• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
I saw this in "similar threads".
Was expecting stuff like "Civ 6 already sucks, we don't need yet another cash cow poop".
But this...
Seriously, WHY wasn't it removed by mods on day one?
It's "Off-Topic" at best, "incoherent crazy rambling" at middle, and "actual trolling" at honest.
To me, this looks like an elaborate joke that people are taking waaayyyy too seriously. But hey, who knows? With all of the schizos running around in modern political circles nowadays, you can never really tell what's real or not anymore.
To me, this looks like an elaborate joke that people are taking waaayyyy too seriously. But hey, who knows? With all of the schizos running around in modern political circles nowadays, you can never really tell what's real or not anymore.
Why do you assume the joke is being taken seriously?
All the older posts in the thread speak for themselves.
Do they? Or are you just interpreting them a certain way, and arbitrarily declaring it is so?
I don't know in that world

Not so, because 5.27 is a decimal value, which translated to hours/minutes/second would become 5:16:12.

He missed by 9 minutes 48 seconds. He's not the prophet, he's a very naughty poster.
Including the Monty Python reference, and

That's not prophet's math though. You've got to use prophets math.

Can be interpreted as anything other than tongue in cheek.

Perhaps it is as they say, that wit is wasted upon the witless.
Well, look who's arbitrarily assuming things now. Either way, I'll see myself out. I don't see the point in continuing on with.... whatever this even was.
Questions are arbitrarily assuming thing?. Interesting.
I particularly liked " 'proper' translation of Genesis 1".
I’m not sure if this thread needs to stay open.
Nah, ya got your number wrong. Its 2046 the next possible crossing as per scripture.
Which I personally checked and its off by about 500.
It hasn't been confirmed as I don't have a direct line with the creator itself.

Just a guess. There will be a Civ 7.
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