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Keldath addons

Does anyone happen to know if using smartmap with "use map data" and "earth" means that the new resources won't appear? I'm enjoying the game i am playing and don't want to spoil it by going into the world editor to have a peek, but i haven't seen lemons or barley or anything outside of civ4 yet??
@keldath and mrgenie

I've got first questions about .xml tech file.

It seems easy. I see each tech has it's section with its description, cilvilopedia, advisor and era entries, preq's and many effects assigned :)

1st question - the buildings, units and religions given by tech are in different xml ? So I won't have to bother with them in that xml file ? Or I missed something ?

2nd question - what is the order the techs sections are placed in the xml file ? It's not alphabetically, so ? Eras ? Other ? Besides more easy to create - does the order of the techs in XML file count, or it has no effect on mod working ?

3rd question - the coordinates the tech is displayed on the tech tree in the game are "iGridX" and "iGridY" entries ? I've got no idea about the tech button location - numbers mean pixels or rows and columns of the tech buttons ?

4th question - would it be helpful if I just added the techs sections and filled only the entries wich meaning I know leaving the other ? You'd have to check the sections I don't know or explain me their meaning...

hi man :)

ok the tech is really really easy to use:

1. dont ming that, ill do that -you have to get inside each other files -building , units and change each object to the tech you wish. so ill fo it for you.

2. theres no order - but - try to those you add - put at the end of the file.

3. the grids - load the game - see the area of the tech you wanna ad - then remmber its name - go back to the xml file - see the defines of the xgrid and y grid - to the new tech you want - give the same values - but either change grid x or y with +2 or -2 - see what that does after you reload the game to the tech you added - and youll understand the values and how to determine the grid values for your tech,

to add a thech - just choose a tech close to the tech you wish -in the tech tree - and rewrite the stuff there -
you can get explanation on each tag on civwikipedia -really easy

the buttons - i say leave then the same as the tech you used to copy paste - we will deal with the graphic later.

4. to change the name of the tech - in <description> just write the name you want.

thats all.

thsi is how you can rework the tech,
just write down what you want each tech to give on paper - like you wrote on your two posts, so when you finish - ill know what to put where.

all of you other guys - i promiss to answer but im in rush and barley have time - and i had to write jolly this description.

mrgenie - with hope release 2 new patchs tonight - airforce mod+mercenary mod by lopez

enjoy you weekend all
installed all the new patches (up to 9) and started a new game - Just built the sphinx but am still getting a blue screen even though the movie is present in my movies :(

Also the Sevo mod Great wall movie has been put in the mod's movie's folder - it plays instead of the Warlords one (if it's deleted one the Warlord Great Wall movie plays instead so if you prefer the warlords one just delete the greatwall.bik in the art folder in the mod folder

So far movie wise i've built - oracle ( movie ok) , great wall ( movie ok once sevo mod movie removed from mod folder) , sphinx ( just get blue screen :( ) , stone henge ( movie ok )

edit : Just built the Temple of Artemis (plays Sevo mod version until it's deleted out of the mod folder
axil -the newadded building - most of them dont have tags to a movie - i promiss ill fix it in the comming days - and axil - if you wish - hold on one day - cause we releace a good new update with mercenarries mod - that i really wnat to know if it works fine
Ok :) - I'll continue with my game as it is atm and post wihich movies work or not which hopefully should help pin down which ones need tags - So far flavor text wise - it's all fine

Mausoleum of Mausollos - blue screen

Roman roads (blue screen movie) road placement not working either it appears

Statue of Zeus - (blue screen)

Hippodrome and Ampitheatre - blue screen movie - no units
I just had a thought: you know how a lot of civs get bonus1, like they will start with navigation1 because they are seafaring. What if wonders added bonus2 as a standard, so that there's never a clash?

I could have a go at this but i guess it's pretty low priority at the moment.
I understand now that we need Gir's help with the python part as it's from his mod? And he's going to be busy for a while so for the time being those wonders will be low priority on my build lists.

Just wanted to say this mod so far is utterly fantastic!
@ keldath, wow you guys have been busy. id like to report that through patches 3 no crashes. in my current game im at year 1920. amra plus 5 uu mod. it seems very stable and smooth. now i come home from work and you are at patch 9. holy cow! im loving the ranged bombardment, i play noble level and it helps the warring. im going to concert with my son tonite, so see everyone tommorrow.
seady said:
Does anyone happen to know if using smartmap with "use map data" and "earth" means that the new resources won't appear? I'm enjoying the game i am playing and don't want to spoil it by going into the world editor to have a peek, but i haven't seen lemons or barley or anything outside of civ4 yet??

i always play with smartmap..never missed any stuff :) sometimes the spreading of resources is not optimal...which means you must travel to other continents..but you can select upon generation if you want few or abundand resources...if you select you want alot...you get alot, mostly all kind of directly near your starting location...

BUT; we do not give support on the smartmap! :)
mrgenie - with hope release 2 new patchs tonight - airforce mod+mercenary mod by lopez
done..and checked..works...I hope i didnt forget any files :)

I'd really appreciate if you use the bugreport button on the site! i checked any reports before releasing the patch and fixed 2 wonder movies that were posted to be corrupted...since you didnt post there your findings...i released the patch without knowing of this :( it's very time consuming reading here in the thread to find any people reporting bugs...please use the bug report option :)

btw, the bug reports which takes me some longer(like romanroads) will fix them this weekend...not this night ...too late :) wanna watch a horror movie
And I will do my best to finish all techtree items (technologies, assigning buildings, wonders and units to them) for first era tomorrow :)

Sunday I'll try to add the techs to xml :rolleyes:

@keldatha & mrgenie

I'll post here the .xml file when I finish as well as the readme file with all changes :)
jollyroger3 said:
And I will do my best to finish all techtree items (technologies, assigning buildings, wonders and units to them) for first era tomorrow :)

Sunday I'll try to add the techs to xml :rolleyes:

@keldatha & mrgenie

I'll post here the .xml file when I finish as well as the readme file with all changes :)

thank you for your efforts jollyroger :) for the changes i normally dont use a readme, i always put a little ##edit by mrgenie## or ##edit for ARM mod## or ##edit for techleak## ...such things...INSIDE the file
in xml you put it like <!-- edit by jollyrogers -->

then you just check your xml by starting a game, hit F6..and if everything works...we just integrate it into the mod. the readme isn't necessarely needed in this case since you're only working on 1 file..for now. it's needed if you start to edit 5 or more files!! to keep track who is doing what file...

like kel and me for example...we discuss im doing python files, he does xml files, if it's only 1 file no readme is needed...if either of us does more then 5files..the readme is needed for the person who merges all the files :)
in your case...just edit the techfile and check it and upload it :)

just fixed some wonder movies...since i fixed the movie file itself..the bik...it's a large downlaod...30megs...compatible with patch 10 on savegames... patch 9 and 10 are both not downwards compatible..sorry
completely forgot about the bug report button :( - have posted a few more bugs using it now
thanx axil :)

about the urgency of bugs..
if it doesn't interfere with gameplay..please set it low level ..like movies, purple buttons and such...
if its a concept bug(like missing python routines with the sphinx and roman roads, i'll be doing those today) please set them to be urgent(but not the highest level)
if strange thigns occur that corrupt your fun of gameplay(like i found a bug myself while testeng the merceneries mod, it's a 1.61mod but i made it warlords compatible, where the tech each turn goes down by 10%) that is the highest ranking of bugs! :)

hope this will help us all..

a little sidenote how everyone could help..i finally found out how to make wondermovies myself, and make them compatible to warlords, took me untill 2am in the morning LOL...what i need, are avi's, DVD's animations of other games...if you find any such animation,movie,or whatever that could be used for a wonder with missing movie, please write a report also by using the bug report interface...every post there sends an email to keldath and me automatically and such fixes are simple to make..so we'll do them ASAP even if the bug urgency is low .
tried using bug report to upload a CTD save game but it failed and sent a message to admin, so i've posted it here.
did you get those AFTER using the new patches (8 till' 10 ) ??

dam thos ctd , i am having a good game and still going , hope the new patches are not making problems
No ctd or problems so far :)

I dont have all patches installed and I dunno wich ones I have LOL

But so far great fun! Good job guys :)
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