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Keldath addons

Hello guys!

You did a wonderful job building this great modpack!
However I'm having some troubles with the V3 fix for the vanilla civilization.
After playing a while I have some very weird graphic issues, please see the screenshot! The items on the map suddenly have 'glitches', and some weird polygones appear; mostly surrounding the active unit. It keeps getting worse if you play longer.

Since it's already my second game that becomes unplayable I'm sending you this info. (The issue produced in both savegames on different dates so it's not time related)

I already reinstalled civilization 4, deleted everything from my games directory copied the kelgir-newv3 to my mods directory, unpacked patch 1 and overwritten the assets directory in the kelgir-newv3 directory. Am I missing patches?

I have the most recent ATI drivers for my card and directx 9.0c.

Many thanks guys!

A happy civfanatics board user


  • screenshot keldir.JPG
    screenshot keldir.JPG
    177.4 KB · Views: 120
erazer said:
Hello guys!

You did a wonderful job building this great modpack!
However I'm having some troubles with the V3 fix for the vanilla civilization.
After playing a while I have some very weird graphic issues, please see the screenshot! The items on the map suddenly have 'glitches', and some weird polygones appear; mostly surrounding the active unit. It keeps getting worse if you play longer.

Since it's already my second game that becomes unplayable I'm sending you this info. (The issue produced in both savegames on different dates so it's not time related)

I already reinstalled civilization 4, deleted everything from my games directory copied the kelgir-newv3 to my mods directory, unpacked patch 1 and overwritten the assets directory in the kelgir-newv3 directory. Am I missing patches?

I have the most recent ATI drivers for my card and directx 9.0c.

Many thanks guys!

A happy civfanatics board user

Did you try to change the video configs in-game? I know at least 1 guy who cant play in full-screen but he has no problems with window mode, no idea why lol..It seems to be about your video card >.<
Arlborn said:
Did you try to change the video configs in-game? I know at least 1 guy who cant play in full-screen but he has no problems with window mode, no idea why lol..It seems to be about your video card >.<


When I change the video settings in game the issue is gone for a while. (e.g. anti-aliasing 2x->4x)
There must me something that triggers it. Just came back from retrying a save game, the administrator savegame has the issue only after 2 or 3 turns.

Another remark, I'm missing images for ranch, mill and some other buildings, this might be an indication of something missing...

I already played civilization 4 this way with this computer and card since it was released, my config didn't changed and I was always able to play the game perfectly.

Many thanks for the suggestion!
@keldath glad i could help in current game same configuration im up to 1865 and still no crash. probably just jinxed myself,lol. question, observation why do catpults not upgrade to trebuchuts? just curious. Also is there away to set the increments for research and culture back to moving 5 % at a time instead of 10%. thanks ket i understand, appreciate the clarification

Thats a Firaxis thing, they wanted the units to be "different use"....
@ erazor - that definitely looks like an ATI driver bug - i had something similar to that on my ATI 1900XT when I first installed Civ - took a driver revision change to sort it out ( basically with the driver the cards not quite redering correctly at your resolution - which card & drivers are you using?

EDIT : playing new combi patch 4-13 and it's looking good so far only noticed one very minor thing David of Israel in his first contact speak with me ( playing Washington ) refered to me as [your nation] instead of the civilization's name - also haven't come across any of the weird facial quicks I had on patch 9 either ( though haven't met a nation with a leaderface based on Saladin yet)
I'm sorry to complain. I'm compulsive, blame it on my Mom....
This is a great release and I haven't even started playing it yet.

I'm sure that the programmers who worked on this very smart,
and I know that the amount of work they have generated in a small
amount of time is astounding. I regret the compulsion that causes
me to point out.....

In the Units...
There is no 'I' in Apache.
Its 'Gloucester', not Gloster
Its 'Humvee' not Hummve
Caterpillar has only one T
Chief Archer, not Cheif Archer
Chinook has two 'O''s

In the Buildings
Bazaar, not Bazar
Usually you put TNT not T-n-T for Trinitrotoulene....

and the one that made me go AAAAAAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!!
and write this post, in Technologies.

A-E-R-O-N-A-U-T-I-C-S, not *shudders* Aironaotics

Please keep up the GREAT work, and feel free to ignore me if you wish.
The above list is incomplete, hopefully I won't keep updating it...

Alondin, Compulsive Spellchecker

hello to you,

i am certain that this is due to your card, perhaps you should dl drivers to update the ones you have.


im glad to know that everything is "kinda" ok,
me and mrgenie working around the clock to fix all the bugs,

i appriciate all your help, we need more bug tracking, we are taking a break - for 3 days to track down the small bugs to make it a smother mod.

plz tell us everything you find or think.

and if some of you are starting a new game - we would be thankfull if you guys can start a fresh install with combi patch 1 (56mb+the base modpack 200mb)
and report about gameflow.

thank you guys,
we will greatley expand the mod more and more and more!!!!


thank you for the update!!!

without people like you -our mod would have been full of bugs,

its not a complain!

its a note to fix!!

english isnt my mother lang' so i somtimes make text errors,

so i figured i would be direccted to those bugs by you guys,
be sure that to the next patch, ill fix all of what youu wrote,
keep it up - we need people that complain!!!!

thanks and enjoy the mod.
erazer...right now im working on the warlords version only...to get the merc mod implemented the right way...kel is doing all other fixes...so neither one of us has time...but errors like these occured to me too up to half a year ago...then a newer ATI driver was released and my civ4 started to work with modern drivers..up to then i had to use the 4.10 and earlier ATI drivers...because all the 5.xx as well as the 4.11 and 4.12 and the 6.xx up to 6.04 didnt work!..im pretty sure this is not because of the patch because it only fixes some python routines...and the python cannot cause such agraphical error, especially not since no graphic routine is beeing called in these routines.

about the fewer civs....ehm, I play against random opponents, and i like the variety of opponents, get new special units against me each times...i don't see any reason to lower the amount of civs...after we're finish with the most severe bugs and got the merc working...you can be pretty sure we add more to the game, the moment people release new graphics we will add more UU's ...1000 UU's will be our goal! LOL
Afraid I have a CTD to report running with combi pack patches 4-13 (using smartmap as well) View attachment 138447. Game locks in AI move

EdIT - Also roman Roads still has bluescreen instead of movie nd text for Meday milita (nubian UU) missing
tried bug report but can't upload save game
im aware of the not able to upload files...I'll see that i fix that...have to make the dir for uploading RWX
hey axil

i checked your savegame -

did the ctd happend on the era switching?

cause i did get an error when the movie for era changing comes up - but after that i passed turns up to 1150 no ctd,

can you confirm me the moment of ctd for you?

axil, one more thing,

go to your ini file

look for this line

; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 1

change 1 to 0


i played over 40+ turns - no ctd,
dl the version from the site + combi patch,
i tryed toreplacte the same conditions you have.

no ctd.

can you tell me exactley which turn did the ctd iccur? what was you moves prior to the ctd?


we found the bug - it was a missing entry on a free promotion.

fix will be availbele shortley
-fixed the merc mod
-fixed the ctd issue(was a nested one)
-and fixed the file upload on issue report.
You can now upload your files!

if you need to upload more then one file, you can create a new event appending the the one the file belongs too...all files will be listed together..i have no idea(yet) how to work around this..but basically, all we need is 1 screenshot added to your issue...

kel and me are now all day off....it's sunday for crying out loud! :)

I just figured out, when you post an issue...completed without files..
on top of the screen that comes AFTER posting, is a button "issue files"
here you can upload as much files as needed! :)

please write a comment in your issue that you've added files!
Hi - think the ctd was 2-3 moves after the save - i think it maybe something to do with an AI doing something as I'm playing a new game atm with absolutely no problems except all the non-WR/Civ4 original wonder movies aren't playing ( the pop up units warlord academy etc are fine)so maybe it's a random error with my PC rather than mod.

Other than that there's a few duplications both Art of Artillery and TNT factory allow you to build bronze cannon (though i have a funny feeling there can be built without either),ther also appears to be 2 Art's of War - one's call Sun tzu's Art of War and gives +1 experience and the others just Act of War and gives 2 xp. They have unique buildings so I expect they at from different components of the mod.

Fewother thing I've noticed though it may not be a bug is that tanks infantry etc appear to be able to make amphibious attack's like marines when marines are accompanying them (may even happen without the marines haven't checked and also Secluarism needs Flavor text
btw there's a really nice tank factory in the downloads area? if one of the art of wars will eb removed then maybe the tank factory can be put in easily to help out the more aggressive civs (since a lot of the civics favour the spiritual trait, who can flip to an awesome xp bonus f they need to???)

Might need a price increase or resource requirement or something to be balanced but the art work and code is all good to go?

Below is my megawonder version of great wall, costs a heap to build but i think it's worth it:
Spoiler :

I was just wondering how do we advertise this to people in other civ communites? I mean, this has gotta be the biggest mod ever, surely? So many people contributed to it.
has anyone else gotten this to work with smart map. i tried to but it just crashed the game? just curious, i just hate having desert and ice and tundra. its just a waste of computer space imho. im playing warlords amra, 5uu version
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