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Keldath addons

Hey Keldath (or anyone who knows),

Does this mod work in MP??? Specifically #2 for vinillia civ.

i check every day and thers 3-5 new pages every time its insane, when i first found this there were 9 pages and it balloned instantaneouly. by the time im ready to play i check the page and theres 3 new patches and a new installer. lol. :)
OK, I'll try to share here my ideas for new tech tree in your great mod, Keldath:

Firstly, I think the variety is a spice of that game. To add more choices to the very beginning I think the tech tree could start with one tech, available to all civs at the beginnig - let's call it "Natural Curiosity". The idea of adding this starting tech is to make civs to discover very early techs allowing to i.e reveal basic resources or build roads.

From Natural Curiosity 6 basic technologies could be worked out:
1. Fishing (reveals Fish, Clam, Crabs etc.)
2. Hunting (reveals Deer, Ivory, Fur)
3. Scrape Mining (reveals stone and marble)
4. Agrialism (reveals Wheat, Barley, Corn, nables Settler production)
5. Scouting (allows Scouts)
6. Shamanism

This is a very beginning of my try to improve the tech tree, so I didn't thought of all that particular techs would give, just trying to work out a piece of tech names and connections.

1. Fishing could lead to Boat Building (allowing to build work boats and fishing nets)

2. Hunting could lead to Warfare (and together with Agrialism to Domestication)

3. Scrape Mining would lead to Mining (allowing to build Mines) and to the Pottery.

4. Agrialism would lead to Cultivation (revealing Sugar and Spices) and together with Hunting - to Domestication (revealing Horses, Pigs and Cows), Agrialism would enable Settler and Worker units.

5. Scouting would lead to Fire Controlling, which would be a prequisite to many techs in the future.

6. Shamanism would lead to Ritualism (revealing Incense, and allowing to build Obelisk)

Next steps:

1. Boat building would lead to Sailing (enables Galley, trading on coast and Lighthouse)

2. Warfare would allow to build Spearmen and would lead to War Art, with Sailing - to Naval Warfare, and with Ritualism - to Slavery

3. Mining would reveal Copper and allow to build Mines. It would also lead to Metal Carving and (with Pottery) - to Masonry.

4. Cultivation would reveal sugar and spices and lead to Fermentation (with Mysticism), Husbandry (with Domestication) and to Weaving (with Domestication).

5. Domestication - would reveal Horses, Pigs and Cows. It would togwether with Cultivation lead to Weraving and Husbandry.

6. Ritualism would reveal Insence and allow to build Obelisks. It will also lead to the Slavery (with Warfare), to the Mythology and to the Mysticism.

7. Pottery - would reveal Salt and allow to build a Granary. It would lead to the Masonry (with Mining) and to the Wheel.

Next steps:

1. Sailing would enable Galleys, trading on coast, and building Lighthouses. It would lead to the Naval Warfare (with Warfare), and to the Seafaring (with Trade)

2. War Art - would allow to build better military units: Archers, Cataphratcs and Chariots. With Husbandry it would lead to Riding.

3. Slavery - would enable Slavery Civic and allow to build Slave Trade World Wonder (I can explain that idea from RAR later if you like). It will also lead to the Caste system (with Mythology)

4. Metal Carving - would reveal Iron and lead to Bronze Working and Iron Working.

5. Fermentation - would allow to build Winery square improvement.

6. Husbandry - would allow to build Pasture, Farm and Ranch. It would also lead to the Urbanization.

7. Weaving - would reveal Silk and Sheeps.

8. Mythology - would allow to build Temple, and would lead to the Caste System (with Slavery) , to the Poetry, and to the Alphabet.

9. Mysticism - would reveal Tobacco and wine, would allow to build Stonehenge Wonder and would enable Herbalism Healthcare Civic.

10. Masonry - Would allow to built Quarry tile improvement and The Pyramids Wonder. It would also lead to the Urbanization (with Husbandry and the Wheel).

11. The Wheel - would allow to build roads, it would lead to the Urbanization (with Husbandry and Masonry) and would be a prequisite to many future units and techs.

If you like my idea - I can continue sharing it.
I downloaded the updated file and I don't think that the wonder movies were included in it. I built the Mausoleum of Mausollos and no wonder movie played. Haven't checked the file, just saw the previous poster and the behaviour would make sense.

I recaptured a city from barbarians and there was no production assigned to the city. city actually sat idle for a turn or two before I realized it

I'll post more as I find it.
Just wondered if it was easy to merge the water animals mod in the downloads section with this? It's a skeleton at the moment but it should be easy to think up water creatures that could prey on shipping or make them inanimate objects like storms (icebergs might be hard to contain to the right lattitude???)
There is no mousilem wonder movie. Thats why its not there :)

There has to be a better way to display it then the blue screen. So that the stats still pop, I think Sevo uses a 1 frame picure as a wonder movie for the ones that dont have movies.
if you all are referring to the mausoleum wonder???
this file should be included! checked it myself just 1 minute ago..

before i go through the codes, please check if this file is in your:
Assets/art/movies/wonders directory


PROBLEM SOLVED..will be included in next patch
hey all

wow that is so extenssive - i will make the early tech tree ass you suggest,
though it might be done a bit later, i have to finish some stuff i wanted then ill be free to rework the tech!
i really liked you suggestion
im releasing today a new patch with 37 structures, some of early age - so add them to your plan :)

acctually i want to use most of the lopez mods, he is brilliant.
at some point ill add it also - now me and mrgenie want to somhow incorporate girmod,
and the mercenaries mod + airforce mod

ket , amazing,

we will check this problem.

ket???/ are you playing my mod????? im honored!
@Keldath - I'll download the patch foer sure, and I'll use it in my plan :) I'm happy you like my idea for tech tree.

So I'll present next steps:

1. Naval Warfare - enables Trireme

2. Seafaring - reveals Whales, enables Caravel, Harbor and The Great Lighthouse Wonder. Leads to Latin Sail.

3. Riding - requires Husbandry and War Art. Enables Horseman and Elephant Rider (maybe Cataphract too ?). Leads to the Military Training (with Dynasticism)

4. Caste System - requires Mythology and Slavery. Reveals Gold and Silver. Leads to Dynasticism (with Poetry and Urbanization)

5. Bronze Working - requires Metal Carving. Allows to chop down a forest, enables Axemen and Hypaspists. Leads to Metal Casting (with Iron Working), Construction (with Masonry).

6. Iron working - requires Metal Carving. Allows to chop down the forest and remove jungle. Enables Swordsmen. Leads to the Metal Casting (with Bronze Working).

7. Urbanization - requires Husbandry, Masonry and Wheel. Allows to build Cottage, City Walls, City Guard. Leads to the Dynasticism (with Caste System and Poetry).

8. Poetry - requires Mythology. Leads to the Music and to the Literature (with Writing).

9. Alphabet - requires Mythology. Leads to the Writing.

10. Meditation - requires Mysticism. Reveals Hemp, gives Buddism, allows building the Monastery.

11. Polytheism - requires Mythology. Gives Hinduism.

That's the point I'm now with my project. Seeing you'd interested to use it in your Mod - I'll continue.

Please - watch the posts with tech carefully, because while improving and checking the tech tree I'll edit these posts (not to write all the stuff again ;) )

I think tomorrow I'll finish the tech schedule for first era (Ancient&Classical).
I'll compare it with your current mod and add units and buildings. I'd like to add some buildings and maybe units from RAR - I hope you'd like to work them out too ?

are you gonna edit the xml by your self? cause if you do it would be much help, and ill accept everything you decide to to,

do you know xml editing?

if you wish, you can edit the technologies.xml file according to your plan -and ill change the related files -units+buildings - to your tech tree - as you listed in the above. ill add the currect tech tag to each object as you wrote in your schedule.

your help is most welcomed - you can be incarge of the tech tree :)
Is the bit in red the problem?
seedy, indeed its the problem - just finished upload patches 8-9 - they
fix this and other problems - theres a readme file on patch 9 with the changes

seedy - your from ausstralia? oh man been there 2 years ago,
sydney is an amazing city, spent a week there, enjoyed every moment!
jollyroger..your ideas are ....hmmm...to speak softly..GREAT! :) if you know how to mod we welcome you to not only supply ideas but also help on the files...kel and me are doing pretty good together...there's room for people who know to mod themself any time :) we have plans to add stuff..but we wanna do this only one at a time to track down any CTD and not releasing a CTD mod and noone knows what is wrong :)
Woot! Downloading now. I wish i could keep going with the game I'm doing now and still do the patch but i just gotta see the changes.
seady said:
Woot! Downloading now. I wish i could keep going with the game I'm doing now and still do the patch but i just gotta see the changes.
any patch which involves so much added stuff might not be savegame compatible... We'll be adding the mercenaries mod and the airforce promotion system next..so anyone who likes playing with these should hold the line and go out with friends and wait for the patches :)
do you know xml editing?

Unfortunately I don't know how YET. But I'll be happy to learn that.
I'll look at the .xml tech file and try to understand it a bit, then I'll ask you for some basics of it and I think I'll be able to try. Google is my friend ;)


jollyroger..your ideas are ....hmmm...to speak softly..GREAT!
In fact the most of these ideas are from Rise And Rule (RAR) mod for Civ3, I'm just trying to merge that ideas with Amra's and Sevo's...

if you know how to mod we welcome you to not only supply ideas but also help on the files...
As I wrote above - don't know how yet. But if you help me - I can try :)

While planning the first era completely on the paper sheets I could learn how to change the xml file...
keldath said:
seedy - your from ausstralia? oh man been there 2 years ago,
sydney is an amazing city, spent a week there, enjoyed every moment!

Yep, I live in the north part of it (hornsby). Glad you liked it; i've never been outside australia so i really don't know what to compare it with :)
Kel, know Amra mod doesent have it, so..Cant you add in your addon the code that allows us to play with 24 civs in a map?? really liked that from ket mod!

Anyway your downloadsa are great! With all patches intalled I didnt see any big issue yet! :)
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