Jumpmasters 1C: We are a backward people! (C3C/Emperor/No Research)

Why do we need so many more workers? I realize there is still some unroaded mountains in England, and some jungles in Arabia, but for the most part we are taken care of. And pollution can generally be taken care of by the workers in place, except in the middle island which needed some workers. I played lazy though, and didn't bring any over.

What is wrong with being over 18? Nothing wrong with specialists at this point in the game. There is no real doubt about the outcome anymore, we just have to wait for everything to be researched and prebuild.
The pollution is really annoying at this level and keeps distracting from our builds. Their is no benefit for the larger city, and the smaller city has lower pollution and higher production. The pollution was highly aggravating as in 5 turns, I lost 12 citizens to starvation from pollution. We can fix this by making our size 26 cities around size 18. I have found in my experience that the size 18 can then make MA or MI in 2 turns. If they can't do that, then they can at least do 2 turn bombers, which is a major offensive boost.
I would accumulate some mor bombers so if some delcares on us, we can bomb their ships to the bottom.
I think I forgot to note that I snagged us SETI in York.
Even though we can't do research, I just like wonders.
SETI increases research, although for only one city. We should have let someone else get it, and hope that it actually did something for the tech pace. We definitely cannot build Internet, unless we feel that the current pace is too fast.
I should be able to get this done tonight. Agree with bedhead that we have let others have it, but probably would have done as romeo and snagged it.
Well I had a palace prebuild in York that finished in 2 turns, I naturally assumed that was what it was for. I suggest that we snag the I-net too to help our culture out. It is hard to turn down that much cpt.
We can't have internet. Our culture is fine. We can hope someone other than Sumeria gets it, but we can't build it. We are going to be in danger of hitting 2050 without launching at this rate. No new tech has been discovered in the last 20 turns. I didn't even notice the prebuild in York, oops. I would have assumed it was for Apollo, though.
Well I had a palace prebuild in York that finished in 2 turns, I naturally assumed that was what it was for. I suggest that we snag the I-net too to help our culture out. It is hard to turn down that much cpt.

That's what it was for. I'm biting the bullet and letting the AI get internet.
recon: no cities over 18. I am idiot, can't handle this. Need to get the tech pace rolling, all elss is secondary.

Why is there a knight army on 2 mountain isle? Move the exforce to grab furs and dyes..

VC screen says Sumeria has 94214 culture. We have 55259. don't they win if we have less than 60k when then get 100?

Build lots of buses. Getting tired of cleaning up.

Middle - gift 200 gpt to all the scientific civs.

Late - bombers and mass transit all over. i built 2 cities that make dyes and furs native. units have been flowing into the iznik airfields. amsterdam is building appollo.
hello people, what a long thread. somebody here invited me to join this game. It would be my pleasure to do so. familiar faces too :)
Did I get it correct that we want to build the spaceship and can't research. no other things to consider. ok, good then. who should play or is playing the next turnset?
We take things slow around here. You can play if you want, I had it but the set is kind of long on a sluggish computer, so I won't play for the next couple of days most likely.
I was also invited to participate... I can pick up and play at the drop of a hat/nuke/whatever. Though possibly not 'til my GOTM39 steamroller (just started rumbling...) finishes its task.

Neil. :cool:

well, Iplayed some turns,10 to be exact :)

have to get familiar with those many cities. no war, many treaties. and a lot of pollution. steal space safely from Byz and then trade it around for a lot of money. start Apollo program and the internet
we have a lot of money :lol:

3. 1926 Babylon finished Internet :(
steal Nuclear power safely from Sumer, and trade it

4. 5.

IT Apollo comes in, adjust builds for SS
parts are ready in 1/1/4

7. Babs know synthetic fibers
steal safely with spy, get caught and they declare :eek:
replant spy and steal safe, succeed but we are at war.
get Sumer as ally for syntethic fibers
get Byzantines to ally as well

IT counterattack around Iznik, they lose 3 bombers

since Babs captured some Portugese towns already, get RoP with portugese

9. raze Babs city, counters are pretty weak

IT Sumer finish 2/10 parts, we have 4/10

10. raze another Babs city and get an airport on their main island
we can easily defeat Babs, watch out for Sumer and their SS. maybe we need to fight them later on to disconnect their resources.
Pollution is a real nuisance
we need to watch culture as Sumer seems to make slightly more cpt as us. I built a few libraries for that, but we might need more
One of our goals is too not hurt any scientific civs badly. Watch out for this. We want the scientific civs alive. Make peace at the first oppurtunity.
Watch the dogpiles. We need to feed gpt and lux to the AI to keep the research moving. Our goal is not to grab more territory unless you can grab a new lux. Let the Babs resettle and make peace asap. How do we feel about breaking the contract and making peace? We don't need a rep for trades since we can steal everything.
Eldar: Up now
RtM: On deck
The Rat: Just played
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