders instead of +15% :c5production: Production of Naval Units
+1 :c5greatperson: GAdmiral Point by whale worked by the city (additionally, all whales from Basque Marine Expeditions count for the Capital)
Converts 50% of :c5food: Food from Basque Marine Expeditions in :c5gold: Gold

Can only be constructed in a Coastal City

Spoiler 4 UC Compatibility :
UGP - Kapitaina (replaces Great Admiral)
View attachment 675540
In addition to the abilities of the Great Admiral
Merkataritzaren Izenean When Kapitaina is expended, conducts a Diplomatic Mission and earns 30 :c5influence: Influence with all discovered Maritime City-States with which you are at peace.
Marque Gutuna Gives all Sea Military Units within 2 tiles the Kortsarioa Promotion for 10 turns.

Spoiler Kortsarioa Promotion :
+1 Sight.
Can enter into Rival Territory.
Gains :c5gold: Gold and :c5culture: Culture, scaling with Unit level and Era as well as 1XP if whether you are on or adjacent to a :trade: Land or :trade: Sea Trade Route path of other Civilization.

UI - Burdinola
View attachment 675537
Unlocked at Iron Working

800 construction time
Must be built adjacent to Rivers or on Iron Resource and improve it.
Cannot be built adjacent to another Burdinola except those on Iron Resource.
Remove features

1 :c5production:/:c5science:

+1 :c5science: to Iron Resource if built on
+1 :c5production: if on Riverside
+2 :c5production: from Forges

Gain Bonus per different adjacencies:

  • Each adjacent Lumbermill: +1 :c5production: to Burdinola
  • Each adjacent Mountain: +1 :c5production: to Burdinola
  • Each adjacent Iron Resource: +1 :c5science: to Burdinola
Tech bonuses:

  • +1 :c5production: at Metal Casting
  • +1 :c5science: at Machinery
  • +1 :c5gold: at Compass
  • +1 :c5gold: at Astronomy
  • +1 :c5production: at Metallurgy
  • +1 :c5gold: at Navigation
  • +1 :c5science: at Steam Power

Artistic Credits (All Rights Reserved to original authors):
Development Credits:
  • Txurce: Original Idea, Research, Design, GameText, DoM Voice, Testing
  • Jarcast: Code, Design
  • Adan_eslavo: Code, Design
  • Gwennog: Research, Design, Art, Code, Testing
Special Thanks:
  • Jarcast, Adan_eslavo: for their great knowledge of lua code and their kindness in communicating it
  • Irkalla: Civ Icon guide
  • Deliverator: 3d model guide
  • HungryForFood: Lua API wiki
  • VP teams for all bug fixing work and to improve VP again and again
Very Special Thanks:
  • Hinin, Astérix Rage: A civilization without them, but it was they who gave me a taste for that
Guys, how do you always find fitting music for all these civs? Awsome work!
Guys, how do you always find fitting music for all these civs? Awsome work!
Thank you very much, the choice of music is of capital importance for me and I am not going too far in saying that for @Hinin too.
The goal is therefore from the beginning to have pieces to play on loop during creation in order to absorb it. @Txurce got into the game too and quickly we found several pieces that we liked. Afterwards, you have to choose, and that is the most difficult :lol:.

The important thing is also to highlight the particularities of the musical tradition of a country/people. In the case of the Basques, the voices of course and very typical instruments like the Alboka, the Txalaparta and Panderoa (Tambourine).

A song by an Argentinian group in Basque which could also make a beautiful Peace Theme.

Impossible to use it but very interesting, this.
One thing I'm wondering what the thinking behind the design was:
The bonuses suggest that going for diplo victory is the way to go. So statecraft and invest into alliances early. For this, I want to find all city states asap. Also, for the marine expeditions, I would want to explore early. On the other hand, the UU gets yields and xp for revealing tiles, but only comes at compass. These aspects are at odds with each other.

Brazil also wants to explore as little as necessary before getting bandeirantes. But they are primed for culture victory and have much less incentive to explore early.
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