Leader - Antso III.a Gartzeitz
UA - Euskal Herria
With Fishing, Basque Marine Expeditions give Whale or Fish Resources to your cities when founded and bonuses when they come from friendly

Spoiler Basque Marine Expeditions :
The first three Coastal Cities founded (Capital included) as well as all the other cities created on another landmass reveal a Whale Resource before Industrial Era and a Fish Resource after.
Fish and Whales resources at
Sea Trade Route distance from the nearest Coastal Basque city in non workable Basque, CS friendly and Open Border territories contribute 50% of their yields which are distributed to all Basque cities.
Fish and Whales resources at

Spoiler Babesten Promotion :
On your territory, all Land Units gain +1
Movement and can cross Mountains.
Cities the Basques founded spawn basque partisans every turn they are occupied by a civilization at war with them.

Cities the Basques founded spawn basque partisans every turn they are occupied by a civilization at war with them.
UU1 - Karabela (replaces Caravel)
Unlocked at Compass


4 MP
Reconnaissance Gains XP from revealing titles
Lema Ignores ZOC
Arrantza-eremu Berriak Generates

UB1 - Balea Geltokia (replaces Harbor)

Completing a Sea Trade Route originating here and targeting another Civilization, triggers a (or strengthens an existing) Historic Event producing



Sea Trade Routes gain +75% Range (was 50%) and +2

+2 to Military Unit Supply Cap


Converts 50% of

Can only be constructed in a Coastal City
Spoiler 4 UC Compatibility :
UGP - Kapitaina (replaces Great Admiral)
In addition to the abilities of the Great Admiral
Merkataritzaren Izenean When Kapitaina is expended, conducts a Diplomatic Mission and earns 30
Influence with all discovered Coastal City-States with which you are at peace.
Marque Gutuna Gives all Sea Military Units within 2 tiles the Kortsarioa Promotion for 5 turns.
UI - Burdinola
Unlocked at Iron Working
800 construction time
Must be built adjacent to Rivers or on Iron Resource and improve it.
Cannot be built adjacent to another Burdinola except those on Iron Resource.
Remove features
to Iron Resource if built on
if on Riverside
from Forges
Gain Bonus per different adjacencies:
In addition to the abilities of the Great Admiral
Merkataritzaren Izenean When Kapitaina is expended, conducts a Diplomatic Mission and earns 30

Marque Gutuna Gives all Sea Military Units within 2 tiles the Kortsarioa Promotion for 5 turns.
Spoiler Kortsarioa Promotion :
+1 Sight.
Can enter into Rival Territory.
May heal damage Outside of Friendly Territory.
Gold and
Culture, scaling with Unit level and Era as well as 1XP if whether you are on or adjacent to a
Land or
Sea Trade Route path of other Civilization.
Can enter into Rival Territory.
May heal damage Outside of Friendly Territory.

UI - Burdinola
Unlocked at Iron Working
800 construction time
Must be built adjacent to Rivers or on Iron Resource and improve it.
Cannot be built adjacent to another Burdinola except those on Iron Resource.
Remove features




Gain Bonus per different adjacencies:
- Each adjacent Lumbermill: +1
to Burdinola
- Each adjacent Mountain: +1
to Burdinola
- Each adjacent Iron Resource: +1
to Burdinola
- +1
at Metal Casting
- +1
at Machinery
- +1
at Compass
- +1
at Astronomy
- +1
at Metallurgy
- +1
at Navigation
- +1
at Steam Power
Artistic Credits (All Rights Reserved to original authors):
- War Theme: Albokerue.com - Olazti Angulo (10), Txomin Aiartza (13) ta Fede de Dios - Alboka ta Panderoak
- PeaceTheme: Elkar+ekin dantzan! - Martxa baten lehen notak (Songwriter : Mikel Laboa)
- Janboruta: Baghlah from More Civilizations Oman (Saif bin Sultan) for 3Dmodel of Karabela
- Nutty: Pinnacle from DuskJockey's Sweden (Christina) for 3DModel of Kapitaina
- Forge of Empires: Whaling Station for Balea Geltokia Icon
- Heller: Niña of Christopher Columbus for Karabela Icon
- Txurce: Original Idea, Research, Design, GameText, DoM Voice, Testing
- Jarcast: Code, Design
- Adan_eslavo: Code, Design
- Ghost Toast: 3DModel for Burdinola
- Gwennog: Research, Design, Art, Code, Testing
- Jarcast, Adan_eslavo: for their great knowledge of lua code and their kindness in communicating it
- Ghost Toast: for taking the time to create an original 3D Model for the Burdinola
- Irkalla: Civ Icon guide
- Deliverator: 3d model guide
- HungryForFood: Lua API wiki
- VP teams for all bug fixing work and to improve VP again and again
- Hinin, Astérix Rage: A civilization without them, but it was they who gave me a taste for that
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