Leader Switching functionality


Mar 1, 2003
How to select the leader to replace a leader durring an empire wide revolt and a change of leadership is demanded:

This has come about because in LoR Constantine has been added in, and he can lead two civilizations. So sometimes if a player is Byzantium and led by Constantine, and then Rome suffers an empire wide revolt and goes through a change of leadership, Constantine can take over, resulting in two Constantines in the game. So I'm going to fix this so it cannot occur.

The issue is though, I'm not sure how to set up the leader switching function. I've never been totally happy with it, for starters. Assuming we are looking at an unmodified RevDCM core when a leader switch occurs for a civ with only one leader, you basically just get the same leader replacing them, for instance. Also after a leader switch all diplo relations are entirely reset; as if there had never been interaction between the civ that just had the leader replaced, and the rest of the world. It just doesn't seem right.

So how do people think this function should be implemented? I'd like to get better functionality in the application of this base concept, but I can't start coding it until I know what exactly, function wise, I want to code. Does anyone out there have any ideas of how to, in terms of game mechanics, better implement the functionality of the replacing a leader concept? Consider the question both for RevDCM, and for the many mods that use a RevDCM core, and keep in mind I am not asking about broad overarching ideas; I'm looking for a concrete step by step analysis of what should occur game wise when a leader is replaced. After a week or two of discussion I'll go ahead and implement the concept and functionality that seems the best.
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