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Just for fun..think of the WORST leaders to lead a Civ

sela1s1son said:
America: George Wallace (look him up if you don't know him). Different "George W." then the one you're thinking of, and quite frankly I like the current President... so don't assume everyone agrees with your Dubya bashing :p IT bothers me greatly, so please stop.

I agree with you here about the bashing. The rules of the original poster clearly stated that he wanted to avoid this partisan nonsense. So keep your politics to yourself.

Babylon: Captain Sheridan (five points for whoever gets this joke)

JMS. Five points to me.
Justy said:
I agree with you here about the bashing. The rules of the original poster clearly stated that he wanted to avoid this partisan nonsense. So keep your politics to yourself.

JMS. Five points to me.

Agreed, I'm thinking of rolling back "Can't be in power after 1980" to 1970.

Good catch on the joke. ;)

Enviromentalism isn't a conspiracy it's just a philosophy of Deidre Skye which has been twisted so she can build absolute power and transcend over the rest of humanity. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! ;) :p :lol: :eek: </Alpha Centauri>
That's fine, just as long as we can nominate Richard Nixon to be America's worst leader.
Yankees don't know their own presidents. :lol: You say 1980 and ppl think George W. is still viable. I mean, yeah, the Bush dynasty has held illegal power for a long time, but it hasn't been 25 years :lol:

And pushing it back to 1970, can't remember when Nixon was in power ... :crazyeye:

And I hope those jibes about environmentalism were meant in jest. Environmentalism is based on science, and the fact is even today, hundreds of thousands die every year from environmental disasters (mostly in China which has very little environmental control). Global warming is no longer a theory, its a fact (if you've been missing out on the shrinking Arctic ice cap, ask some Innnuit ... the Antarctic ice sheets are also not what they once were). And all of the 'superfund' environmental sites in the U.S. have had casualties from before they started cleaning them up ...
Chibiabos said:
And pushing it back to 1970, can't remember when Nixon was in power ... :crazyeye:
They mostly said " Bush " because they did not pay attention or did not WANT to pay attention, and for those wondering, Nixon was President from 1969 - 1974
Belboz said:
Japan: Ieyasu Tokugawa (at some point leader will refuse to research new technologies and make illegal new military technology imported from elsewhere).

Exagerated historical misconception. Ieyasu was more concerned with banning christianty (and with good reason, considering how badly christianty meshed with the traditional Japanesse social structure, on which his power rested) and keeping powerful weapons out of the hand of potential enemies than banning new technology. He had nothing against guns as long as *his* army had them.

Ieyasu's heirs, now...they're another story.

Tsunayoshi Tokugawa would be a pretty good candidate.

During the second half of the game, half of your income would go to "saving dogs" every turn (true fact : he had people executed for wounding dogs, fed 50 000 dogs with rice and fish at the expanse of your taxpayers)
sydhe said:
Russia: Ivan the Terrible (expansionist, bat****)

HMM BAD CHOICE, without him russia couldn't become as a quite strong Rise in Europe:
1. he upgraded code of laws
2. he renew trade with England and other Europe countries
3. he conqured Kazan and go ahead on Sibir
4. he created centralize emperor strong(i don't know if it's good or bad :mischief: .)
Chibiabos said:
And I hope those jibes about environmentalism were meant in jest.

Pure Jest. :) Making fun of the Game Alpha Centauri! While I must confess I think we overestimate our impact out of arrogance as species. I'd say it's a problem, but I just advise caution to BOTH sides... ) Keep in mind, I often play Devil's Advocate to make people (on both sides) think. :) :p

I'm a yank, but not ignorant of my own Presidents. ;)

Reagan: 1981-1988, G. H. W. Bush 1989-1992, Clinton 1993-2000, G. W. Bush 2001-present.

So If we went by pre-1980 anyone before Reagan in the USA is alright. I just want to avoid partisanship. Keep in mind, I put forth a few members of my own political leaning. :)

BTW: Nixon is a... contradiction. Really odd, he is. He covered up Watergate (very bad!), but his relations with China helped establish less hostile relations (yay!), and he was the first President to actually *enforce* Civil Rights (yay!). While it sounds strange, tis true. He could easily be called both one of the worst, yet one of the best Presidents. :crazyeye:

More American nominations: McClellan (General and ran against Lincoln in 1864), Al Capone (reference to an alternate history novel "Back in the USSA"), "Carry A. Nation", Jefferson Davis, oh and Homer Simspon ( ;) )

I say we make "The Giant Spork of Great Wisdom" the leader of... erm... the geeks? ;)
England: Neville Chamberlain

America: GW Bush (just one guy's opinion)

France: Louis XV

Rome: Caligula

Russia: Nicholas II

Germany: Franz Von Papen

Spain: Charles V
William Henry Harrison, he appears for about 3 minutes and then ur civ dies of pneumonia because they had too long an inauguration adress
Richard Nixon said:
Nonsense....Mighty Nixon would be a glorious leader.

Thinking of Futurama? :mischief: A buddy forced me to watch it. ;)
France - Lewi "15th"

America - King Bush II, Dick Cheeney would be a better choice

Rome - Scipio (sp?)

Egypt - Cleopatra (BLEH! what were they thinking????)

England - Queen Victoria :p
Nyvin said:
America - King Bush II, Dick Cheeney would be a better choice

FOR THE LAST TIME: Please stop the Bush bashing! A large percentage of people will NOT agree with you, and it's insulting. Stop. Now.
sela1s1son said:
FOR THE LAST TIME: Please stop the Bush bashing! A large percentage of people will NOT agree with you, and it's insulting. Stop. Now.

Actually, a large percentage are against Bush, but the fact is anyone after 1980 was excluded from this.
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