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Is Bat2.1 good to go yet?


Jun 14, 2009
I've been reading about (as well as hearing about from friends) problems with the newest Bat mod (2.1). Was wondering if those problems have been worked out. If not, can someone link me to Bat 2.0?

I really only want Bat for the varied unit and building graphics. I don't even really like Bug all that much. I have NO idea what Bull does. If I just want Bat for the updated graphics, is 2.1 even necessary?
Sounds like you just want to install Varietas Delectat 7.5. That won't have BUG or BULL--just the pretty unit/building graphics.
Awesome thanks! I'll go look that up. But just for my own reference, are there still problems with 2.1? If I wanted to use Bat, should I be using 2.0 instead?
Yes, 2.1 is problematic. We'll release a new version with a different number. 2.1 will never be good. Look for 2.2 (future) or 2.0 (now). You can download 2.0 from the same place as 2.1.
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