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Mad Max Mini: Onto Valhalla


proud 2 boxer
Apr 29, 2007
gatech alum

Mad Max: Onto Valhalla Mini Mafia

Oh what a day! what a lovely day!

The Theme

I live. I die. I live again!

A pack of War Boys have been sent on the hunt for traitors against The Citadel. Well, they found them very quickly.......but they're just other war boys! In this room full of war boys who have never met, who are the traitors?

Well, they're all on a mission. Kill or be killed, and kill and be killed. Valhalla awaits those loyalists that kill a traitor!

The Game

If sufficient signups occur, this is the game. Otherwise I'll invent some other game for 7-9 players.

There are traitors and loyalists in a battle to the death.

The group makes two votes every 24 hours. Vote for an attacker in Green. Vote for an attackee/defender in Bold. If someone is the lead candidate in both the attacker and defender votes, they become the attacker. The votes are completely separate from each other (you can vote someone for both), but a "Hammer" is in effect. If someone ever reaches a majority of the votes for one category or the other, they are locked in for that for the day.

If a combat is not chosen for the day, Immortan Kennigit will kill a random loyalist.

Here are the resolutions:

Attacker: Traitor versus Defender: loyalist. Both die.

Attacker: Traitor versus Defender: traitor. Defender dies.

Attacker: Loyalist versus Defender: traitor. Defender dies. The gates of valhalla will open for the brave loyalist! (this does nothing for the game)

Attacker: Loyalist versus Defender: loyalist. Both die.

There is no "night" phase. Only voting in this game

You'll be able to post after you die, mini game should let folks do that more often. reveals will be immediate on death.

The Signups
1. Al Sipsclar
2. Snerk
3. Atheotes
4. Autolycus
5. Legato endless
6. Takhisis
7. Pouter Pigeon
8. dreadnought
9. Zack


The Rules
24 hour periods except first period is longer

Majority hammer or "locking in" is in effect (if players don't want it, I can remove)

Unlimited private communication. Can post after death. Immediate reveals.

adhere to forum rules

Roleplay is encouraged

The Role PMs you receive will be 4 words long, either "You are a loyalist" or "you are a traitor", and traitors get a quicktopic.
Role PMs just sent en masse. Traitors got a PM that was exactly "you are a traitor" with quicktopic link

Just be cool, OK? Basically don't screenshot your role PM (no one ever has on cfc).

The Movie

I highly recommend the movie. This does not follow the movie, other than being a general blood bath of the crazy War Boys (the white guys)

Link to video.
Spoiler :



Al Sipsclar
Snerk -- loyalist attacked & killed Zack! No honor!
Atheotes -- loyalist attacked & killed Dreadnought! No honor!
Autolycus -- loyalist
Legato endless -- loyalist
Pouter Pigeon
dreadnought -- loyalist defended and killed against atheotes. No honor!
Zack -- loyalist defended and killed against Snerk. No honor!

I want in so bad, but due to uncertain schedules I have to be a reserve.
right so, assuming takhisis is in, we have enough to either play the game in the OP or I will whip up something this weekend for the 7-9 player range that is a traditional game.

So expect a start like Sunday night central time US.
Oh, you should read SatW more often, Kennigit. If I've brought ma wombat, I can be surfin'.
game will start like 10 hours from now -- signups open until game start. first day only will be 48 hours. the setup described is the game being played

Pinned down in the arena (how convenient!), each war boy found himself looking at....other war boys. Some of them were traitors! The best way to find out was to attack and let those who die a noble death be rewarded in Valhalla!

Vote for an attacker in green
vote for a defender in bold

These votes are independent of each other, you can vote someone for both. However, if 2 people are not sent for combat, Immortan Kennigit will kill a random loyal warboy! No honor for those who are cowards!

Majority hammer is in effect (if someone reaches a majority -- 5 votes, they will be locked for that role for the day, in the first role that they are locked into).

Refer to game setup on rules

First phase only is ~47 hours

Combat 1 in at 21:00 central time 07/12

I don't know why the timer isn't working for me, whatever
Does anyone want to let me siphon off their blood? I'm feeling a little low right now...

Anyways, I've never played this type of game before so I feel like it's a good idea to talk through the strategy a little. Like is it prudent for someone to volunteer to be the attacker? It seems like it should be...and then I guess we'd want to treat the defender vote just like a normal lynch vote, since it's always bad to set a loyalist as a defender.

Do we know how many traitors there are?

EDIT: Oh, and how are ties resolved?

EDIT2: Thinking about it some more, having a volunteer to be the attacker is definitely a bad idea. No incentive for a traitor to volunteer, and if a loyalist volunteers, the worst case scenario becomes much more probable. I'm actually not sure why I ever thought it would be beneficial in the first place.
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