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Latin American Civilizations and City-States

I like very much this two Civs.
I never heard about this Unique building: Ounfò. Can you tell me more about that? I saw in the internet it is a kind of temple voodoo.
Still thanks for this.

Ounfò is basically the name of the Haitian voodoo temple, but I couldn't find any information on what it would look like visually from the outside.
Leader: Cunhambebe
Start bias: river with jungle around

UA: Amazon Nomadics - Settlers, builders and recon units receive +1 movement and extra sight. Recon units get +10 combat strength when fighting inside Tubi territory and they have 2 charges to build farms.

Leader ability: Tamoyo Confederation - +15% production for military units for each city-state that you are suzerain for the first 10 turns upon receiving or declaring a war. Having a military ally gives you +5 combat strength for all units. Gains +1 trade route capacity with Diplomatic Service.

Unique district: Maloca
Replaces Neighborhood district.
Available in Irrigation
Cannot be built adjacent to another one.
+2 housing
+2 food
+1 culture
+1 extra food for each adjacent river tile.
Get a free recon unit when built.
Trigger a culture bomb when built, claiming surrounding unowned tiles.

Unique unit: Tupiniquim - replaces Scout. This unit starts with the ranger promotion. There is no movement cost when crossing rivers.

Of all the Latin American civilizations I've created so far, this would be my favorite to play. Here I decided to make a different thing with the recon units. The Tupi are an explorer and expansionist civilization, but they don't have remarkable bonuses for any specific type of victory, which makes them quite versatile.

About the Tupis, I would love to see Cunhamebebe with 2 canon in their hands, as is portraited in the image below.

About Unique Unit, why choice Tupiniquim? Who means the small Tupi, the UU should be the Tupinambá, the fathers of all tupis!
Speaking about city states, how about Marajó island as a City State?
I would love to see more city-states in Brazilian territory, it is very empity in real map location and Palmares isn't enouth to cover all Brazilian territory.
Pipil - Leader Atlacatl
Cool, I never heard about they before. I made a quick resarch in Wikipedia and saw they are Nahualt people, we already have the Aztecs as Nahualt people. I like obscure civs but I believe Fireaxis should give spots to others civ to come first.

And his leader, Atlacatl, Wikipedia say he is a myth hero. (and also a war battalion of El Salvador)

Leader: Toussaint Louverture
Start bias: close to a coast

UA: La Perle des Antilles - Plantations grant +3 production, +2 faith and +1 gold and builders don't lose charges when building them.

Leader ability: Father of Haiti - Builders have combat strength similar to the most modern recon unit that has been unlocked by Haitian civ, with an extra +1 combat strength for each unused charge.
When Haiti is the target of a war, this allows you to consume a Houngan to start a Rebellion.
Rebellion: unique age of Hatian civilization. It lasts until the current era ends. When activated, it acts as any Dark Ages. However, you get a new age dedication: gets +2 era score when defeating an enemy. Also when activated, grants +50% production towards military units in all cities and all units receive double experience from battles. Only one Rebellion can be done per match.

Unique building: Ounfò
Replaces Temple
Available in Theology
+4 faith
+1 citizen slot
+1 Great Prophet point per turn
+1 relic slot
+1 extra faith and +1 culture for each religion that has at least 1 follower in the city.
Allows the city to buy the Houngan religious unit.
Houngans: have three charges to perform "Vodou Ceremony" in Haitian cities centers, generating a boost of faith according to the number of followers that your official religion has in the city. Also, +15% culture and +3 loyalty in the city during 10 turns. You can't perform this ceremony twice in a row in the same city. They cost as much as Apostles.

Unique unit: Mawon - replaces Pike and Shot. This unit is weaker than Pike and Shot (50 combat strength instead of 55), but receives +10 combat strength during Dark or Rebellion ages. When a Mawon pillages a plantation, you get another free Mawon.

I made an update to my Haitian design. Now, Toussaint Louverture's rebellion is no longer a unique project, but a unique age. Houngans have new abilities. I removed the bonuses for Encampments because I think it would be better tied to Henri Christophe. Some other subtle changes to Ounfò and Mawon.
Edit: change from Great General to Houngan as initiator for the Rebellion age.
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Leader ability: Father of Haiti - Builders have combat strength similar to the most modern recon unit that has been unlocked by Haitian civ, with an extra +1 combat strength for each unused charge.
When Haiti is the target of a war, this allows you to consume a Great General to start a Rebellion.
Rebellion: unique age of Hatian civilization. It lasts until the current era ends. When activated, it acts as any Dark Ages. However, you get a new age dedication: gets +2 era score when defeating an enemy. Also when activated, grants +50% production towards military units in all cities and all units receive double experience from battles. Only one Rebellion can be done per match.

Unique building: Ounfò
Replaces Temple
Available in Theology
+4 faith
+1 citizen slot
+1 Great Prophet point per turn
+1 relic slot
+1 extra faith and +1 culture for each religion that has at least 1 follower in the city.
Allows the city to buy the Houngan religious unit.
Houngans: have three charges to perform "Vodou Ceremony" in Haitian cities centers, generating a boost of faith according to the number of followers that your official religion has in the city. Also, +15% culture and +3 loyalty in the city during 10 turns. You can't perform this ceremony twice in a row in the same city. They cost as much as Apostles.
I do think it would be more interesting, and synergistic, if the Houngan were able to start a Rebellion after being consumed, instead of a great general, considering that's how the initial slave revolt started. Also because it would kind of feel like the unique building were an afterthought considering all the other abilities are geared toward domination. Otherwise I like the design.
I do think it would be more interesting, and synergistic, if the Houngan were able to start a Rebellion after being consumed, instead of a great general, considering that's how the initial slave revolt started. Also because it would kind of feel like the unique building were an afterthought considering all the other abilities are geared toward domination. Otherwise I like the design.

It's true, I'll make a new update.

Leader: Toussaint Louverture
Start bias: close to a coast

UA: La Perle des Antilles - Plantations grant +3 production, +2 faith and +1 gold and builders don't lose charges when building them.

Leader ability: Father of Haiti - Builders have combat strength similar to the most modern recon unit that has been unlocked by Haitian civ, with an extra +1 combat strength for each unused charge.
When Haiti is the target of a war, this allows you to consume a Houngan to start a Rebellion.
Rebellion: unique age of Hatian civilization. It lasts until the current era ends. When activated, it acts as any Dark Ages. However, you get a new age dedication: gets +2 era score when defeating an enemy. Also when activated, grants +50% production towards military units in all cities and all units receive double experience from battles. Only one Rebellion can be done per match.

Unique building: Ounfò
Replaces Temple
Available in Theology
+4 faith
+1 citizen slot
+1 Great Prophet point per turn
+1 relic slot
+1 extra faith and +1 culture for each religion that has at least 1 follower in the city.
Allows the city to buy the Houngan religious unit.
Houngans: have three charges to perform "Vodou Ceremony" in Haitian cities centers, generating a boost of faith according to the number of followers that your official religion has in the city. Also, +15% culture and +3 loyalty in the city during 10 turns. You can't perform this ceremony twice in a row in the same city. They cost as much as Apostles.

Unique unit: Mawon - replaces Pike and Shot. This unit is weaker than Pike and Shot (50 combat strength instead of 55), but receives +10 combat strength during Dark or Rebellion ages. When a Mawon pillages a plantation, you get another free Mawon.

I made an update to my Haitian design. Now, Toussaint Louverture's rebellion is no longer a unique project, but a unique age. Houngans have new abilities. I removed the bonuses for Encampments because I think it would be better tied to Henri Christophe. Some other subtle changes to Ounfò and Mawon.
Edit: change from Great General to Houngan as initiator for the Rebellion age.
I agree that Houngans and Mawons are the best unique unit to Haiti, but despite that I would suggest a 3rd unique unit just for the record.
Maybe the Haiti can also have the Polish troop as unique unit.

That can happens if other civilizations as England, France and Germany also have their unique units of outlanders. I know there was Indians in British army in WW2 and have black soldiers in French Army during the colonization of Africa and the Germany have the Askari batallion in WW1.
the Armée Indigène is also a good option for a Haitian unique unit
First time I read Armée Indigène I thought it was about Indigenous (Native Americans). But there isn't native ameicans in Hispaniola island.
But after I search a bit in the google I discover this Armée Indigène was formed by ex-slaves soldiers who was used in Haitian Revolution.
That make Armée Indigène more cool then Mawon to be Haitian unique unit, because Mawon have lose of strengh and Mawon can be the Unique Unit for others civs as Jamaica or Palmares. If one day theses civs become a civ.
Yeah the Armée Indigène is a more historical and emblematic troop for Haiti than a Maroon; Jamaica could have a Coromantee as their unique unit and i guess Palmares could go with Capoeira Practiocioner, that would be cool
Leader: Po Ngbe
Start bias: flat land, close to rivers and coast

UA: Rubber People - Every time you enter a Normal, Golden or Heroic Age, you receive two free eurekas and inspirations from technologies and civics that no civilization on your continent has researched. Receive +25% extra tourism rate towards other civilizations you have a trade route to. Flat land tiles beside rivers grant +1 food.

Leader ability: Tu Ku - The first governor you recruit will grant +10% to faith, culture, and gold in whatever city that he is established, plus an extra +5 loyalty. Subsequent governors will grant +10% faith in cities that they are established.

Unique improvement: Colossal Heads
Available in Craftsmanship
Needs to be build on flat land, except desert and snow.
+1 faith
+2 culture
+1 extra faith for each adjacent jungle
+1 extra faith for each era since constructed or last repaired
All faith generation is converted into tourism after Flight.

Unique unit: Obsidian Lancer - replaces Spearman. This unit is weaker than Spearman in melee combat (20 combat strenght instead of 25), but they have range attack with 25 combat strenght. Trader units can't be plundered if they are within 4 tiles of a Obsidian Lancer and on a land tile.

Being the first civilization of Mesoamerica, Olmecs were first in many things in their region and their cultural influence extended throughout the area through their great trade network. About their leaders, it is known that their kings were called Tu and their governors referred to as Ku. The little that is known about Po Ngbe is that he was a ruler who belonged to the craftsmen caste and who was possibly buried in a pyramid. As almost nothing is known about him, his ability in my design is to reference Olmec kings and governors through governor bonuses. The first Olmec governor recruited would be a Tu and the following ones would be Ku. Olmec troops used obsidian-tipped spears and clubs, and they were used to support distant trade operations.
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How we do know his name if Olmec language still undeciphered?

The sources I used were this one and this one, in addition to Wikipedia. Almost nothing is known about the Olmec leaders, incluindo Po Ngbe, so the leader ability is something speculative and generic, because that is all we can do with the informations we have.
Leader: Po Ngbe
Start bias: flat land, close to rivers and coast

UA: Rubber People - Every time you enter a Normal, Golden or Heroic Age, you receive two free eurekas and inspirations from technologies and civics that no civilization on your continent has researched. Receive +25% extra tourism rate towards other civilizations you have a trade route to. Flat land tiles beside rivers grant +1 food.

Leader ability: Tu Ku - The first governor you recruit will grant +10% to faith, culture, and gold in whatever city that he is established, plus an extra +5 loyalty. Subsequent governors will grant +10% faith in cities that they are established.

Unique improvement: Colossal Heads
Available in Craftsmanship
Needs to be build on flat land, except desert and snow.
+1 faith
+2 culture
+1 extra faith for each adjacent jungle
+1 extra faith for each era since constructed or last repaired
All faith generation is converted into tourism after Flight.

Unique unit: Obsidian Lancer - replaces Spearman. This unit is weaker than Spearman in melee combat (20 combat strenght instead of 25). But they have range attack with 25 combat strenght. Trader units can't be plundered if they are within 4 tiles of a Obsidian Lancer and on a land tile.

Being the first civilization of Mesoamerica, Olmecs were first in many things in their region and their cultural influence extended throughout the area through their great trade network. About their leaders, it is known that their kings were called Tu and their governors referred to as Ku. What little is known about Po Ngbe is that he was a ruler who belonged to the craftsmen caste and who was possibly buried in a pyramid. As almost nothing is known about him, his ability in my design is to reference Olmec kings and governors through governor bonuses. The first Olmec governor recruited would be a Tu and the following ones would be Ku. Olmec troops used obsidian-tipped spears and clubs, and they were used to support distant trade operations.
Sorry but to put it simple this "history" is all made from very biased and unprofessional sources. Olmecs still are an archeological culture whose script is far from be decoded.
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