
Well, that game I was talking about was under Uxol the Half-breed. I'm playing another game right now with Father Kasghenal. I guess I'll let you know how he does about 300-400 turns in.
Yes Ice, that is precisely what happens to them. BtS was written with the assumption that units can only upgrade into being better at the same job, not into a completely new job. AI needs to be rewritten to 1) change the job they are trying to do when they upgrade, and 2) Consider the job they need to have filled when selecting to upgrade.
I've noticed that the AI also has an unhealthy fascination for Fletchers. "Automated Production" might as well be called "Build Fletchers".
Ok, I got to around turn 289 and Kasghenal was just failing. He needs some tweaks. I'm starting another with Mother whatever.
This explains why when I limited the AI's ability to build archers, they got smarter - they didn't get smarter so much as had to do things beyond make Archers.
This in turn freed up treasury money to do other things, and got them out of the financial quagmire.
Well, Uxol's AI was fond of making wild trolls and troll hunters. Even attacked the Kahdi and took a good chunk of their land.
Ok, I've played a game with each Jotnar leader being led by the AI. Uxol and Mother Whatever did well, Uxol being aggressive and Mother Whatever being more tech focused. Father Kasghenal on the other hand floundered and didn't do much until the Calabim mowed them down.
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