I stand behind my post a hundred percent, Lucy. Well, I would, but from back there behind the monitor I wouldn't be able to reach the keyboard.
You say you're responsible, that you care for other people. That you will not drink if you're going to drive.
Almost everybody who's ever committed a DUI fatality said the same thing right before they got behind the wheel and killed somebody.
And almost everybody who's ever committed a murder said they didn't do it.
I do say that, but it really doesn't matter if I say it, and it doesn't really matter if you believe me. The fact is, I don't
do it. I've visited every point on the spectrum of drunk, and never have I been remotely tempted to start the car. I don't see how that's going to change, either.
The problem is that alcohol disables the part of the brain that makes you a responsible person. Once you get smashed, you might not be aware that you're too smashed to drive. Or that you're breaking the law. You're not a bad person; the alcohol short-circuited your wiring.
You're giving the drug far too much credit. Alcohol impairs your judgment, sure, but it doesn't change who you are. It doesn't "disable the part of the brain that makes you a responsible person". I'm not going to minimize the significance of impaired judgment and slowed reaction time when operating heavy machinery, but it's not like you magically become an irresponsible criminal after your fourth beer. It's a
drug, not a brain transplant.
Sure, after three drinks I might
feel okay to drive, but I still know I had three drinks and I still
know that that puts me over the legal limit. I also plan ahead and exercise responsibility
before I start drinking - arrange a ride home or plan to spend the night.
And I'd like to call BS, although most drunk drivers might not feel like they're
too drunk to drive, they usually know they are (or might be) over the legal limit. Drugs don't transform people into law-breaking zombies.
So I'll say it again. Think it over next time you drink a Mike's Hard. I do, every time I drink, on those rare occasions when I do. Now, by all means go ahead and click the Report button if you like.
The reporting comment was a joke, perhaps botched. Mike's Hard Lemonade is disgusting.
But anyway, this is veering off the topic like a drunk off the road. It has nothing to do with lifting restrictions on steroids. Should we start a drunk-driving thread where we can rephrase our points for replies again and again, or can we both just agree that the other is wrong?
Anyone who uses drugs needs to be stopped.
I think
you need to be stopped.