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JFD's Sovereignty for VP

Troll Warlord

Jul 13, 2022
Current version of JFDs RTP Sovereignty mod is broken and doesn't work.

I found the idea and mechanics of it really cool, so I made a full adaptation of it to Vox Populi (EUI)

The description of what mod does you can find in the above URL, here I present only changes that I have made to the original.

(But I can write here full guide, if requested)

Changes by me to the original "Sovereignty" mod:
  • "Sovereignty" mod is merged with neccessary RTP utils and is a standalone addon now which doesn't require "Rise to Power" core. Depends only on VP + EE.
  • Compatibility with all other JFD addons is removed (they do not work properly with VP anyway).
  • Hardcoded dependency on Community Patch DLL hooks and API for saving/loading data.
  • Completely removed everything related to Civilopedia, it interfered heavily with VP's civilopedia changes.
  • Sovereignty UI is merged into EUI (notifications, end turn button, etc)
  • Removed techs added by mod, buildings and wonders from those techs are distributed across other techs and eras (including EE). In my opinion VP tech tree is optimal, no need to push more techs there.
  • Removed "Chancery" building line of JFD (which gave you -% cooldown to Reforms), that bonus is distributed to VP's Chanceries and Wire Services. Now you have additional motivation to have those buildings even if you are not doing diplomacy.
  • Some world wonders changed according to their VP's changes, some wonders are removed, because already in VP (or EE), their bonuses are given to existing wonders (e.g. Versaille)
  • All buildings and wonders have properly adjusted produciton/gold costs, flavours, etc. to VP values (so far AI uses them okayish).
  • Big chunk of reforms were balanced and changed to VP balance: most "+-yield value" reforms were rebalanced to "+-% yield percent" to account for VP yield lategame inflation. Some reforms were done from scratch.
  • Fixed AI logic regarding choice of Governments.
  • More clear texts and descriptions.
Please, let me know what do you think about this.
I would also appreciate help with testing and balancing stuff.


  • Mod is now compatible with More Wonders and 3/4 UC modmods (Vox Populi v2.6).
  • Removed all new Wonders from the mod. Unique governments have been redistributed to existing Vox Populi wonders:
  1. Roman Forum - Holy Roman Empire
  2. Sistine Chapel - Papacy
  3. Haghia Sophia - Caliphate
  4. Summer Palace - Mandate of Heaven
  5. Himeji Castle - Shogunate
  • Unique governments are optional now. They become unlocked, but are no longer forced upon you when corresponding wonder is built (Government change dialog is still called).
  • Unique governments can now be changed (so you are not stuck with one for the whole game).
  • Added a possibility to change Government when new Ideology is adopted.
  • Building changes:
  1. "Magistrate's Court" now additionally yields 1 :c5culture: and reduces :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Needs by 5%.
  2. "High Court" now additionally yields 2 :c5culture: and reduces :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Needs by 5%.
  3. Adjusted flavours for AI's usage.
  • Big rework of a Councillor mechanic:
  1. Councillors are renamed to Ministers.
  2. There are now 9 minister slots, 1 for each Reforms branch except Government branch.
    Minister of Internal Affairs (Law) - Great Writer
    Minister of Foreign Affairs (Diplomacy) - Great Diplomat
    Minister of Economy (Economy) - Great Merchant
    Minister of Industry (Industry) - Great Engineer
    Minister of Education (Education) - Great Scientist
    Minister of Defense (Militart) - Great General
    Minister of Religion (Religion) - Great Prohpet
    Minister of Culture (Society) - Great Musician
    Minister of Welfare (Welfare) - Great Artist
  3. Ministers are now appointed by clicking the corresponding empty slot

and choosing the Great Person on a map (suitable Great People are highlighted by red hexes). Note: Great Person becomes expended!​


Ministers are now appointed once and for all. Each appointed minister decreases reforms costs in a corresponding branch by absolute value of 15% Sovereignty:​


  • -- Fixed bug which prevented the Leader and Government titles from change when conditions were met.
  • -- Fixed bug with loud overlapping sounds when establishing Government.
  • -- Fixed bug with persisting "Choose Government" notification icon.
  • -- Fixed save-game persistence of titles and ministers, as well as some other data.
  • -- Small text adjustments.
  • -- Small values adjustments of some reforms.


  • Mod is no longer dependent on "Enlightenment Era" mod. It is compatible with EE, but now can be played just with base Vox Populi.
  • Fixed "Valley of Honor" wonder missing wonder-screen textures.
  • Fixed "Buda Castle" wonder not nullifying Revolutionaries in new Legislatures.
  • Fixed "Two-Party" and "Multi-Party" factions legislatures not forming correctly (adjusted yields dependencies)
  • Removed a notification about reform cooldown when Government is not yet founded.
  • Reworked "Law" branch reforms for a smoother Sovereignty yields.
  • Fixed sovereignty calculations for "Legitimacy 3" Tradition reform.
  • Now fulfilling all 3 Legitimacy Reforms from Law brach grants you additional +15% Sovereignty.
  • Rebalance of some reforms in other branches.



  • JFD's Sovereignty for VP (v 13).zip
    6.2 MB · Views: 498
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-Fixed Dictatorship legislature not working properly
-Fixed Top panel tooltips size


  • JFD's Sovereignty for VP+EE (v 11).zip
    17.9 MB · Views: 202
Thank you for converting this mod to VP.

There are some incompatibilities with other VP submods.
- 4 Unique Components: China's chancery replacement doesn't have the legislature cooldown bonus.
- More Wonders: The wonders in this mod usually have terrain or improvements requirements. Sovereignty removes them somehow. For example, I am able to build Ggantija wonder from turn 1, even though I don't have the required 2 farms built.
I may be missing something (I've only played up to Renaissance with the mod active), but it doesn't seem like any reform categories are available other than Government, Law and Economy, if I'm remembering the titles correctly. That's a bit of a shame, particularly given how so many mechanics interact with the other non-existent categories. Are they not in the mod yet, or are they just not available until later Eras?
Thank you for converting this mod to VP.

There are some incompatibilities with other VP submods.
- 4 Unique Components: China's chancery replacement doesn't have the legislature cooldown bonus.
- More Wonders: The wonders in this mod usually have terrain or improvements requirements. Sovereignty removes them somehow. For example, I am able to build Ggantija wonder from turn 1, even though I don't have the required 2 farms built.
I can confirm it messes with More Wonders too, here I could create the panama canal in a place I should really not be able too:


  • 2022-07-22 14_13_04-Sid Meier's Civilization V (DX9).png
    2022-07-22 14_13_04-Sid Meier's Civilization V (DX9).png
    2.2 MB · Views: 147
I can confirm it messes with More Wonders too, here I could create the panama canal in a place I should really not be able too:
Thank you for converting this mod to VP.

There are some incompatibilities with other VP submods.
- 4 Unique Components: China's chancery replacement doesn't have the legislature cooldown bonus.
- More Wonders: The wonders in this mod usually have terrain or improvements requirements. Sovereignty removes them somehow. For example, I am able to build Ggantija wonder from turn 1, even though I don't have the required 2 farms built.
Thanks. I'll see what I can do about compatibilities with those.

I may be missing something (I've only played up to Renaissance with the mod active), but it doesn't seem like any reform categories are available other than Government, Law and Economy, if I'm remembering the titles correctly. That's a bit of a shame, particularly given how so many mechanics interact with the other non-existent categories. Are they not in the mod yet, or are they just not available until later Eras?
That is certainly not intentional. All reform categories should be visible and filled with reforms independent of Eras. It seems there is a LUA error (most likely compatibility issues).
Make sure you use VP 2.5 with the last version of Sovereignty from this thread (not OP post, below). If bug still persists, please attach LUA log file.
Aye, updating to the latest version of Sovereignty fixed it, thanks.
IMO you should strip this mod down to its core. You removed techs, you should remove Wonders as well maybe? Or look up More Wonders mod and make it compatible just as you did for EE?

Personally I would try it but only if compatible with 3/4UC & more wonders!
IMO you should strip this mod down to its core. You removed techs, you should remove Wonders as well maybe? Or look up More Wonders mod and make it compatible just as you did for EE?

Personally I would try it but only if compatible with 3/4UC & more wonders!
I agree that this mod adds a lot of new Wonders, which together with More Wonders makes a little bit too much and redundant.
The problem is those wonders exist mostly to serve as a gateways to establish unique governments: Papacy, Shogunate, Caliphate, etc.

So, removing those wonders means one of these things:
1) Removal of unique governments.
2) Redistribute unique governments across existing VP (+ MW?) wonders.
3) Create wonder-unrelated mechanic of establishing unique governments.

I am open for proposals and ideas in this regard.

3/4UC and MW compatibility is next on the list.
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I tried (not super hard I reckon) to find a full list of all mechanics and buildings and wonders but couldn't find any. Could you point to one?
Honestly I have no idea how it works at all but seduced by the idea but not at the cost of getting rid of the aforementioned mods. VP is even boring to me without those.
Seems like 3) would be the best way to make it compatible all together through the use of buildings, isn't it? But again I am not sure how it works overall
I agree that this mod adds a lot of new Wonders, which together with More Wonders makes a little bit too much and redundant.
The problem is those wonders exist mostly to serve as a gateways to establish unique governments: Papacy, Shogunate, Caliphate, etc.

So, removing those wonders means one of these things:
1) Removal of unique governments.
2) Redistribute unique governments across existing VP (+ MW?) wonders.
3) Create wonder-unrelated mechanic of establishing unique governments.

I am open for proposals and ideas in this regard.

3/4UC and MW compatibility is next on the list.
Maybe just remove the wonders that don't unlock/enhance governments? In practice you'll usually only build one of those per game anyway, at least I reckon so.
It's very interesting mod. Although there are so many text, I started translating into my own language to share another VP fan in my contury. By the way I can't unlock Economy, Welfare, Education and etc... Is this bug?
+ Even if wonders are removed, I want unique governments to be maintained. Holy Roman Empire, Caliphate and the other goverments give me historical pleasure.
It's very interesting mod. Although there are so many text, I started translating into my own language to share another VP fan in my contury. By the way I can't unlock Economy, Welfare, Education and etc... Is this bug?
+ Even if wonders are removed, I want unique governments to be maintained. Holy Roman Empire, Caliphate and the other goverments give me historical pleasure.
I had the same problem with the Economy/Welfare etc; updating to the newest version (in the zipped attachment, not the download link) should fix it.
Just finished a game with the version that was combined with enlightenment era. It's quite a cool new fleshed out system. Thanks for your work in incorporating it.

I don't play with More Wonders, so I do agree that the modmod in itself adds too many wonders. You could potentially just use different triggers and still allow the choice of going through a different government. I locked myself into papacy at some point and that was it. I thought that the government screen would allow you to be more dynamic in choosing your governing form. So for instance if you finish off Fealty, you could also choose to go into papacy, or not and stick with your own government. Something like this. Maybe allow a different government choice every era?

I also dislike how there is a diplomacy penalty for having different governments while there are so many unique governments however.

The bonuses are sometimes straight up worse then not going for them. Trading off culture for food for instance, while culture is a superior yield. I understand the penalties help against yield inflation, but it made this system a lot less enjoyable.

Still not sure I understand how the factions play into your government.

The court buildings to get faster reforms seem a bit expensive for what they do and out of balance with buildings in the same era. I typically only build them a lot later then when they unlock.

I couldn't appoint a Great General or Great Engineer to the council is what it was called I believe. I think I declined the first natural born great engineer and for a great general, I don't think an option was ever given.

I love the titles that the governments give to the different civs though. Adds a lot of cool flavor for me and I typically do not care much for that aspect of the game.
It's very interesting mod. Although there are so many text, I started translating into my own language to share another VP fan in my contury. By the way I can't unlock Economy, Welfare, Education and etc... Is this bug?
+ Even if wonders are removed, I want unique governments to be maintained. Holy Roman Empire, Caliphate and the other goverments give me historical pleasure.
If you don't see Reforms in those branches (empty tabs) - most likely there are compatibility issues. Make sure you use last version of VP (2.5) along with last version of this mod. If it persists, please provide LUA and database logs here.
Just finished a game with the version that was combined with enlightenment era. It's quite a cool new fleshed out system. Thanks for your work in incorporating it.

I don't play with More Wonders, so I do agree that the modmod in itself adds too many wonders. You could potentially just use different triggers and still allow the choice of going through a different government. I locked myself into papacy at some point and that was it. I thought that the government screen would allow you to be more dynamic in choosing your governing form. So for instance if you finish off Fealty, you could also choose to go into papacy, or not and stick with your own government. Something like this. Maybe allow a different government choice every era?

I also dislike how there is a diplomacy penalty for having different governments while there are so many unique governments however.

The bonuses are sometimes straight up worse then not going for them. Trading off culture for food for instance, while culture is a superior yield. I understand the penalties help against yield inflation, but it made this system a lot less enjoyable.

Still not sure I understand how the factions play into your government.

The court buildings to get faster reforms seem a bit expensive for what they do and out of balance with buildings in the same era. I typically only build them a lot later then when they unlock.

I couldn't appoint a Great General or Great Engineer to the council is what it was called I believe. I think I declined the first natural born great engineer and for a great general, I don't think an option was ever given.

I love the titles that the governments give to the different civs though. Adds a lot of cool flavor for me and I typically do not care much for that aspect of the game.
Thank you for the feedback!
In the last version, I have added a possibility to choose new government after you adopt ideology, so at least you are not stuck with Papacy the whole game.

The idea with policy branches and eras is good one, I'll think about it.
Regarding bonuses/penalties from reforms - yeah, they still need to be balanced. I haven't played with Vox Populi for that long yet and so I have to put some "reasonable" values based on my little experience with VP balance.
That is why I appreciate community help/feedback to test it and make it more balanced.

Your chosen Government type (Republic, Monarchy, etc.) and "Two-Party/Multi-Party" reforms (last reform of Government branch) determines the set of factions that constitute your Legislature.
Legislature composition (% of each faction in it) depends on what concrete faction desires and your civ's yields/policies/units/etc by the time your Legislature is formed.
Each faction supports and opposes certain type of Reforms, you can see what each faction desires, as well as reforms that it supports/opposes, in a tooltip (hover mouse over faction name in Government overview)..
If a Reform is supported more than opposed by your factions, then it's Sovereignty cost will be lowered. If opposed more - cost is higher. Revolutionaries oppose all left/right reforms.

Regarding court buildings: I thought about giving them some proper yields, like culture, so they are not completely useless without Reforms. But I should test it first.

Regarding GP: You can appoint Great People only if they are born naturally (you can do it only when GP popup shows up, there is a button). I think Great Engineers are OK, I've appointed them many times, though, I'd need to check GG. Seems like a bug.
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I also dislike how there is a diplomacy penalty for having different governments while there are so many unique governments however.
Btw, this penalty is imposed by Precedence reforms in Diplomacy branch. If you don't like penalty for different governments, you can pass left/right reform to change that.
I have a question. What is the Legitimacy?? (e.g +5%/+10% Sovereignty when one/two other Legitimacies are met)
I have a question. What is the Legitimacy?? (e.g +5%/+10% Sovereignty when one/two other Legitimacies are met)
There are three "Legitimacy" reforms inside of Government reforms branch. They all give you +Sovereignty under some conditions met.
Those are basically the conditions that you see in a tooltip, like: "+10% Sovereignty when all Cities have Garrison" or "+20 Sovereignty when all Cities have strength 30", etc.

"+5%/+10% Sovereignty when one/two other Legitimacies are met" is one of the options (default) for third Legitimacy reform, which says that you get sovereignty when other (first and second) Legitimacy reforms are satisfied.
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