Hello everyone!
After taking a break from Civ4, I've finally decided to get back to it!
This time around I decided to go with Ragnar for two reasons. 1. I've only played with the Dutch so far, and I'd like to get out of my comfort zone. 2. I want to do more naval invasions! For that purpose I went with an island/water based map.
I've been running into some issues, and I could really use some help.
First off, I think you'll agree with me when I say that this is a really good start! Three food sources right off the bat, marble for The Great Lighthouse two tiles over, food near good helper cities sites, elephants and river tiles a bit further down!
Since there are no food sources except Clams, I have to work boat first (even if I went worker first, they would have fudge-all to do). I did some reading up, and figured working the forest hill with 3 hammers to get the boat out in 8 turns would be the best course of action. However, what perplexes me is that everyone says that you should immediately start making a worker (15 turns). That means 23 turns without any growth.
In my shadow game I was introduced to a very simple technique. Build warriors until you get Bronze Working, start chopping, put chop into settler, go back to warrior, when at 4 pop chop settler, put overflow into workers, repeat until you have 3-4 cities by 2000 BC.
I, for the life of me, cannot do it. The best I managed to do is three total cities... by 1800. Not to mention that I'm drowning in jungle. Oh, and I'm also supposed to fit in The Great Lighthouse somewhere in there.
This is my idea for research: Bronze Working first, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry (for the helper cities), not sure about pottery (granary could be useful) on the account of no river tiles at the start (could just work water tiles for now), sailing and masonry, then Iron Working (gotta get rid of the jungle).
Also, lack of border popping is killing me. Should I invest in monuments for early border popping (libraries take a while to build)?
Input would be greatly appreciated!
Side note: you can still build Berserkers when you get riffling. And you can upgrade them to Rifflemen. You can get basically get early Marines. I think that's pretty fudging neat.
After taking a break from Civ4, I've finally decided to get back to it!
This time around I decided to go with Ragnar for two reasons. 1. I've only played with the Dutch so far, and I'd like to get out of my comfort zone. 2. I want to do more naval invasions! For that purpose I went with an island/water based map.
I've been running into some issues, and I could really use some help.
First off, I think you'll agree with me when I say that this is a really good start! Three food sources right off the bat, marble for The Great Lighthouse two tiles over, food near good helper cities sites, elephants and river tiles a bit further down!
Spoiler :
Since there are no food sources except Clams, I have to work boat first (even if I went worker first, they would have fudge-all to do). I did some reading up, and figured working the forest hill with 3 hammers to get the boat out in 8 turns would be the best course of action. However, what perplexes me is that everyone says that you should immediately start making a worker (15 turns). That means 23 turns without any growth.
In my shadow game I was introduced to a very simple technique. Build warriors until you get Bronze Working, start chopping, put chop into settler, go back to warrior, when at 4 pop chop settler, put overflow into workers, repeat until you have 3-4 cities by 2000 BC.
I, for the life of me, cannot do it. The best I managed to do is three total cities... by 1800. Not to mention that I'm drowning in jungle. Oh, and I'm also supposed to fit in The Great Lighthouse somewhere in there.
This is my idea for research: Bronze Working first, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry (for the helper cities), not sure about pottery (granary could be useful) on the account of no river tiles at the start (could just work water tiles for now), sailing and masonry, then Iron Working (gotta get rid of the jungle).
Also, lack of border popping is killing me. Should I invest in monuments for early border popping (libraries take a while to build)?
Input would be greatly appreciated!
Side note: you can still build Berserkers when you get riffling. And you can upgrade them to Rifflemen. You can get basically get early Marines. I think that's pretty fudging neat.