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LK102, Deity, RaR, just win.

Preturn: A few changes. Biggest one is Academy to Shipyard.

IBT: A lone Eagle Knight assaults our empire. Our empire is well enough defended that Incan isn't even sending troops at our cities.

460 AD: Advance some Horsemen. Found FP. Given the Corruption I think building a Counsellor will make sense first.

470 AD: Capture Paramonga

IBT: Get Usery start Clockworks and 70% science (2 turns).

480 AD: Capture Tihuanaco

490 AD: Capture New Orleans.

500 AD: Healing

510 AD: Capture Paracas

520 AD:

530 AD: Advance on GLib Town

540 AD: Capture GLib Town.

IBT: Paracas Flips. We have units nearby. Move some more to try to take it next turn. America may get it though. We will see.
We get several techs from the GLib.

550 AD: We have 3 units near Paracas.

The units in the GLib town have some flip risk. We need to hold it another turn.

We have a longboat ready to try to make the crossing.

Noticed we hadn't irrigated Tessaoua and Nguigmi. Not sure how we missed that, but we can make those cities much stronger if we bring water to them.

We have some ships going around to finish off the Inca when the time comes.

I had a Great Galleas chasing a Caravel. Also Our galley is going to deliver more units to the island. It has 3 units. Inca may build a town in the north.

I guess that makes Romeo up. You get to beat on more Incan cities.

I had some towns building the Mills, and clock towers between horsemen. We may want to continue that.

IBT: Paracas Flips. We have units nearby.
Well let us wrap this war before more of these happen.
The sad part is I failed to realize how large that island is. We are going to get a lot of cities that will be a pain to defend even after rails. I just hope we don't get more headaches in the future. I really had no interest in those island cites.

Signed up:
LKendter (on deck)
Romeothemonk (currently playing)
OPEN SLOT <-- Is anyone interested?

Remember 10 turns per round - STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 hours to complete.
Hey y'all I got it. Expect some war like action.
Few things:

Why are we still paying 28 gpt to the Sioux? We can continue the MA for Wool instead, I don't believe we intend to make peace until the Incans are dead.

The Great Library will expire next turn, and we actually have the tech lead on the Americans already.

How much otherwise free labor did we sacrifice in New Orleans? Looks like 5 workers and a slave. I actually think it was worth it, especially because the Americans are hooking up the Gems for us. :lol:

I would build Forge/Slave Market before the FP in FPVille. I would also kill growth at size 3 and work the two Sheep mountains and the river Hill. I think it will have 18 base shields at size 3 and probably produce 9 net after corruption. The FP will be built faster including the production boosters than not.

When the GA ends (on turn 3) watch for riots since we are running a lux tax. It doesn't appear there are any lux to buy, and Abe might not get those Gems hooked up in time. We also have WW now.

I don't think we're going to have that long a front. I can see two spots to settle that would shorten the front as well. The first is the Hill in the NW between the Salt and the Wheat. Supe can't use more than 3-4 tiles and every other city in the area can hit 15ish. The second is the forest S-S-W of Dosso. Helps to box in the Sioux on that side.

Everyone else in Fundy so we don't have to worry about being overrun in tech anytime soon.
How much otherwise free labor did we sacrifice in New Orleans? Looks like 5 workers and a slave.
I really hope not. That would be a major disappointment. We could still use a lot of labor help.
Good to be back in the saddle again. And there is even a war for me. :)
Just a note, not sure that it matters in this game, but Greebley and I follow each other and have more of a war-monger leaning, while T_McC and LK are builders. Greebley and I follow each other, perhaps a minor mixup would help?
IHT: Swap Gao to guild hall in 3, instead of HH in 1.
Turn 1: Watch Inti's hurt Sioux and America, but ignore us. We learn Chivalry, Architecture, Astronomy, Banking, Education, Navigation, Physics, Political Philosophy, and something else. Glib is obsolete.
Cancel Alliance with Sioux. Vet HH kills Eagle knight at Paracas, Elite pops a leader, we get the town and some massive gold. Our great galleas sinks an incan Ship. (3-0). Shuffle troops and upgrade stuff.

We have a leader and cannot build the IP yet. We can build the following stuff. FP, Training camp, The other thingy that gives troops, the heroic epic. I am peronally leaning towards getting us a victorious army, so that we can build some more stuff in the the industrial ages.
I will wait 24 hours for team input, as I got to do some other stuff in the meantime anyway.
No on the FP, it will only take about 15 turns to build in FPville.

No on the Training Camp, we can build that in about 5 turns post-GA in Gao. And we should, so we can build Armies there. The option to build Armies doesn't expire with the wonder. The other Army-building wonders are much more expensive.

No on the Royal Tournament, we may get 1 unit out of that before it expires.

Yes on the Army, we'll be at war long enough to get another leader for the IP.
I would go for an army. The double hit points, extra movement, and blitz ability makes it worthwhile.

Ya, I wanted those gems. Perhaps it is foolish to try to compete for them, but I gave it a go. 6 foreign workers is the equivalent of 2 of ours or only 2 gpt (perhaps 4 gpt). An extra Lux is worth a lot more than that. In RaR, the gpt will be in the hundreds. 2 or 4 gpt is very minor and we can use gems now to counteract the WW.
How close are we to the IP? Are there any other possible small wonders to build?

I really hate 2 unit armies this early. IMO armies suck in RaR until tanks and the pentagon. I found the early armies DON'T have army immunity. The AI will kill these early armies with ease. The only advantage is to get the victorious army out of the way.

I would even prefer saving 15 turns on the FP before an army.
Well ... 2-man Armies suck if you don't put the right things in them. :lol:

A 14-16 HP unit with a defense of 4 should work pretty well. Pre-1.04 most offensive armies you would build before Cavalry would only have a defense of 2. A 2-Mali HH army has the highest defense of any unit before the mid-IA and an attack of 6 or 7 depending on whether we also build the Training Camp. A 14-HP , 3-move Line Infantry would come in handy. :)
I will get the army then I think. We have a vote of 3 for army (Greebley, T_McC, Me) and 1 for FP (LK).
I will use it to blitz those dang little 2 and 1 defense guys.
LKendter said:
OPEN SLOT <-- Is anyone interested?

I'm interested, but there are three potential problems:

  • I won't be able to play until Tuesday, maybe Wednesday.
  • I only have RaR 1.03 beta installed. Where to get the not-yet-official 1.04 isn't obvious. :confused: Should this be?
  • I don't have a complete Deity military win, which you want in some of your other games. I can clean up on Emperor easily (some reports at Realms Beyond Civ), and I've had non-military Deity wins. I've also never played RaR at anything above Emperor (two games so far, one Monarch, one Emperor, both blowouts, even though it took a while for me to figure out that you could mine forest :crazyeye: ).

As far as the armies go, if you have the small-wonder generated units, put them in, preferably after getting them promoted. Those units have blitz and amphibious; 2-man armies of these guys are great for cracking coastal city defenses.

Let me know if this is ok with you, and I'm in. I have plenty of free time starting on Tuesday.
lurker's comment:
Pre-1.04, the small wonders miss the 'Increase Army Value' flag, so it won't matter if you have them or not.
But, in 1.04 you do need a victorious again :wallbash: for the MilAc. Like T_McC pointed out, for reasons I fail to understand the ability to build armies doesn't expire, so not a big deal for the human - but it makes AI armies less likely...

You have two ways to get 1.04: The easy one - sign up as beta-tester on the CDG DyP page (may take a couple of days before you get approval, though), or the difficult one: The files are hidden in my discussion thread. But, that requires manual installation, with the chance to screw up sth...

Oh, and I think MaliHH-Armies rock. :)
I am interested in adding another player, and with the firepower in this roster, as well as our position in the game, losing would be a challenge. (Not that we would want that kind of challenge, I think we can have our continent clear before tanks.)
Dark Savant said:
I can clean up on Emperor easily (some reports at Realms Beyond Civ), and I've had non-military Deity wins. I've also never played RaR at anything above Emperor (two games so far, one Monarch, one Emperor, both blowouts, even though it took a while for me to figure out that you could mine forest :crazyeye: ).

Sorry, but I want someone with a previous deity military win.
Looking at the pictures isn't fun. We see the AI has *BUILT* a bank. The military units are also a lot further up the tech tree IIRC.
I just realized something about those pictures. Did we get contact with the other continent? I thought our civs were America, Sioux and Inca on this land mass.
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