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It Wuold Be Nice To Introduce Transport Choppers To Bts!!!


Zaphod Beeblebrox
Jun 25, 2007
I think that transport would carry 8 units if for example I load 4 marines in transport chopper and then load 4 transport chopper(with marines) on sea transport.How to aviod this?Tell me yours opinions about characteristics?Streinght,Cargo Type,Moves,Price,etc... that transport choppers should have.
I like the idea of transport helicopter, but it doesnt work quite work in this game enviornment, since the best foot infantry is paratrooper and marine (the strength is not impressive to merit such function when you have mech infantry around, and paratrooper can just hoop from city to city). If there is a stronger foot infantry, then this is a great idea.

500th post. Yay!
I like the idea, but 8 troops is too much. Perhaps 4 troops, like a naval transport. I think it'd have to involve more than just ground troops to be effective though. Maybe you could have CH-46 like choppers at the advent of flight, but then get CH-53's which could carry any unit you wanted, to include artillery, to make quick strikes at interior cities (capitals.)
Choppers like in Civ3 are insanely powerful, In many ways, in tandem with the Infantry they ferry, they're much better than Tanks and Transports. Unlimited Airlifts with Choppers straight into newly conquered cities has to be abusive on some level.
I think there should be 2 types of cargo choppers. One able to carry only foot units (infantry / settler / worker / explorer / spy / Great People / etc...) and another one able to carry every unit that moves on land (armor / mech infantry / artillery included).

Each shopper should be able to carry only 1 unit.

When embarked on a ship both the shopper and the unit should count for the cargo limit.

Now, my question is should the chopper be transported by sea on transports, aircraft carriers or a new unit, the "assault carrier", or something like that, that can only carry choppers (with or without cargo) and VTOL aircraft (yup, another new unit)?
I think there should be 2 types of cargo choppers. One able to carry only foot units (infantry / settler / worker / explorer / spy / Great People / etc...) and another one able to carry every unit that moves on land (armor / mech infantry / artillery included).

Each shopper should be able to carry only 1 unit.

When embarked on a ship both the shopper and the unit should count for the cargo limit.

Now, my question is should the chopper be transported by sea on transports, aircraft carriers or a new unit, the "assault carrier", or something like that, that can only carry choppers (with or without cargo) and VTOL aircraft (yup, another new unit)?

I don't know there is a chopper that can carry heavy armor real life. Usually, tanks require giant air transport like the C-130.

assault carrier would be a nice idea, it can launch paratrooper (unrealistic), attack chopper, ground support fighters, etc.
I don't know there is a chopper that can carry heavy armor real life. Usually, tanks require giant air transport like the C-130.

assault carrier would be a nice idea, it can launch paratrooper (unrealistic), attack chopper, ground support fighters, etc.

I think there are some helicopters that can lift heavy armor, but from what I've seen they can only tow one at a time hanging underneath.
I think a transport chopper/military cargo plane is a good idea. Allow them to carry 1 tank/mech inf or 2 foot units. This would give at least some method to airlift tanks/mech inf into enemy territory directly.

The mechanism to implement this is a little awkward, but they could be "boarded" like ships. Then it could either drop the units somewhere as a mission or move in some fashion. The move could be a "re-base" option like planes or physically move like ships. The "ship" version would be inconsistent with the plane implementation in the game, but it would be a natural method nonetheless.

The drop range should be equal to paratroopers though I am of the group that thinks paratrooper range should be increased a little.
On a sort of related note, I've always felt that helicopter units should be able to fly over coast.
liked them in civ3 but the window for units in civ4 is pretty small-
an all out air assault would be fun to try and historically i would say that while we still have paratroops , helicopter troops seem more modern.
Maybe upgrade paratrooper to attack calvary - although that doesn't make much sense ...how about with attack choppers the paratrooper unit can load into them.
(Marines? did marines ever ride in choppers? I say 2 paratroops and make a transport chopper available with advanced flight.)
I think 1 tank OR 3 ground troops would be good.

I am planning to mod my gunships eventually to flying over coast, lose their rail bonus, but gain more speed, and be able to be carried on carriers.
I don't know of any real world helos that can lift tanks...light armor and artillery is done all the time by the USMC. It would be cool to have the capability to air assault from the amphibious ships/transports further inland and to carry maybe 2 ground units in each helo. But you'd need to defend them against SAMs or it'd be a slaughter. Tanks and mobile artillery would have to come across the beach like always. You could use your paratroopers and transport helos/Marines/artillery/troops to sieze stategic resources or key terrain for the tanks/mech infantry to link up with and push toward your target city.
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