LLL1 - The faithful servants of the Mushroom Cloud

1 - 1600 BC Seoul settler->settler. Pyongyang archer->warrior (we need warm bodies).

Send the settler toward the spot NW of the incense hill.

France has developed Mathematics.

2 - 1575 BC
Pyongyang is unhappy, so I'm forced to raise lux to 20%.

IT - one of our exploring curraghs is attacked by a barbarian galley (but wins flawlessly). This implies that somebody has Map Making, but none of the civs we know do.

3 - 1550 BC
Pyongyang riots anyway, as I first adjusted the slider, made sure the city was happy, then decided to switch the tile assignments, which caused less commerce to be produced. My bad. :wallbash:

Namp'o founded.

4 - 1525 BC Seoul settler->settler. Pyongyang warrior->worker (let's put those unhappy people to work!).

I decide to send this settler to the coast SW of Pyongyang and wait until the next one for the choke point, as Wonsan will be building a spear soon, which will be very useful to send along.

5 - 1500 BC
Mathematics is spreading around, so I trade Sumeria the Wheel (which everybody else has) for it.

6 - 1475 BC
Nothing exciting.

7 - 1450 BC Pyongyang worker->warrior.

Our second warrior reaches the choke point. Now if we can just convince these Enkidus to leave before our settler gets here - I'd really rather found a city just on the far side of the choke if we can.

8 - 1425 BC Wonsan spear->barracks

France develops Horseback Riding. Philo is due in one, so looks like there'll be some trading next turn.

Our exploring curragh finds the Greeks. Alexander is down Writing and Mathematics.

9 - 1400 BC Seoul settler->settler. Pyongyang warrior->warrior.

Philosophy comes in. I decide to take Currency as our free tech; it's more expensive than CoL, it has good trade value, and it lets us build markets.

OK, time for some tech trading. Writing to France for Horseback Riding and 100 gold. Philosophy, Horseback Riding, and Mysticism to the Netherlands for Map Making, which he has apparently just discovered (it's a bit steep, but I really want MM). Philosophy to France for the rest of her treasury (240 gold). Writing to Egypt for 50 gold. SUmeria and Greece are too broke to be worth it.

The warrior build in Pyongyang is changed to a galley. Research set to CoL.

The new settler is sent toward the choke. Cheju founded.

10 - 1375 BC Pusan warrior->barracks (Note: there's a forest chop completing at Pusan in one more turn).

The state of our empire in 1375 BC:

We have no iron or horses in our territory. There is iron on the island to our northeast, and I strongly recommend settling there as soon as practical (which is why I wanted Map Making so badly).

I wasn't entirely sure whether researching CoL (and then Republic) next was the best plan, or whether we should pick up Literature first. I chose CoL, but we only have one turn of research invested, so next player feel free to change if you disagree.

I haven't established embassies yet, but, with all of the world's treasury in our pockets, that's probably worth doing.
Looks good there Mr. Man. :) Might we want to switch Wonsan to the Lighthouse? I'm not sure; Wonsan's our best bet, but it'll take awhile, I don't know that our chances are very good. If not that then maybe a granary instead of a rax, since we can't war for awhile, so doubling that food might be a better thing.

Agree on the iron isle -- next settler should go there. CoL or lit? Hmm. We are scientific... I'm not sure on this one, but with one turn invested in CoL, I guess just go with that...
Going to literature might be worth it. It'll slow us down getting to CoL, but if we throw up a library or two it'll help with getting republic. That's assuming we have a place for libraries.
Mach said:
Might we want to switch Wonsan to the Lighthouse?
I'm not really sure we need the Lighthouse. Our curraghs have managed to make it most of the way around the world without any trouble, and it's not like we're going to be mounting big invasions anytime soon. I'm sure we can come up with something better to do with 300 shields.

If not that then maybe a granary instead of a rax, since we can't war for awhile, so doubling that food might be a better thing.
Good point. I didn't really think about that; I just automatically started a couple of barracks since we don't have any. On the other hand, I'd be shocked if we make it to the modern age without anybody declaring war on us, so we probably will want a few barracks. If nothing else, having veteran troops instead of regulars will make us stronger in the AI's eyes.

I'm not sure on this one, but with one turn invested in CoL, I guess just go with that...
I don't know if I would let that one turn be the deciding factor. But even if we did have Literature right now, I'm not sure we're ready for libraries. But we might want them within the 40 turns or so it's going to take to get to Republic from here. Not really sure...
Before building ANY wonders, we should discuss our strategy depending the golden age.

Do we want the standard medieval GA or should we go for an early modern ages GA triggered by the UN? This would mean bypassing all earlier COM wonders but it would boost our production right when we want to build our first atomics.

COM wonders: Colossus, Lighthouse, Magellan, Smith, UN, Internet

SCI wonders: TGL, Mausoleum, Newton, ToE, Internet, Cure for Cancer, Longevity

I'm gonna play today.
Turn 0, 1375 BC:
Looks good all in all. I switch Wonsan from barracks to worker and hit enter.

nothing special

Turn 1, 1350 BC:
settler on auto to chokepoint.
Lux to 10% due to growth in Seoul.

nothing special

Turn 2, 1325 BC:
nothing special

Seoul settler -> settler.
Wonsan riots :(.
Raise lux to 20%.
Namp'o warrior -> barracks.

Turn 3, 1300 BC:
nothing special

Wonsan worker -> warrior.

Turn 4, 1275 BC:
nothing special

Pyonyang galley -> worker
Galley with settler on its way to the iron.

Turn 5, 1250 BC:
nothing special

nothing special

Turn 6, 1225 BC:
nothing special

Seoul settler -> settler
Pyonyang worker -> harbor

Turn 7, 1200 BC:
Lux back to 10%

Wonsan warrior -> warrior

Turn 8, 1175 BC:
Found Hyangsan as last first ring city.

Cheju warrior -> warrior

Turn 9, 1150 BC:
Found Ulsan on the iron island.

We can now build the FP.

Turn 10, 1125 BC:
Found Inch'on at the Choke. Not optimal because the Enkidus are in the way.
French borders in the far north west.

1. We might want to replace Inch'on one day. Because of that I don't build any improvements but a harbor which will allow the city to grow to size 3. Maybe we could let Inch'on grow to 3 and then build a settler to found it anew one tile sw.

2. The next city should be the red dot city on the iron island. The galley is ready and there is a worker on the way to the harbor town to catch the ship. That way we don't need to build a worker on the island. After that we should ship a number of spearmen to the island.

3. After that the pink dot(tm) city should be founded and immediately set to FP. IMHO a strong position for the Forbidden Palace.

4. The blue dots should follow.

I agree MMan, we don't really need the Lighthouse, I just thought it might be nice. But now that I think harder, it looks like we don't even need it for trade. Your point about the GA, Lullaby, is pretty powerful. A modern age GA would be really nice, and to do that I'd rather stick with the SCI wonders, and trigger our GA with UN or Internet.
Internet would be late. We have do research Fission, Rocketry and Space Flight first. So even if Computers would be our free tech, Miniaturization would only be the fourth tech to research. This would mean delaying ICBMs for another tech. I'm not sure if we want another tech after ICBMs. The game should be over before we get to the SDI small wonder and we shouldn't need modern armor because we don't face many conventional troops. Most will be burnt to ashes when we reach the nuked cities.

Maybe we could research to Modern Armor, but that's it. After all we can't use money for anything but upgrades in Commie/Fascism and always war.
Your turns look great, Lullaby, now that I have time to look. A few notes...

Agree on settling priorities. I don't like the fact that pink dot doesn't grab the wheat, although we really have no choice. Maybe that harbor in Inchon can be a library, to get us an expansion eventually? Also that would get more of the choke into our borders. Speaking of which, I don't see any pressing need to move Inchon; it's a canal city where it is, and the choke is sufficiently blocked with the help of that warrior. It would have been nice if it was right on the choke, but really it's ok where it is.

Blue dots look good. I still like the idea of a granary in Wonsan, we could use more settlers and workers. I see you started a worker building a Great Western Road, that's good, maybe we can get him a helper.
I like the idea of holding off on our GA until modern times, and we're probably going to want to be the ones to build the UN anyway. So skipping the commercial wonders sounds like a good idea.

I also think we're OK with Inchon where it is. The main point of the choke is to keep Sumeria out until we've settled all of the empty space behind it, and the city + warrior should do that nicely. After that, it's not as big a deal. So I don't think it's worth moving.
Another thing: I MMed soem cities for less shields and more commerce because they would have overproduced. This has to be checked before pressing enter.

We definitely need a harbor in the mainland soon to get that iron connected to the capital. Anywhere. The harbor in inchon isn't that important if we get the city connected soon enough via road, but it won't grow too much without a harbor and it will be quite corrupted even after connection. With two extra food it could at least support a scientist or taxman at size 6.
I guess because there's no reason to -- we have the choke blocked, and we don't need to use that tile.

I think DBear is up?
Nope. I simply couldn't kick'em. I think it's because it was the same turn the city was founded. On the next player's turn 1 we could kick'em. But why should we? They are way behind in tech and are a tough target in the AA because of their UU.

DBear is up, right.
I agree. Those Enkidus are quite tough for so early. Once we get the iron hooked up and start building swords, they won't be so bad. Will play tonight.
0) 1125BC: Good job on the MM, nothing for me to do.

1) 1100: Inky dude leaves. Seoul settler-->settler. Wonsan worker-->worker. Pyongyang increases pop, can get the harbor in 7--or whip 2 people. I crack the whip. Load settler on to galley, moving him to red dot. France has poly, trade currency for Poly + 55.

2) 1075: Pyongyang harbor-->market. One of our curraghs is running into barb galleys. I start buying embassies everywhere. Sumeria--Pyramids in 27. Dutch--Lighthouse in 60 (just started). Egypt--Pyramids in 96. Greece appears to be bowing out of the wonder race. France--Pyramids in 35.

3) 1050: Our curragh holds off 2 barb galleys, is now veteran. We learn law, have a tough decision. I choose Monarchy for the Hanging Gardens. Pyongsong founded, starts warrior.

4) 1025: Drop worker off at Pyongsong. Worker starts roading.

5) 1000: Settler factory in Seoul keeps cranking out settlers. According to mapstats, we have a QSC score of 4054.

6) 975: Wonsan worker-->worker.

7) 950: Pusan rax-->market.

8) 925: Pyongsong warrior-->rax. Somehow, Egypt--behind Law, Philo, Map, HB, Poly, and Currency has picked up construction. They will take Map + any other tech for it. I decide to hold off.

9) 900: Pyongyang riots. They haven't forgotten my cracking the whip earlier. In retrospect, I shoulda let it build normally. I turn the slider up. Taejon is built on the dot 4sw of Pusan, starts a rax. Wonsan worker-->warrior, warrior from Wonsan moves to Taejon. A barb appears 2se of Inchon, move archer over to intercept.

10) 875: Dutch have spice that we can trade for, if we road our spare incense. Warrior at choke tries to kill barb and basically trips over his axe.

To do list: Keep popping settlers and workers, get that harbor built over on iron island. Road that second incense and trade for Dutch spice to keep the people happy. Galley at north end of iron island was sightseeing, bring him back home.
Looks pretty good DBear. I gots it. Just keep settling, yes? HG isn't a bad idea, shall I start a prebuild in Pusan maybe? Also I'll get aim to getting pink dot up and the FP build started.
Hanging Gardens isn't the worst idea in the world, since it looks like we're going to be short on luxuries for quite a while. I probably would have gone for Republic, though.

Settling the pink dot (and getting the FP going) should definitely be our next priority.
Definitely Republic. We aren't religious and can't afford to many government changes. Rep is the government of choice for our scientific approach.
Agree republic should be our next gov, but with 7 turns invested in monarchy, we might as well finish that off first.
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