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Just cancelled my preorder of Civilization 5

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I get a feeling that this discussion is going nowhere since some time...
"but I think the staff is going to have the units speak Aramaic as well."


That's my POINT. You're making an ASSUMPTION WITHOUT EVIDENCE. Why not ask first before making a hasty decision?

By the way, it would actually not be too historically accurate to have them speak Old Persian, since it was only used in Western Iran and pretty much fell out of use by the 4th century BC. Persia was a multi-lingual empire, and Imperial Aramaic was the closest thing to a national language they had. In fact, the organizational solidity of the Persian Empire as a whole is largely attributable to to their being able to communicate all across its vast distance in one language--Imperial Aramaic.

This is how Old Persian (Avestan) sounds by the way if anyone's interested. :)

It does sound beautiful, I'd have to say.

But on a different note, while I can accept your disapproval, you might want to consider the following;
Firaxis have decided to let Darius speak Aramaic because they learned it was the language hw would have used in negotiations with other civs...
They certainly did not intend to insult you, nor could they know that you would feel this way.
Do you really think they should go and hire a new voice actor? Just three weeks before release?
I find that a bit unfair.
If you enjoy the game, why not just buy it and hope they do better next time. Also i imagine they'd have the units speak persian, since it would be silly to change that in comparison to civ IV...
Hey guys,

Just so you know, Darius is speaking Aramaic, not Arabic. I am told that Aramaic is the historically correct language for the time.

So, Exoma, can we expect to see your pre-order renewed? ;)

I'm relieved to hear that.

And, yes, Aramaic is appropriate. More specifically, the Persian empire relied on Aramaic (even if the Persian language is unrelated). Basically, they chose the universal language over their native language. It's almost surprisingly accurate to choose it over other languages. Definite thumbs up here.
But this morning you were complaining that they WEREN'T speaking Aramaic!
1.) Out of curiosity Exoma, what is your source that indicates Darius would be more likely to converse in Old Persian than Aramaic?

2.) What evidence do you have to support the claim that you expect the devs will have the units speak Aramaic as well?

3.) Did your friends (plural) directly lie to you regarding the language being Arabic, or were they unable to identify the difference between Arabic and Aramaic?

4.) At any point did you apologize for spreading misinformation regarding what language was spoken?
I'm surprised at how so many people feel insulted by my thread. If you don't agree with me, then don't agree! No need to insult me!

I don't know if people are really insulted by your thread. I think they are aggravated by your attitude. In your original post, you gave incorrect information and came to (what seemed to many to be) a hasty and unreasonable conclusion.

Then, when Greg actually puts your fears to rest, you do not apologize for spreading this misinformation (as mercury529 just pointed out), you instead switch gears and say, "Oh, well I'm still disappointed because Darius doesn't speak Old Persian." In other words, you never acknowledged your initial error. I think doing so would go a long way to defusing some of the antagonism. As it is, it almost looks as if you are just hunting for excuses not to like Civ 5.
I don't know if people are really insulted by your thread. I think they are aggravated by your attitude. In your original post, you gave incorrect information and came to (what seemed to many to be) a hasty and unreasonable conclusion.

Then, when Greg actually puts your fears to rest, you do not apologize for spreading this misinformation (as mercury529 just pointed out), you instead switch gears and say, "Oh, well I'm still disappointed because Darius doesn't speak Old Persian." In other words, you never acknowledged your initial error. I think doing so would go a long way to defusing some of the antagonism. As it is, it almost looks as if you are just hunting for excuses not to like Civ 5.

I did apologize to anyone I offended on Page 12. :)
Two points of interest to me here.

Will this game even be published in Iran?

And will the ai actually be able to handle the one unit per tile strategy and the hellfire Im going to throw its way?

I dont even look at the leaders responses in civ4 anymore. Heck they open their mouths in game I just note their responses and then move on without listening to a single word they actually said. Playing a single game for as long as I have will do that to you I guess. If I think about it Im actually at a loss to say whether or not the leaders in civ actually have an audio response. Even the music is too distracting for me so I nixt it a long while back.

That being said I understand the op's frustration in possibly not having his particular personal history- and pride- being improperly represented.

But I think he is not the only one in that boat.

Civ isnt history it's a game that loosely fictionalzes history and it's might of beens.
I did apologize to anyone I offended on Page 12. :)

Which of these do you consider an apology?

I broadcasted it because I thought he spoke Arabic. I was wrong though and we've learned he speaks Aramaic :)

"but I think the staff is going to have the units speak Aramaic as well."


I'm surprised at how so many people feel insulted by my thread. If you don't agree with me, then don't agree! No need to insult me!

It'd be nice to have him speak Old Persian instead of Aramaic.

Ouch. Why are you being so rude?

No need to insult my reasoning. I mean, I can kinda understand Darius speaking Aramaic for political reasons. But we'll have to wait and see. I guess it would be more historically accurate if the units spoke Modern or Old Persian! That would be pretty neat, but I think the staff is going to have the units speak Aramaic as well.

It's a disappointment. :(

I completely see where you're coming from, and I respect your opinion.

And I would agree with you if Darius spoke Old Persian. Then I wouldn't care that he isn't speaking modern Persian...
...but he's speaking a totally different language.
He did say "Sorry if I offended anyone." However, that's not actually an apology for spreading false rumors about the game, it's just a perfunctory statement saying he didn't mean to upset anyone without indicating any actual regret for his actions...
He did say "Sorry if I offended anyone." However, that's not actually an apology for spreading false rumors about the game, it's just a perfunctory statement saying he didn't mean to upset anyone without indicating any actual regret for his actions...

What false rumors? I was told it was Arabic. What do you want me to do? Carve "I'm sorry" into my chest and take a picture?
What false rumors? I was told it was Arabic. What do you want me to do? Carve "I'm sorry" into my chest and take a picture?

You claim to be misinformed by multiple sources who spoke Arabic and mistook Aramaic for modern day Arabic. Even giving you the benefit of the doubt, you'd think you would say you were sorry for spreading false information. Especially given the fact that you think people would be justified in canceling their ordered based on the information.
What false rumors? I was told it was Arabic. What do you want me to do? Carve "I'm sorry" into my chest and take a picture?

That would be pretty amusing, yes!

You didn't say you were told it was Arabic... you said: "Naw, I had my Arabic friends translate it. It's modern day Islamic-Arabic."

There is absolutely no way whatsoever that a modern-day Arabic speaker could confuse his own language for Imperial Aramaic, and there is certainly no way they could have translated it for you. Why not just admit you made this little claim up, eh?

Seriously, how about just, "Everyone, I'm sorry I posted information that was not true, and that rather than properly sourcing and asking questions of the developers, I made unsubstantiated claims that caused a lot of turmoil. In the future, I promise to not post any wild assertions such as this and will do the proper research before making any more claims about how the game works. Thank you for your time."

Write that 100 times...
That would be pretty amusing, yes!

Seriously, how about just, "Everyone, I'm sorry I posted information that was not true, and that rather than properly sourcing and asking questions of the developers, I made unsubstantiated claims that caused a lot of turmoil. In the future, I promise to not post any wild assertions such as this and will do the proper research before making any more claims about how the game works. Thank you for your time."

Write that 100 times...

Perhaps he has merely come up with a clever way to get information about the game before it is released.

Look for my "Just cancelled [sic] my preorder of Civilization 5... because the B17 doesn't have 2 extra points of movement(?)" post soon ;).
Besides, when will you ever hear Darius speak since you will surely be playing as the Persians?
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