LK 13 - Sucession, China, Dominator

Preturn - Nothing to change!

1255 AD - One of the two towns I was waiting for - Bristol flips to us :) Cultural take over is just as good as military.
1260 AD - I decide on the use of the GL. New Naking gets the forbidden palace. Research begun on economics. I want Smith's.
1265 AD - It is time to sell communications. Bejing switch to Copernicus.
England - $70, World map for contact with Russia.
Japan - $100 for contact with Russia, $90 for contact with America, $15 and $1gpt for Egypt.
Aztecs World Map, $40, $7/turn. They are really backwards!
Iroqious - Contact with Japan / Rome for contact with Egypt! Where are they?
Persia - $9 and world map for Contact with Romans.
Egypt - World map for World map and $10. I want to know where they are. The are truly backwards. I can trade them Math :lol:
America - Contact with Egypt for World Map, $20, and $2gpt.
There wasn't even enough money for all of the combos to sell! However, with Wall Street, banks, etc on the way, and want to break $1000.
1270 AD - GACK! Hakodate flips back to Japan. Several rides toasted.
1275 AD - We must have had a hugh gpt from someone, we started runing a hugh deficit. Science drops 20%.
1285 AD - Peace between England and Germany.
1290 AD - We need productivity more then anything right now. Next to Research is Democracy.
1310 AD - Peace treaty between England and Rome. Next research goal - Navigation. I want the option to trade overseas.
1330 AD - New Chinan is formed. It is better for China to control that junk island. Russia and America sign a peace treaty.

Summary - There is a lot of competion for Bach and Copernucus. Don't start a revolution until these are built.
We can't build our military up much with improving our economy. I am working on more marketplaces. I want banks for Wall Street. The next batch of turns will also have to be mostly economy with some military.
1335: The Japanese complete Copernicus's Observatory in Kyoto. Lower science to 40% for 1 turn; net 137 gold. Give Japan a gift of 46 gold to ease the tension after I failed to realize the war was over.

1340: Swap territory maps with the Aztecs. Japan renews their peace treaty with us. Our reserach of Navigation is complete, we now move onto chemistry.

1345: Trade saltpeter to America for wolrd map, 140 gold and 5 gold per turn. Trade incense to America for 13 gold per turn. Trade silks to America for 15 gold per turn. Trade incense to Russia for world map, 20 gold and 7 gold per turn. Trade iron to the Iroqouis for spices, world map and 8 gold. Start Magellan's Voyage in Canton; it will take 29 turns to complete. Raise the science rate back up to 60%. Echizen deposes to the Japanese which is bad enough but the tragedy is amplified by losing the 4 riders, including two elites.

1370: Lower science to 50% for 1 turn and net 89 gold. Research Chemistry and start Metallurgy.

1375: Buy Free Artistry from the Americans for 135 gold.

1385: JS Bach's Cahtedral is completed Shanghai and Smith's Trdaing Co. is finished in Tsingtao. I start a revolution but anarchy will remain for 8 years...

1400: Shakepeare's Theatre is completed in Washington.

1410: Swap territory maps with England.

1430: Switch to Democracy.

1435: Lower our science rate to 10% for 1 turn, which netted us 449 gold.

1440: The research of Metallurgy is complete and we start Millitary Tradition. Raised the science rate back up to 60%. We purchase Physics from England for 310 gold.

I accidentally played half a turn longer than I was supposed to but I have tendency to sometimes miss the diplomacy button and advacne to the next turn. Anyway, I made some trades which will all need to be renewed very soon, picked up a few new techs and continue millitary and cultural improvement. The next leader should probably stay the same course with maybe a little more focus on millitary and once Millitary Tradition is researched, he should upgrade all of our Riders to Calvary. Good luck!
I have the game, and I'll try to find some time to play it tomorrow night.
1435 - There are a lot of workers clearing non-city tiles. Is there a reason for that? We have lots of unhappy people. We don't have enough banks and cathedrals. So those are my goals. Besides, our military force is almost acceptable. I've renegotiated silks with the Germans for the same 3gpt and 150g more. Science rate increased by 10% (6 turns to MT)
1440 - The Russians offered a RoP agreement and a military alliance against the Iroquois. Since they're a puny people and are very far, I've accepted the deal giving 125g in exchange of spices (they were a lot expensive than that).
1445 - 4 cities make celebrations in honor of their great leader. Renegotiation time is up. I've raised Russia's incense price by 10gpt. Instead of selling saltpeter to America, I trade it for their fine Ivory. I've also increased the incense and silks price by 15gpt and made a RoP agreement with them in exchange of 5gpt. I've broken our fur deal with Germany (only 6gpt) to sell it to the Americans for 27gpt. I noticed that the silks I sold to Germany should have been sold to Russia, so the next player should pay attention to that!! I sold iron to Persia 2gpt. Science rate increased 10% (3 turns to MT). Japanese worker is building a road to a saltpeter supply in our territory. Is the AI planning on taking that territory?? We'll see. Rome declared war on England.
1450 - Another 9 cities join celebrations in honor of the great Pggar Tse Tung.
1455 - Samurais are wandering along our borders.
1460 - Military Tradition researched. Theory of Gravity is next (5 turns). All riders were upgraded, and we're still above 1000g.
1465 - Ravenna joined the Chairman celebrations.
1480 - Shangai started Wall Street.
1485 - We finished the research of ToG. Magnetism is next. Tsingtao started Newton's University.
1490 - Russia has destroyed the Iroquois. That cancelled all our deals (RoP, Spices). I didn't know that the end of a military alliance would end all the deals made with it. This doesn't seem right to me. All cities got out from celebration. That will probably make corruption effects worst next turn. The next player will have to take care of this. My suggestion is to secure the dyes sources in Japanese territory. That means war. You'll just have to choose when to start it.

I have played 12 turns because of my lack of time, but hopefully next time I'll be able to play 20.
Good Luck!!
Inherited: Changed cities at max population to emphasize shields instead of food.
Japan starts Newton's Univeristy. German's start Newton's Univeristy. Aztec's start Newton's Univeristy.

1495 Ponders what the workers running around are up too.
Russian's start Newton's University. Persians start Newtons University.


1505 Magnetism learned, Steam Power ordered up.
America starts Newton's University.

1510 The Aztecs offer an MPP, which we turn down. Germany and England sign an alliance against Rome. Egypt starts Newton's University.


1520 Japan starts Newton's University.

1525 Canton finishes Magellon's Voyage. Japan starts Newton's University. Germany starts Newton's University. Russia starts Newton's University. Aztecs start Newton's University. America starts Newton's University.
America declares war on Japan.
Japan offers an alliance against America. I think not.


1535 Persia and America have signed an alliance against Japan. Persia offers us an MPP, which we turn down.

1540 We have discovered a new source of salt peter. America and the Aztecs sign an MPP.

1545 Steam Power learned, nationalism ordered. Science dropped to 30%, still get nationalism in 4 turns. Grrrr, notice more automated workers that I missed earlier. Macao switches to the Iron Works.


1555 America cancels ivory trade, we renegotiate incense trade, get 3gpt and medicine. Trade furs/silk for ivory/28 gpt.


1565 Nationalism learned, Industrialization ordered. Science boosted to 70%, 7 turns to go. 45 musketmen upgraded.


1575 Seizing territory lost in the many wars raging, New Kaifeng and New Ningpo founded. The first stage of the great chinese rail project is complete as all mainland cities are connected.

1580 New Paoting founded.
Egypt and England have signed a military alliance against Rome.

1585 Aztecs declare war on the Japanese.

1590 Newton's University completed.

Well, when I started playing, I was going to see what kind of damage I could do to Japan, but a brief look at our cities quickly changed my mind. We were losing the tech race, and had next to no libraries. Most of my round went to building up our research base, and economic base with marketplaces/banks. We are now up 1 tech on everyone, Steam Power. We could use a few settlers too, as cities along the German/English/Roman border are switching hands right now. Factories are in 2 turns, hopefully we can transform our brief production lead from them into a substantial lead. But the other civs are so close to us in tech, that brief period won't last long.
Originally posted by shdwlord
Grrrr, notice more automated workers that I missed earlier.
Are you serious? Or are you talking about what happens when the game switches screen going through a lot of units for no reason at all? I didn't inherit any automated worker and I didn't automate any either. So, I'm pretty confused right now. Did I miss something?
I found alot of automated workers, they seemed to be clearing jungle, might have been when someone misclicked to move a stack of them.

What is the automated command to clear jungle?

Could it be 2 close to the j (move stack)?
I sell our world map to the world, as our cash is above $1000. We are now using Wall Street to the fullest. One problem solved. Other problems - Weak military. Weak infastructure. Not an easy answer, except we need those factories.

I get to see the Iron Works come on-line in Macao. :)

1595 AD - Begin research on Electricity, with a target goal of ToE.
1600 AD - WAR! :flamedevi: Rome is furious with us, and the buzzards are circling. We capture Byzantium and multiple furs. They move really pays off - I give Germany furs for Sanitation, $30, and $11/t. Antium, Pisae and Lugdunum also fall.
Engand wants a MPP, give her a free world map instead.
1605 AD - [dance] Germany and Aztecs ally against Japan. Keeps everyone busy while we kill Rome. We reward Gernany with a straight up RoP.
1610 AD - Waiting for units to heal. Neapolis holds with a 1 hp rifleman.
:lol: Japan and Rome sign a trade embargo against us. Macao thanks to 69 shields a turn, will produce Suffrage in 15 turns.
1615 AD - After an eternity of fighting, Cumae falls. I can't even tell you how many units I killed. I did cost us calvary.
1620 AD - Japan joins the we want a piece of Rome crowd.
1625 AD - New Yangchow is formed. Rome will talk, but we don't get enough. A roman longbowman beats our infantry :confused:
1630 AD - Rome falls. Good news looking at the trade screen
The following countries want our Coal - England, Japan, Russia, Persia, America
Begin research on Scientific Method.
1640 AD - Veii falls, and we gain multiple silks. Mpp betweeen Persia and Azetcs. England declares war on Japan. :)
1650 AD - Pompeii falls, Rome is almost dead :) Gee, Rome has 1 city, so Persia signs an alliance against Rome.
1660 AD - Kill a lot of units, but Brundisum holds. War weariness is taking a hugh toll. OUCH - We lose our supply of Ivory, talk about LOUSY timing. We manage to renew, but at a much lower price. :( Begin research on Atomic Theory. I want Hoover.
1665 AD - Brundisum falls. Rome is destroyed. We get a great leader, Sun Tzu. He is parked for the moment next to Bejing. The Aztecs have Industrialization, as the start US. Of course, we have 4 turns to go.
1670 AD - Japan signs a peace treaty with the Aztecs.
1685 AD - Universal Suffrage is completed.

Summary -
1 - Research Electronics next. Palace being built as a place holder for the Dam.
2 - ToE works different, and gives you the techs you are researching now :)
3 - Keep the RoP with England and Germany. It is helping them versus Japan, which benifits us.
4 - Keep some military being built along with infastructure. Our military is still weak.
5 - Ignore the Japan units in our territory, we can afford another war this soon.

Up next - Thazi
Good luck, and get us Hoover.

On Deck - Pggar
Stupid board -
Trying attachment again.
I'll try to play tonight but otherwise I will post the results by tomorrow night at the latest. Also, should I use the leader to rush ToE or the Hoover Dam?
Now playing, I'll take a look at the techs that the others have and if they don't meet the requirements to build the Hoover Dam, then I will build its normal pace and rush the ToE, otherwise I will rush the Hoover Dam.
1700: Swap territory maps with Persia. Purchase Communism from Persia for 260 gold.

1705: Turn sicence down to 20% for one turna nd net 735 gold (includes new trades). Trade silks to Russia for 14 gold, 35 gold per turn and world map. Trade solks to Aztecs for 140 gold and 20 gold per turn. Research of Atomic Theory is complete and start on Electronics.

1710: Raise science to 70%.

1715: Purchase the Corporation from Aztecs for 425 gold.

1725: Trade iron to England for 280 gold, 49 gold per turn and world map. Richmond defects to us.

1730: Battlefield Medecine started in Shanghai.

1735: Purchase Espionage from England for 280 gold. Start Intelligence Agency in in New Tienstin. Lower science to 50% and net 299 gold. Start Replaceable Parts.

1740: Lower science to 10%, which will net us 901 gold. Star Hoover Dam in Macao.

1745: Aztecs and America ally against Japan. Theory of Evolution is complete and Tatung and we learn Replaceable Parts and Refining. Raise science to 70% and start Steel.

1750: Russia and Aztecs ally against Japan.

1752: Upgrade 59 rifleman and 10 cannons for 990 gold total. England and Germany sign a MPP. England asks for a MPP; we give them a free territory map. Bonn defects to us.

1754: Japan, Perisa and America reach peace. The Hoover Dam is finished in Macao.

1756: Germany asks for an MPP but we give them a free territory map. Lowwer science to 50% and net 297 gold.

1758: Research of Steel is complete and start Combustion. Raise science to 60%.

1762: Battlefield Medecine is complete in Shanghai.

1764: Russia and Aztecs sign an MPP. Intelligence Agency complete in New Tienstin.

I complete 2 great wonders, 2 small wonders and gained quite a few techs. I also improved our military and if the next leader chooses so, we should be able to implement an effective attack, especially if we try to take a substantial amount of cities in our first turn. If we do attack, we should pay very close attention to the Samurai and we will also need to move around our infantry to thwart any counteroffensives. I would wait a turn, since I have about 8 more Calvary on the way but after that we will be ready. I did a lot of infrastructure work and we are really a thriving nation. We also have a 4 to 5 tech lead, possibly more. Regardless we are an age ahead of everyone else and none of the remaining nations frightens me.
Wow, nice work you two :D I was a little afraid that we might lose those wonders when I started my last turn, as we were behind in techs. I guess now we have to start deciding on when to attack, as our only victory option is domination. Do we clear our continent first, or start an offensive campaign somewhere else using Japan/England as cannon fodder?
Originally posted by shdwlord
Wow, nice work you two :D I was a little afraid that we might lose those wonders when I started my last turn, as we were behind in techs. I guess now we have to start deciding on when to attack, as our only victory option is domination. Do we clear our continent first, or start an offensive campaign somewhere else using Japan/England as cannon fodder?

We definitely want to clear our continent first. Most of those Roman cities I took are MORE then 1/1 cities. This added to our production base. I suspect our next target is Japan. The world still seems to hate them.

Well Thiazi thinks like me :) ToE and Hoover are the critical wonders of this age.

Battlefield medicine already:goodjob: I didn't even work on a hospitals! My big infastructure was factories.

"Also, should I use the leader to rush ToE or the Hoover Dam?"
:( With going for domination, we wanted an army :(
Guess, I should have be clear on that. After playing anyone English, I have seen how nice multiple armies are :D
I haven't used the Great Leader yet. I thought about but after noticing that we had no real competition for the wonders and that we were well into the production of the Theory of Evolution and we had built up a lot of shields towards Hoover, so using the leader became pointless. So we can still build an army, maybe with the three elite Calvary in the from the first stack or maybe with tanks.
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