Is there any interest in a stable Vox Populi LAN/Internet experience?

If anyone has any MP experience with the latest version, now or in the near future, I'd love to hear some experiences, mainly on whether it's stable!
The people who are working on MP are the one who got mad enough to work on MP. They said they were able to play through turn 100 without any CTDs with 6 people but that was it from what I've heard.
Here a report of a multiplayer game from the previous version (3.5.4). It seems that Desyncs reduced heavily but some of them are still present and cause some CTDs (Crash to desktop). It should be even better on 3.6 new version. I think the newest versions are more stable than 2018 one and even barbarians can be used. Be careful to not play a game that Desync (loading screen) between turn 0 and 1, it is preferable to start a new game.
3.6 is a new release from today with lot of changes, I think it is better to wait few days to see if there is some bugs in single player games that need to be fixed (by a version 3.6.1 for example) before risking to set-up a modpack on each player PC and try to play a multiplayer game (time consuming).
Okay that makes sense, thanks! My group is going to try the 3.5.4 version. Is there some thread/space where new modpacks are being posted and we can just look there for updates?
Ah I thought that was for the single modpack not for future ones. But I guess ill just watch the "issues" thread there if you are saying thats where new modpacks get posted.
Ah I thought that was for the single modpack not for future ones. But I guess ill just watch the "issues" thread there if you are saying thats where new modpacks get posted.
Oh sorry, I thought you only wanted 3.5.4 modpack. For future updated modpack I have no idea.
No worries! We are using the 3.5.4 version, it looks really nice. Last time we played was in 2020 so there have been a lot of changes. Thanks for your advice!
Any news on this? Has anybody tested 3.6.2 in MP? And do I still need to create a Modpack like before or can we just install the patch and start playing?
Any news on this? Has anybody tested 3.6.2 in MP? And do I still need to create a Modpack like before or can we just install the patch and start playing?
From Discord from the guy who's working on MP stability.
seroperson said:
Just posting here link to our recent 3.6.2 modpack, looks like some people may found it useful. Known issues in MP right now:
(+ all the possible CTDs which affect single player too) Ancient ruins, events, barbarians, communitas etc should work ok. Mostly MP is pretty playable, there were a lot of examples of 200+ turns games. But still it is not 100% stable, desyncs and CTDs are quite possible. Modpack contains mostly MP-tested things. Everything is pretty wide-known except of super-settler - it is our own internal version of Convinient Start Mod ( modified to work with VP. We are using it because in 4+ players session it can be boring to play bad spawn and it is even more boring to restart map generation, so allowing everyone to pick their best spot. (edited)
I think, looking at github, that the espionage CTD will be solved with the next patch !
From Discord from the guy who's working on MP stability.
There is "(over) More Unique Components for VP (v 84)" in this modpack. This modmod is mostly MP compatible but there are few .lua (3 if I remembrer well) that use the function "math.random()" that cause desyncs (for exemple the egyptian's Nilometer).
There is "(over) More Unique Components for VP (v 84)" in this modpack. This modmod is mostly MP compatible but there are few .lua (3 if I remembrer well) that use the function "math.random()" that cause desyncs (for exemple the egyptian's Nilometer).
Yeah, any math.random() should be changed to Game.Rand()
You can always make your own via

Thanks for the info! I used to make my own modpacks until it didn't work anymore for some reason. But that was probably more than a year ago. Remind me again, if I put the modpack into the DLC folder, that is all I need right, to play multiplayer that is? I don't have to install Vox Populi seperately.
Thanks for the info! I used to make my own modpacks until it didn't work anymore for some reason. But that was probably more than a year ago. Remind me again, if I put the modpack into the DLC folder, that is all I need right, to play multiplayer that is? I don't have to install Vox Populi seperately.
Yes no need to install Vox Populi seperately. You also need to keep the EUI folders inside DLC folder if you use EUI version of VP.
If I put it into the DLC/MP_Modspack folder, it's treated as a DLC, correct? Does that mean it's not going to show up under MODS?
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