Let's discuss Mathematics

I just mean the quantity by which we judge something to be equal by. If that quantity is cardinality, then {1} is non zero. If that quantity is length, then a point is zero.

Yes, it's arbitrary that we compare numbers by cardinality, and curves by length, but we do most commonly.
Well that's because the number of points on a continuous curve over an interval in R is infinite, so we need something else to use as a measure of its size.
Well that's because the number of points on a continuous curve over an interval in R is infinite, so we need something else to use as a measure of its size.

What, I can't claim that [0,2] is bigger than [0,1]?
Yes, using measure instead of dimension. They both have the same number of points though ;) Just like the number of points in N, Z and Q are the same.
The same way... find a bijective mapping from one set to the other.
The word "bigger" is ambiguous. You can use it to say that at least in the sense of measure or number of elements (which is a measure too, btw), or if you have order. Thus even though set [0,1]U{2} isn't bigger in the sense of (Lebesgue) measure than [0,1], you can say it's bigger because inclusion of sets is a partial order. At least so I think.

1-to-1 correspondence between [0,1] and [0,2] is pretty easy,
f:[0,1] -> [0,2]: f(x)=2x
will do ;)

In general, there is no one to one correspondence between uncountable sets, since they aren't necessarily of the same cardinality. There is no bijection from R to it's power set, although both of them are uncountable.
What mapping is it that maps [0,1] onto R?
Never mind. You can use the tangent function for that. EDIT: Obviously you need to scale and translate the domain.
f:[0,1]-> R:
f(x) = 1/x when 0<x<½,
f(x) = 4 + 1/(x-1) when ½=<x<1,

Bijection is of course little harder ;)
Hmm yeah tangent only works for an open interval as well.

But the bijection is easier ;)

If f(0) = f(1) doesn't that rule out a bijection anyway?
Yes it does. (It's enough to show that there are surjections (or ontos as you call them) [0,1]->R and R->[0,1] to prove that they are of the same cardinality).

I can't quickly come up with any bijections.

EDIT: Did you happen to confuse bijection and injection (in to)? It can't be easier to come up with bijection, since every time you come up with one, you'll have a surjection too!

EDIT2: corrected the mis-wording...
I call them surjections too!

Sometimes we say a function is onto as well.
It should generally be impossible to find a continuous (assuming the normal topology) bijection [0,1]-> R since R is open while [0,1] is not and the inverse image of a open set is open. Right?
Yeah I think you have a point.

We don't need a 1-1 correspondence anyway (since when we do the diagonal argument showing there are the same number of rationals as natural numbers we cover some rationals more than once as well).
Neither do we need a continuous mapping.

The two conditions below are equivalent:
1. There are injections X->Y and Y->X
2. There is a bijection X->Y.

It's called Schröder-Bernstein theorem, and I'm about to look up proof from Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis by Simmons, pp 29-30.
I know the bijection doesn't have to be continuous, I just wanted to point out that we won't be able to find a "nice" function that works, since [0,1] is closed (well, since it's not open). For the open interval (-1,1) a scaled tangent function is an easy example, as PS showed.
Here's a bijection F between [0,1] and (0, 1):

Define F(1) = 1/2
F(1/2) = 1/4
F(1/4) = 1/8
F(1/8) = 1/16, and so on.

Define F(0) = 1/3
F(1/3) = 1/9
F(1/9) = 1/27
F(1/27) = 1/81, and so on.

For all other x in [0,1], define F(x) = x.

Also, if I've done the math right, G(x) = tan(pi(x - (1/2)) defines a bijection between (0,1) and R. Compose F and G to get a bijection between [0,1] and R. Not continuous, of course.
That's pretty clever! :goodjob:

I'm sooooo jealous for not coming up with that. Especially since the previous page was all about how a subset can be equal in cardinality to the set itself.
What is the difference in cardinality between [0,1] and [0,1)?
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