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JFD's Rise to Power

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Oct 19, 2010
The Kingdom of New Zealand

Here, you will find links to keep up-to-date with Rise to Power (and Events Compendium).
These can only be downloaded directly through my Google Drive.

For detailed information, see the JFDModding Wiki.

Because RtP is a very complex mod, you MUST to follow the Discord link and familiarize yourself with the content, including compatibilities and troubleshooting.


Rise to Power is an overhaul mod that aims to add significant depth to the game, by introducing new mechanics, overhauling base systems, and adding a plethora of world-building aspects.
Information about specific components can be located on the Discord server, the Wiki, or in-game in the Civilopedia or through the added Tutorials.

The mod is provided as is, and it is your responsibility to check the Discord server for troubleshooting methods. If you follow these, and you still run into issues, then you are unlikely to be able to use the mod.

Direct Installation
  • Download from Google Drive.
  • Unzip the contents of this into My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization V\MODS
  • Enable in Mods and click Next.
For more detailed instructions, see Discord.


If you encounter issues, it is important that you communicate this clearly so that someone can help you. You will need the following things:
  1. Mod Version.
  2. Mod List (other mods you have active).
  3. Database and/or Lua log files. See here for instructions.
For more detailed instructions, see Discord.

User Settings

Some features can be disabled using the included JFDLC_UserSettings.sql file. This is located at Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\JFD's Rise to Power\JFDLC User Settings

For more detailed instructions, see Discord.

  • Gazebo: DLL functionalities.
  • Chrisy15: Feedback, Bug-testing, Research, Public Relations.
  • Janboruta: Artwork (Various), Feedback.
  • Sukritact: Artwork (Various), original author of Events & Decisions, Suzereinty.
  • Leugi: Artwork (Various), Graphics (Various).
  • Barathor: Artwork (Various), original author of More Luxuries.
  • JTitan: Graphics (Various).
  • Skaz: Graphics (Resources).
  • Daniel_Empire: Research.
  • Kesler: Research.
  • que: Installer.
  • Reedstilt: Research.
  • TranquilSilence: Feedback, Ladness.
  • Viregel: Research.
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I am seeking at least two more to broaden the scope (suggestions welcome).

I know the world doesn't need another Christian institution, but the Orthodox Patriarchy could be focused on increased faith/defense benefits.

Another idea is to invent a generalised, Mesopotamian or Egyptian institution, that would excel at increasing growth or wealth.

Pantheon beliefs will remain untouched (in this regard, I defer the user to Barathor's More Pantheons mod, or just the vanilla system)

Thank you for that. I'm using More Pantheons to accomodate More Resources, and cannot live with that. :)

In general - hype overflow. I'm very excited about this project, but I'm even more interested by the mysterious Prestige component. Wouldn't it be a good place to include the government changes already planned in Sovereignty Revised? Or it's just the format of Piety/Prestige that doesn't accomodate intended changes well enough?

I think I'm a bit opposed to the old idea of Sovereignty Revised, due to its radical changes to vanilla policy trees in favour of a bit generalised, and a bit flavourless trees with bonuses that are merely mirrored within the two paths available in a tree. But I know this concept may be outdated.
The Patriarchate is a consideration, but, as you say, is another Christian Institution, so I wanted to avoid that for now.

Prestige is intended to lay the foundation for a more involved SovRev. I cannot say for certain how SovRev may manifest, given how much time, and how many tools have become available to me, but the combination of Sukritact's Decisions and Events (which shifts some of the emphasise of Social Policies as acting as the main form of political action in the game), and my experience with Piety, may allow for something more than a superficial re-imagining of the Social Policy system. At the very least, the process of choosing your right to rule, then choosing your government system, will remain in some form; perhaps as distinct from Social Policies, I'm not yet sure. But as Piety serves as the legitimacy of your State Religion, Prestige will serve as the legitimacy of your Government.

And indeed, perhaps if the scope of SovRev shrinks, it'll be moved into Piety and Prestige.
Interesting project!

As for suggestions: perhaps Pharaonic Dynasty?
The best thing for that would be an Imperial Cult as a fourth institution, but I'm reserved because of the local level by which an Imperial Cult can be established. If not a institution, establishing an Imperial Cult will be a decision.
Hm, the opportunity for religion to act as a defensive barrier against invaders is compelling - this would work both for the Patriarchate or the Ghost Dance. I'll give it some thought; thanks :)

Added the changes to the Piety tree to the OP, and a note on changes to existing civilisations.
I have come to despise the Pantheon Race, and the powerlessness with which the player is invested as they watch the AI - who benefits from Shrines immediately on higher difficulties - steal their preferred Pantheon.
Me too, brother! Nothing worse than having 9 faith with +1 FPT only to see that darn message the 'A Pantheon has been founded in a faraway land' (or whatever the exact message is. Then, five turns later when you're at 14 faith with still +1 FPT to see 'Hey, Guess what Dude? You've been screwed over again! Your favorite Pantheon has been taken, and now you need even more faith to found a Pantheon! Good luck with That!!'

Plus I think I'm going to have to re-think what I was thinking about with regard to specific new wonders giving specific abilities and being unlocked by specific major religions. Or maybe that idea won't clash with this. I was thinking along the lines of adopting Islam would allow you to build [Insert the name of an appropriate Islam-related wonder here] in your holy city and that would allow you do certain things, like purchase (with faith or otherwise) historically-appropriate units special to Islam. Same for Catholicism, Buddhism, etc.
Nah, it wouldn't clash. I once considered such a feat - but nine new wonders with good art is a luxury resource, and then if one is using Tomatekh's Historical Religions mod... But if somehow it is incompatible mechanically, I'll do my best to add support anyway.

The Masjid Al-Haram would be the most appropriate wonder for Islam, I expect.
Nah, it wouldn't clash. I once considered such a feat - but nine new wonders with good art is a luxury resource, and then if one is using Tomatekh's Historical Religions mod...

The Masjid Al-Haram would be the most appropriate wonder for Islam, I expect.
The artwork is why I put it on the back-burner for now and went with what I went with. I can't do artwork worth a we're-not-supposed-to-curse-on-the-forum. And of course once you do a good job on the basic religions, of course every subscriber is yammering at you to add something for so-and-somebody's awesome mod.
Well that's it. Between this mod, the decision system, all of the awesome civs and Machiavelli's mods and so many more, I'm never going to stop playing this game. Ever.
Well that's it. Between this mod, the decision system, all of the awesome civs and Machiavelli's mods and so many more, I'm never going to stop playing this game. Ever.

Well, only one thing to do now - start a Church, and have a valid excuse for not showing up to work/uni/school (religious reasons :p)
What about the Ghost Dance as an institution? Definitely not Abrahamic, and it offers opportunities for resistance-based gameplay.

But the Ghost Dance wasn't an institution. It wasn't centralized, had no religious authority, it wasn't even consistently practiced as individual tribes just adopted their local customs. On top of all that, it only lasted a few years and was denounced by just as many native groups than those that "joined" it.

I think earlier suggestions for the Imperial Cult are the best for a new institution. The Imperial Cult/God-King concept is probably the oldest concept that fits into the framework and one that also played a significant role for with many different cultures. It doesn't even have to be seen as local; there are many examples where the divine king wasn't even related on a national scale but could still be seen as wielding religious authority. Rastafarianism and Haile Selassie is probably the most recent example.
Well, only one thing to do now - start a Church, and have a valid excuse for not showing up to work/uni/school (religious reasons :p)

I wish!

back to the idea:

Saudi Arabia would fit this like a glove!
yay for state religions!(only for civ)

After entering the Industrial era, would the civs who have state religions produce less science or production? or more culture required for them to adopt social policies?
Of course not! You'll find no prejudice against State Religions from this mod author :) (Anyway, there's no real basis for it - Denmark and England seem perfectly well off scientifically, culturally and production-ally) The closest issue that arises is that having an ideology dramatically increases the decay of Piety, and diplomatic relations will shift from State Religion vs different State Religion to State Religion vs Secular State (unless you're confused about the distinction, like Turkey :p)
Of course not! You'll find no prejudice against State Religions from this mod author :) The closest issue that arises is that having an ideology dramatically increases the decay of Piety, and diplomatic relations will shift from State Religion vs different State Religion to State Religion vs Secular State (unless you're confused about the distinction, like Turkey :p)

good! we wont have to suffer the comments on steam!

if you have a state religion but have oil, there will be no negative diplo hit from sec states ( I kid, I kid!)

btw, Turkey is a hardcore secular state, it goes to the other extreme, ie. women weren't allowed to wear headscarves in universities a decade ago(or more, correct me if I'm wrong)

love these types of mods: Suk's decisions, Piety and Prestige, cultural diversity
if you have a state religion but have oil, there will be no negative diplo hit from sec states ( I kid, I kid!)

That should definitely be in the Prestige component, negating the diplo penalty between Monarchies and Republics. :lol:

btw, Turkey is a hardcore secular state, it goes to the other extreme, ie. women weren't allowed to wear headscarves in universities a decade ago(or more, correct me if I'm wrong)

Yes, Turkey's secular, but the government makes rules about the Patriarchate of Constantinople, so it seems to not realise that secularisation goes both ways :lol:
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