Sorry not following.
What do you need my vote on?
For map i prefer oval to pangea.
For ocean i dont have a preference.
Rainfall, temp, age of planet im good with whatever..
Yeah, and you may find this odd, but in the ranked voting system that Im resolving the question with - Instant Runoff Voting , batch style - your vote among the candidates (post #67) amounts to #1 given to both Old Earth Pangaea and Normal Earth Pangaea, with the others tied for third. But a ballot in this system where you dont pick a preference for #1 would be an unfair, multiple ballot & the runoff procedure just eliminates that ballot without counting it to anything.
It's entirely valid for this to be your proposal, in which you really are equanimous to the alternatives, but you cant express a one-variable preference unless we were to let the ballot to have -both- counted as an increase of the chance of your top picks, but also continue without any compromise should either one be the most unpopular in a runoff. So it's like a multiple ballot. Alternately, if your two top votes were popular, your ballot doesn't carry the meaning of distinguishing them anyway.
afaik no one has done a multiplayer before *and talked about it on forum (I mean, the modpacks were made so people musta been using it in local friendgroups); except me when I tried doing this contest the.... i think second time. We put the 8 people together, but right at setup some players mishandled... they picked each other's civs instead of their own? and I dont even understand what that is? it doesnt make sense, but immediately interest
died instead of just swapping around - also a 2 button process. Also I dont even understand how a person could mistakenly tell me the wrong civ they wanted in direct question, but they did.
They somehow mistook not their civ, but
themselves as being another player
I have unresolved angst about this, clearly.
But anyway, GMR can run it. I 100% promise you. If there's a bug we find, it's in VP itself.
As for online, I finally got around to checking it and it looks like the most recent discussion of any modpack for VP multiplayer was by the
Magnus Mutatio team and they have not delivered a version since last year. That means we can't play live multiplayer period. There's simply no way to make Civ 5 load a mod data in multiplayer without someone making a "modpack" which is more like a patch to the game install, but which embeds the mod's changes into it (so, you can't have a generic modpack that makes mods loadable in general, or no one ever did it, anyway).
Pitboss is still a possibility, but as I mentioned, I am unable to do the server because the Oracle corporation, which makes the product I would use to do the server clean, has some bizarre blindspot to my identity where they simply ignore all my contacts and my attempts to make an account for their services always fail. (and though the products are free, they need an account etc.) I can't physically put my main computer through being the server, I've been forced to go without routine maintenance during this year and I can just tell the fans are about to go.
I could send someone else on to a HowTo page for using this software to make the server.
Yes, surely if we do Pitboss, my inclination is to adopt some of the rules of etiquette that held Civ4 pitboss games together - involving assigning a player's turns to a certain time of day (universal time)
as though we were sequential, and war rules, and so on. I have second hand knowledge of it but would research. If someone knows about it I'd love to see them nerd it out in the thread.