love and hate


The Tallest Lilliputian
Aug 21, 2006
Just thought I'd post my thoughts about Rhye's mod, being a "noob". I should start with that I really like the idea and the flow behind this mod, being truly historical and all that. It's really different than the usual Civ experience and I enjoyed it a lot.

However, the lack of any but the one game speed kind of ruins it for me. It seems like by the time you can build one archer you are in the middle ages. There is really no time to get anything done at all in the early game, or at least that was my impression from the few run throughs I tried.

I know the problem of having scripted events (which are also sweet) limits that option pretty seriously, but is there any chance of getting the events timed to a longer scenario? It would probably be a lot of work, I'm sure, but it would really add to the mod - again, just the opinion of one newbie.

Anyways, thanks alot for all the work that obviously went into it!
Which has a lot of stability problems.
thats too bad, cuz, well, crashing is no fun :)
Not that type of stability ;)

P.S. New version of RFC Epic should be up tonight. I changed a lot of the stability checks, and the turns between them, shoulkd rung much closer to the original just over a longer period of time.

Once the new version is out, I suggest you try it, it does change a lot of things in the game, and it won't be perfectly balanced, but it will be playable.
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