[GS] June 2019 Patch notes discussion

Is this normal with the new patch? I had to end my war with Georgia to deal with a more threatening giant barbarian horde on turn 50 or so, and it was so numerous I lost multiple units.

Is the game back to using Zerg rushes to add artificial difficulty at higher levels?


You have to destroy those barb camps before they become a threat. Do some scouting and make room for military unts early on. Better be safe. The first 2 era’s of a civ game can become quite dangerous..
Is this normal with the new patch? I had to end my war with Georgia to deal with a more threatening giant barbarian horde on turn 50 or so, and it was so numerous I lost multiple units.

Is the game back to using Zerg rushes to add artificial difficulty at higher levels?

Consider yourself lucky. In a while those camps will be spawning archers instead of slingers.

Heathen conversion is a convenient tool to have if you can somehow get it without too much investment (Russia, Kongo and maybe I guess Japan)
Consider yourself lucky. In a while those camps will be spawning archers instead of slingers.

Heathen conversion is a convenient tool to have if you can somehow get it without too much investment (Russia, Kongo and maybe I guess Japan)
And man, if the barbarian camp spawns close to horses, they'll quickly have horse archers. Very dangerous.
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You have to destroy those barb camps before they become a threat. Do some scouting and make room for military unts early on. Better be safe. The first 2 era’s of a civ game can become quite dangerous..

Yes, I know how to deal with barbarians - but I haven't come across that many active camps at once or sending units that quickly and aggressively in past patches. The one camp I could see had only been alerted a few turns earlier.
I've seen barb rams before the latest patch and before GS as well. Unfortunately I never saw them in action.

I have also witnessed barb rams previously, but never in use. They were always wondering the margins of the polar regions.
Yes, I know how to deal with barbarians - but I haven't come across that many active camps at once or sending units that quickly and aggressively in past patches. The one camp I could see had only been alerted a few turns earlier.
You have to kill the scouts. They seem raiding parties from different camps.
Yes, I know how to deal with barbarians - but I haven't come across that many active camps at once or sending units that quickly and aggressively in past patches. The one camp I could see had only been alerted a few turns earlier.
All that was done, was bug fixing where raids wouldn't trigger any more. From time to time you can have multiple camps nearby and have further bad luck of them triggering on your or AI's cities. I've had a few similar games before. Don't neglect your backyard when you go on campaign. :) In this case you're still lucky they're not horses.

I have also witnessed barb rams previously, but never in use. They were always wondering the margins of the polar regions.
Yes, and, sadly, they were impossible to capture - destroyed immediately.
You can stack multiple copies of canals, aqueducts, and dams. Although sadly AFAIK the panama canal central tile counts as wonder and not canal.

Usually you really never need canals, except on something like 7 seas.

Disappointing about the Panama Canal not counting for IZ placement.

Fractal is another good map type for canals IMO. Otherwise, yes, they are very very situational.
People took that way too literally. They just said they had more surprises for people in the future. As in, they're still working on the game. That's about it.
Agreed. I'm guessing that disease and other bio-related stuff is still to come. Mutant zombies are needed to counter GDRs. Mutant ants are needed to counter zombies and also so they can hitch a ride to the next planetary system. Civ6/Sim Earth -> Civ6/Sim Earth/Alpha Centauri/SimAnt.
I'd just like to add that I've had a totally average number of barbarians in my game. :D

Unlike the immediate launch of GS, I've seen a normal amount of barb camps. However those camps are spitting out melee, ranged, and light cav units at an increased rate. And the Scouts are as aggressive as ever.
This is getting so close to a map replay function that I miss so much! If you get an auto save per turn, I wonder if a mod could implement it by recording them.
I'm hoping this is prep for map replay being added in another expansion. :cool:

Disappointing about the Panama Canal not counting for IZ placement.
Agreed. Perhaps they will patch it in?
Does anyone know if the large maps stability has improved?

  • [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Multiple misc check-ins to reduce memory allocations.
  • [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Additional graphics performance improvements.
Looks like Ed acknowledged coastal cities possibly lagging behind land cities with all these production changes.
I spent a significant amount of time trying to think of what I wanted to say here, but I just couldn't.

Because this comment just sums up Civ6's design philosophy in a nutshell. "Coastal cities might lag behind other cities." Possibly. They're not sure.

Even though there are literally hundred-page threads howling about how terrible coastal cities, coastal civs, and basically the entire idea of water is in Civ6.

But possibly the coasts lag behind a bit. Maybe.
I spent a significant amount of time trying to think of what I wanted to say here, but I just couldn't.

Because this comment just sums up Civ6's design philosophy in a nutshell. "Coastal cities might lag behind other cities." Possibly. They're not sure.

Even though there are literally hundred-page threads howling about how terrible coastal cities, coastal civs, and basically the entire idea of water is in Civ6.

But possibly the coasts lag behind a bit. Maybe.
What would you have him say?

Frankly yes coasts are worse than other cities but at the same time I also believe it has been exaggerated and harped on way too much here.
I spent a significant amount of time trying to think of what I wanted to say here, but I just couldn't.

Because this comment just sums up Civ6's design philosophy in a nutshell. "Coastal cities might lag behind other cities." Possibly. They're not sure.

Even though there are literally hundred-page threads howling about how terrible coastal cities, coastal civs, and basically the entire idea of water is in Civ6.

But possibly the coasts lag behind a bit. Maybe.

Coastal cities would profit from realistic trade ... transporting food and resources and manufactured goods in large quantities at low costs. But you cannot implement this without sacrificing some holy cows like each city in civ produces its own food and its own resources. (The Civ6 trade routes are more about choosing (food, production, gold) boni for each city but not about transportation of goods.)
Coastal cities would profit from realistic trade ... transporting food and resources and manufactured goods in large quantities at low costs. But you cannot implement this without sacrificing some holy cows like each city in civ produces its own food and its own resources. (The Civ6 trade routes are more about choosing (food, production, gold) boni for each city but not about transportation of goods.)
I agree, but that would take an entire rework of everything. In the Civ model the largest cities in the US would be in Nebraska and Iowa.
I spent a significant amount of time trying to think of what I wanted to say here, but I just couldn't.

Because this comment just sums up Civ6's design philosophy in a nutshell. "Coastal cities might lag behind other cities." Possibly. They're not sure.

Even though there are literally hundred-page threads howling about how terrible coastal cities, coastal civs, and basically the entire idea of water is in Civ6.

But possibly the coasts lag behind a bit. Maybe.
There are also other opinions on these hundred pages... I agree that coastal cities are lagging and need serious buffs though. But it's not as bad as some posters like to put it.
Were there changes to natural disasters? A sandstorm just sent one of my largest cities back to the stone ages: Five districts with all buildings in it destroyed. And I had the disasters only on level 2. Game will be over by the time all those buildings are repaired.
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