LK 13 - Sucession, China, Dominator

30 AD: Zululand declares war on the Romans. Neither civilization is particularly strong, so I doubt a major power will emerge from this struggle.

110 AD: Destroy a barbarian camp and net 25 gold.

170 AD: Yangchow founded to secure source of iron near Japanese. Shanghai completes the Great Library and starts the Forbidden Palace as a placeholder for either the Hanging Garden or Sun Tzu's Art of War.

190 AD: Our scientists have discovered Construction.

260 AD: Manchuria is founded near the double-wheat.

270 AD: The Zulu wish for us to join their war of Attrition but we decline and donate 5 gold towards their war efforts. The English have completed the Colossus.

280 AD: Hong Kong is founded on the southern island. Another barbarian camp is destroyed, netting us 25 gold.

290 AD: The Great Wall is started as a placeholder in Tatung. Their are a lot of good wonders in the middle ages and we may as well try to monopolize them. The research of a new form of government known as Monarchy is complete, our scholars then focus on a supposedly even better form of government known as the Republic.

310 AD: We send a ship with two settlers to help complete our building project on the southern island. We will need to bus over some workers soon. Our researches have learned Currency and the Republic and will now start work on Feudalism.

I had a moderately succesfull reign in which I completed the Great Library, acquired three new technologies and continued our expansion. I also built about 4 to 5 workers, which is a lot for me, and spent some time on the military. I switched Shanghai over to the Hanging Gardens and as I had mentioned earlier I started the Great Wall in Tatung as a place holder for the Art of War, though if you want to build the Art of War first, then I would switch Shanghai back to Forbidden Palace and then switch Tatung to the Hanging Gardens. We should continue to pump workers and still build some settlers, since every city site we build is one that we will not have to conquer later, though don't get out of hand with that. We should contiune to improve our infrastructure and maybe even start tearing into the jungle but we should start to work in a few troops here and there. I think we are doing really well and if the next leader wishes to, we can make a lot of money off our world map and even Monarchy. We have about a three tech lead and if we keep this pace of research along with the Great Library, we could expand it. It is a pity that we are going for domination, since we have the start of a very good culture but in the long run that will be more beneficial from us than if we had pumped out troops from day one.
lkendter, does no automated workers include control-shift-r? When I get railroads, first thing I do is use this feature to connect all my cities quickly. I usually have all my workers gathered together at the time so they are all laying the same stretch of track. A few workers might be off somewhere doing something else, but when they finish that task, their goal is to lay track to the nearest place they can meet the other workers. It won't affect many, since I build from one city to the nearest city to it, but there might be one or two workers left after I reach a city that I would give control-shift-r orders too, tying them up for a few turns if they don't get help with that stretch of track.
Originally posted by shdwlord
lkendter, does no automated workers include control-shift-r? When I get railroads, first thing I do is use this feature to connect all my cities quickly. I usually have all my workers gathered together at the time so they are all laying the same stretch of track. A few workers might be off somewhere doing something else, but when they finish that task, their goal is to lay track to the nearest place they can meet the other workers. It won't affect many, since I build from one city to the nearest city to it, but there might be one or two workers left after I reach a city that I would give control-shift-r orders too, tying them up for a few turns if they don't get help with that stretch of track.

My comments are really meant at A, Shift A, (automate, don't change existing), the commands to clear jungle / forest only, etc). A / Shift-A are the worst, as the computer obsesses on mining 10 hills around a size 2 city.

I have occassionally done Shift-R, and Ctl-Shift-R, but that would be limited to very short distances. No 30 tile plans.
340 - The Russian completed the Great Wall. Republic was formed. The Germans have Monotheism. We should get it soon from the Great Library.
440 Traded Wmap with everybody. Got 206 gold. Gave Republic to Germans in exchange of 3g/turn and 130g, to the English for 2g/turn and 60g. Only did that cause the others already had it. When we finish the HG I'll sell Monarchy.
480 - Great Lighthouse finished in Canton. We mastered Feudalism and we are going for Engineering.
490 - The citizens of Bremen have overthrown the Germans and pledged alliance to us.
510 - Romans and Japanese started Sun Tzu's. We'll have it done in 30 turns. HG will take 35. RoP with the Japs.
520 - Finished.

I've built some cities, but that's pretty much it. I found a little island. With the Great Lighthouse, we should explore more. The next player has to get monotheism from the Germans (or just wait for the GLib do it), has to sell Monarchy, and build a decent military force.
Good Luck!
ShadowLord steps into the throne room, and is instantly besieged with reports from the department heads of the Chinese Rebublic Government. As he reads the reports, he shakes his head and wonders why so many of our workers are outside our borders.

Inherited turn: Micromanaged a few cities for production. Xinjian caught before civil disorder set in. Nanking and Macao switched to settlers. Gold loss goes from -6/turn to -1/turn. Engineering now 9 turns instead of 10.

1) 530 Order restored in Beijing. Tried selling world map, but found out the world was broke. Zulu offered their world map and a worker, our world map and 1 gold acquired the roman world map and a roman worker

2) 540 Nanking finishes a settler, begins a pikeman.

3) 550 A settler in the middle of nowhere suddenly wants orders. Given that there are a Roman and an English settler 1 space away, New Nanking founded. Japan founds Omi, Chinese settler that appeared to be heading their taken off goto orders next turn.

4) 560

5) 570 Xinjian and Manchuria finish courthouses, begin construction of a barracks. Our roads are now connected with the Japanese highway system. Japan was too poor to offer even 1 gpt for our luxuries. English start Hanging Gardens.

6) 580 Sold the Japanese monarchy for their world map, 7 gold, and 2 gpt. Sold Germany monarchy for their world map and 20 gold. Bought Zulu worker for 27 gold. Everyone is completely broke.

7) 590 New Canton hurries courthouse. Science bumped up to 100%, -72 gold a turn

8) 600 Engineering learned, Invention ordered, science cut back to 60%

9) 610 New Tsingtao & New Xinjian founded

10) 620

11) 630 Anyang finishes barracks, starts harbor to connect our island to our mainland trade routes.

12) 640 Zulu and Germany sign peace treaty

13) 650 England sends 2 settler groups into our territory

14) 660 Germany begins Sun Tzu's Academy

15) 670

16) 680 Rather than letting the English settle our southern coast, I tell them to leave, which they do. Romans begin the Hanging Gardens.

17) 690 A settler and a pikeman are loaded onto our galley.

18) 700 New Nanking hurries temple

19) 710 New Chengdu founded.

20) 720

Just as a general observation, our cities are too spread out, but to close to fit good cities between them. We might have to build small cities in the gaps, just so we don't lose some culturally if nothing else. Our military is still paper thin, I was trying to alternate infrastructure and pikemen. Good luck Lee, you might need it :cringe:
Originally posted by lkendter

My comments are really meant at A, Shift A, (automate, don't change existing), the commands to clear jungle / forest only, etc). A / Shift-A are the worst, as the computer obsesses on mining 10 hills around a size 2 city.

I have occassionally done Shift-R, and Ctl-Shift-R, but that would be limited to very short distances. No 30 tile plans.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I thought that shift-a would be ok when I started playing, until my workers ran out of things to do in my territory, and started building railroads in other civs territory, when they didn't have the technology yet. Nothing like helping out your rivals for free.
I switch Bejing to settler. There are still some jungle areas to lock up for us.
I switch New Xinjian to temple. I want the cultural pressure on Richmond, which I think has a very high change to flip to us.

I play the one turn of low science game, to put a few bucks in our pocket.

Zululand has a worker to sell, so I buy it for $21. We have way to much territory to develop for the number of workers we have.

730 AD - We have nothing to hide, so trade world map for a few bucks.
750 AD - New Hangchow formed on the little junk island. But, it is OURlittle junk island.
760 AD - New Tientsin is formed, we have yet more horses. We get Montheism for free, saving 4 turns thanks to th GL. Theology is up next.
800 AD - A biggie :) We get Sun Tzu. We gain a golden age. Actually a great time, as we are building Leo's, Placeholding for Sistine, etc.
810 AD - New Tantung is formed, instant temple city.
820 AD - Japan completes Hanging Gardens - I think that was a cascade from Sun Tzu, boy did we cut it close. I remember to sell off all baracks. We only gain a few gold, but I will take anything I can get my hands on. Rome declares war on us! They destroy New Tientsin.
830 AD - New Tientsin is reformed, this time close to home. Military units get in increase in priority. Upgrade all spearman to pikeman. Our handle of horseman and warriors head toward Rome. We need more heavy wieght attack units. Now Germany has some money - silks for 3gpt. I love the golden ages in Beijing, a worker every turn and staying a size 6. A great way to improve the worker force.
840 AD - Uh, are we are war with Rome?
850 AD - Not my standard, but I go for Chivalry next. Since we are at war with Rome, I would like to get something out of it.
870 AD - More money is Germany, and we get 6gpt for furs. This is one area we are weak. Not many luxuries to trade.
900 AD - We beat Germany by one turn, and new Macao is formed.
910 AD - England starts the Chappel, however we are 20 somethings turns away - not sure how much it will go up after GA is gone.
920 AD - The first casulties since the first turn of the war. We ambush a Roman settler / spearman pair, and get 2 workers. I will take every possible worker.

Summary - Chivalry in one turn. Start building riders. Don't bother attacking Rome until we have a good attack force. Science temporarily dropped to get a few bucks. Up it after the next turn. 1 settler is built to grab the last of the jungle area. Another under way to fill in any gaps from the Roman area. If we can get a leader, we need the FP somewhere!

Up next - Thazi

On Deck - Pggar
I played my turns pre-patch release, so I guess that from Pggar on out we should use the 1.17 patch. Anyway, I had a very productive set of turns. I captured 3 to 4 cities from the Romans, then sued for peace, we now have forces to the north that are ready for the second Chinese-Roman war but I decided to hold off on that and let the next player decide when to attack. We have enough forces to take 3 to 5 cities and when we sue for peace we could probably gain another 1 or 2. We gained several techs and it appears that we are at least 2 or more techs beyond the competition. I met 5 new civilizations and have spotted a 6th. I have made a great deal gold off of selling our world map and Engineering. I have yet to sell contact between the new and old civilizations but we should be able to make a nice amount of gold from that.

Our military is getting stronger, though I did not start our massive upgrading project just yet. Now that the patch is out we will be able to upgrade our Horsemen to our UU, so we should probably delay war for at least one turn for upgrading. We our financially doing very well, making substantial money with the science rate up at 100%, I just wanted to get Music Theory out of the way so that we could start our next Wonder. So after that we will probably be making 80 or more gold per turn and that is not factoring in the money we will get for selling contacts. We also have over 1,000 gold in the bank and Leo's Workshop, so upgrading should be a relatively brief and painless act.

920: The research of the Code of Chivalry is complete and we now start researching Gun Powder.

940: Our science rate is raised to 60%; we now have 7 turns until Gun Powder.

980: The city of New Ayang is founded.

990: The Romans have destroyed the Zulu; I never realized that they had an army.

1000: Our Golden Age has come to an end.

1010: Caesaraugusta captured. Lower the science rate to 50% and net 18 gold. The research of Gun Powder is complete and we now start on Education.

1020: Palmyra is captured.

1030: Science raised back to 60%. Leonardo's Workshop is completed in Tatung.

1040: New Shantung is founded. Jerusalem is captured.

1060: Caesarea is captured. Ravenna is captured. We make peace with Rome for Isandhlwan, 11 gold per turn and their world map. The gold per turn was a bad idea but I guess we will need to break that deal to start war, though building up even more of a force, so that we can try to take them out in 1 shot may not be bad either.

1070: Our galley spots a green border.

1090: We have made contact with the Aztecs. We trade our world map to the Aztecs for contact with the Americans, 20 gold, 10 gold per turn and their territory map. We trade our world map to the Americans for 80 gold, 7 gold per turn and their world map. We trade Engineering to America for 9 gold and 48 gold per turn. We trade our territory map to the Iroquois for their world map and 1 gold. We trade our world map to Persia for 90 gold, 14 gold per turn and their world map. We also made contact with Russia but I forgot how we did that. I did not trade anything to them because they were stingy. We lower our science rate to 10% for 1 turn and net 289 gold. Our research of Education is complete and we start on Music Theory, which will give us a shot at a wonder and is a cash cow tech. We raised our science rate to 100%, at what was then a modest loss, and it will be researched in 4 turns. The Great Library is now obsolete. I also spotted a border, which I believe to be the Egyptians and our galley will reach it in 14 turns, though our eastern galley could get there sooner. We rush a temple in Ravenna for 224 gold.

1100: We trade Engineering to England for 40 gold, 26 gold per turn and their world map. We trade Engineering to Germany for 30 gold, 15 gold per turn and their world map.

1110: Our galley has spotted a rocky island. Germany declares war on England. We trade our world map to Japan for 3 gold, 19 gold per turn and their world map. We rush the aqueduct in Tatung for 146 gold.
I won't be able to play for another 24h. So you guys can wait, or shdwlord could take his turn now, and then I go after him. Whatever you guys think is the best option.
Well. I can play now, but I've already installed the patch. Are we going to use the patch (stacked mov, sentry, yeah :cool: )? If not, tell me, I can use the other computer.
1130 - Zzzz
1140 - Japanese declared war on us!! Our riders start the counterattack. Why do we have so close cities? This is micromanagement hell in a huge map.
1150 - Samurai spotted. This is not good. Japanese iron source is well into their territory, but I'm sending a mission there to destroy their road. Got an RoP deal with the Romans to make things easier.
1160 - We got RoP + Printing Press from the English in exchange of 150g. JS Bach's Cathedral started at Shangai. Two different samurais killed 2 riders. 1 Samurai killed.
1170 - Japanese iron source road pillaged. Izumi captured. Finished continental upgrade.
1180 - Sistine Chapel finished. Three Samurais died attacking Riders stationed on mountains. 1 of the riders was killed by a fourth Samurai, that was finally killed by another rider.

Patch Observations
The stacked movement is valid to all the units of the same type in a tile. It doesn't matter if the unit has already moved or if the unit is fortified. In the first case, it will move in the next turn. In the second, the unit will move immediately.
The game crashed at 1170, so I had to use the autosave to return to the same year. I hope it doesn't crash from now on.
The captured workers were changed. When you're moving them you can't see their nationality anymore, as it was substituted by your own nationality. The only way you can discover their nationality is by right-clicking them. I don't think that this change has any real effect in the game, but I'm just mentioning it.

That's it. Good Luck to the next player.
Up next - shdwlord

Get the patch. It will allow horseman to be upgrade to Riders. I have installed the patch on my laptop, and downloading for my desktop right now.
Originally posted by lkendter
It will allow horseman to be upgrade to Riders.
Not anymore. :(
I believe I've already upgraded them all. :D
It will only work if you build horsemen from now on. ;)
And I was reading in one of the threads here that someone got an army from a goodie hut. That would be nice at the very start of the game. Now lets just hope the autosave bug is really fixed
inherited: wow, how did america get so lucky to get their own island. Establish embassies with the russians, the aztecs, the iroquois, the persians, and the americans. raises science from 0 to 80%. with so many cities about to go into disorder next turn, luxuries set at 10%. New Xinjian switched from galley to library.

1190 minor skirmishes with the japanese result in them losing 2 spearmen, a bowman, and a warrior.
In Japanese counter attack, they lose 1 samuri, we lose 1 rider, and gain a GL.

1200 Hakodate captured.
Rome declares war on the english.
Japanese counter attack costly on both sides, we lose a musketman, they lose a samuri

1210 2 Japanese Samuri, 1 warrior, and 1 bowmen lost
Counter attack manages to kill 2 of our riders and another musketman at the price of 2 samuri.

1220 The defenders of Echizen put up a valiant fight, defeating 2 of our riders before falling into our hands. However, this brings into sight 3 stacks of units that we could not hold the city against, so we sue for peace, getting 17 gold, 10 gpt, and their world map.
The Iroquois and America have signed a military alliance against russia.

1230 We master the art of banking and so not to lose the observatory, pass on democracy and take astronomy instead. The Japanese begin Copernicus's Observatory. Tsingtao switched to palace.

Well, in 6 turns I managed to acquire 2 cities and a great leader. The Japanese just started building the observatory, so I will let the next player decide if the leader should be used on the wonder, or for an army. I haven't sold contact between the continents yet, but if the Japanese are building the observatory, then they can sail over to the other continent themselves. They are still furious at us, and may launch another attack anytime.

Sorry for the short turn and write up, but if I didn't post now, it would probably be late tomorrow afternoon at the earliest before I could post it. Just thought I would try to keep the game moving along :)
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