Mafia: The League of EEEEEVIL!!! [Game Thread - Concluded]

I always knew that was a bogus claim. What was your real ability?

Oh, choxorn hasn't told posted the Role PMs yet, but azza and I did have linked cover roles and those roles' abilities were the mason pair.
I always knew that was a bogus claim. What was your real ability?

Oh, choxorn hasn't told posted the Role PMs yet, but azza and I did have linked cover roles and those roles' abilities were the mason pair.

Publicly claiming Mason partners was probably a bad idea as that was always going to attract the SK's attention to kill off "confirmed" townies.
I didn't have an ability of my own to use to fake a town power role like the 93ers did. And I had been asking to get at the killers sooner than that…
Publicly claiming Mason partners was probably a bad idea as that was always going to attract the SK's attention to kill off "confirmed" townies.

In hindsight, I definitely wouldn't have done it. Takhisis would've had to have made up a role claim, but my actual role (50% chance of being unaffected by night actions) was believable enough as a town role. Plus, excluding my mason claim, I thought I'd bought myself very good cover with my play.
Well, hindsight's always perfect sight.
plot twist: I really wasn't a double voter

You actually were, it just never made a difference.

I think my abilities were powerful, but they were good for a single guy, that SK is in the end, no matter what abilities he has. I enjoyed my role much, part of it was that I was prepared for scenarios like getting blocked (well, THEN maybe someone would believe me that I cannot be SK... after all, there was a kill when I was roleblocked...)

Yeah, and even if you were a beast at night, you could be lynched as easily as everyone else during the day. And honestly, immunity to night actions looks suspicious as hell if people find out, like if scanners get no result from you.

The night before you died, three different people tried to target you.
Hey! Post the events of each night!
My competence went up very slightly in this I suppose. I managed to figure out a few people were innocent and conspired with spaceman98 until I was killed. Problem is as the Dead QT explains- it didn't do any good.
Role PM's:

The League of Evil:


Spoiler :
Dr. Doofenshmirtz

Ability: The Second Dimension-inator: At night, you can use your new invention to determine whether or not one of your fellow players is a Disney character.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: At least one of the people with “Doctor” in their title, yourself included, survive the game.

You are Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, an Evil Scientist from some rural part of Central Europe that seeks to TAKE OVER THE WORLD! …Or at least the Tri-State Area. You know, start small, work your way up from there. You became evil after a lifetime of bad things happening to you while the opposite happened to your older brother Roger, who is currently Mayor of Danville, the largest city in the Tri-State Area. Unfortunately, one of the bad things that happens to you is that you fail at pretty much everything, in part because you’re not particularly good at anything and in part because your evil plans are always foiled by Perry the Platypus. Well, no matter. You have now teamed up with many of your fellow villains, and with them, you will TAKE OVER… well, still probably just the Tri-State Area, the others will probably get to the world part, but YOU WILL TAKE OVER THE TRI-STATE AREA AS THE FIRST PART OF YOUR PLAN TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Deciding that getting to know a few things about your fellow villains would be good at some point between taking over the Tri-State Area and Taking Over The World, you decided to invent your latest blank-inator device, the Second Dimension-inator, to see where exactly they’re from. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work as intended and is only capable of telling whether they are, like you, owned by Disney, but that’s still better than nothing, you suppose. You’ll work out the tweaks after you get finished on your latest Take-Over-The-World-Inator device.

One of the last roles I made, one that got a kind of lazy ability.

On this and some other scanning abilities: There were 4 scanners with abilities like this that could see some seemingly random thing about someone, all 4 of which could catch one of the mafia with their scan. As Autolycus pointed out, this one could catch azzaman, since Kim Possible is very Disney and Natasha Fatale is very not Disney. Like all of the scanner abilities, it would give very few positive results- the only other characters in the game that had a show on Disney Channel itself were Kim and Drakken, though I also would have given a positive result for David Xanatos, since Gargoyles was made by Disney (and Disney owns ABC, anyway)

As you'll see, most of the scanner abilities didn't make much sense, with the exception of Crocker's magic-scan. But, then again, a lot of the abilities I came up with didn't make much sense- As with a lot of games of this type of hosted, I eventually ran out of ideas.

I also ran out of ideas for PG's, leading to many "outlive this group of people/this group of people needs someone to survive" PG's that everyone in that group had. This PG applied to the group of "Dr. people" which was actually just Doofenshmirtz and Drakken (Claw, being actually Inspector Gadget, obviously didn't count).


Spoiler :
David Xanatos

Ability: Xanatos Gambit: At night, You can send someone a link to one of the many TV Tropes Wiki Pages named after you, leaving them trapped on TV Tropes Wiki for the rest of the night and unable to perform any night actions.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Outlive all other characters who desire riches more than ruling the world.

You are David Xanatos, Illuminati and adversery of the Gargoyles. You became rich by getting mailed an ancient valuable coin, which had come from a future version of you in the past because of time travel. If that seems convoluted, well, convoluted plans that always work out in your favor are sort of your thing. TV Tropes Wiki even named a bunch of Tropes after you. You desire more riches and immortality above anything else, but you suppose evil ruling the world wouldn’t be a bad thing. Might make it easier for you to get more money and live forever. But you also know that you’re far from the only one who’s mostly in this for the money, and you’d like getting all of the other wealth-obsessed villains out of the way to leave more for you. Plus, most of the power-hungry megalomaniacs are complete morons anyway.

You could use some of your convoluted plans to keep people busy for a while, but you’ve found that ever since TV Tropes Wiki named that act after you, it’s easier to keep people busy by just sending them a link to that page. They’ll be trapped there for hours! HOOOUURSSSS!!!!

I admit it: I really only put this role in the game because TV Tropes.

I came up with the idea for his ability while myself being trapped for hours on the TVTropes website while I was trying to think of something to do for his role.

One of the 3 members of the "We want money" PG, the others being Le Quack and Plankton. Giving him that is kind of iffy, since what he really wants is immortality- but money is a close second, and I wanted one more person in the group.


Spoiler :

Ability: Technological Terror: At night, you can use your alien technology to (painfully) probe someone for information, telling you something random about them and injuring them.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Outlive all of the other aliens who are trying to conquer the entire universe.

You are Zim, an Irken Invader tasked by the leaders of your race to investigate and conquer Earth to get rid of you, because you totally screw up all their plans to aid them in their goal to RULE THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE! So, you have come here, made a house spontaneously appear with Irken technology, and while you attempt to learn about Earth and weaken its defenses for Irken conquest, you have disguised yourself and your robot assistant GIR as a human child and a dog, respectively, which is actually a terrible disguise because you’re green and lack ears, but luckily, nobody seems to notice, because all humans are complete morons. Well, all humans except that one paranoid lunatic, Dib, and his sister. Dib is constantly trying to foil your evil plans for WORLD DOMINATION! He technically never succeeds, since he can never prove you’re an alien, but you also never succeed, because you’re a complete moron and your plans are never any good to begin withTHINGS KEEP HAPPENING. Well, now you’ve teamed up with the League of Evil and you can now finally succeed at your goal of RULING THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Like all invading aliens, you have all sorts of cool technology to use on unsuspecting humans, like ray guns, and space ships, and organ-harvesting devices. You think the most useful in this situation is a classic: the alien torture device probe, capable of extracting things from other players. Somewhat painfully. And the things you get aren’t always useful, especially if the “Somewhat Painfully” (alright, extremely painfully) is messing with their brains too much. Alright, you admit it: You really only like this because you like inflicting pain upon these pathetic humans, and hey, every once in a while, you’ll learn something useful!

A rather fun role, it was more useful for injuring people than scanning people due to the scan's inherent randomness.

Basically, it had a 20% chance of copying one of the other four scanners' abilities, a 10% chance of giving some other random bit of info about a character, and a 10% chance of being a VC scan.

It also had a 20% chance of giving a false result (or 30%, for the VC scan), but Buddhafish never got any false results from this. He was stopped from using it a ridiculous number of times, though- he targeted Verarde Night One (who was also killed by Jarrema), was roleblocked Night Three, targeted the hiding Frozen Night Four, and forgot to send in orders Night Seven.

One of the 3 members of the "CONQUER THE UNIVERSE!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!" PG group, the other two being Megatron and Gorrath. Vilgax would probably also fit, but he was actually Dexter, so he doesn't fit.


Spoiler :
Mojo Jojo

Ability: Volcano Observatory Hideout: At night, you can use the telescope in your hideout to determine how many other players used active abilities that night, but not which ones.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Use all three of the letters in your name at least once in every post you make and post at least once in every day phase in which you are alive.

You, MOOOOOOOOOOOOJO JOJO are the evilest, most despicable, most diabolical monkey with a brain so large that it pokes out of your head and you have to cover it up with a helmet, in the universe. That you know of. But of course, you, MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJO JOJO, know everything that there is that can possibly be known by you, and you know that if there was a more evil, despicable, or diabolical large-brained monkey, you, MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJO JOJO would know about it, for you know everything that there is that can possibly be known by you. Except, of course, you don’t know how you can defeat the Powerpuff Girls, but maybe that is something that cannot possibly be known by the knowing of you, and only with the help of other villains, can you know the knowing of how to take over the world in a way in which it will be taken over by you, and controlled by you, and ruled by you,


I had fun writing the background description in this PM.

Not a terribly useful ability that I figured would have only really been useful at the end of the game to see if the number of people with claimed active abilities was different from the number of people actually doing things at night. CivGeneral never actually used the ability, which makes me wonder if I should have made it Passive.

His PG was kind of like Dooku's PG to put Z's in his posts in Darths and Droids. I added a few more letters because I figured just J would be easier than Z, and M and O are common enough that putting them in wouldn't be too much trouble.

He failed it on his second post by forgetting to post a J, and didn't post at all in Day Two. Le sigh.

classical hero/Frozen In Ice:

Spoiler :

Ability: Robots in Disguise: At night, You can disguise as some vehicle belonging to another player. Anything that targets you will hit nothing, but anything that targets that player will have a 50% chance of hitting you instead.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Outlive all of the other aliens who are trying to conquer the entire universe.

You are Megatron, leader of the evil Decepticons, a group of robotic aliens called Cybertronians that can transform themselves and that seek to conquer the universe. As the Transformers Franchise is an epic cash cow, you have appeared in countless media to sell toys to children and make money for people CONQUER THE UNIVERSE!!! Obviously, you’re one of the cartoon Megatrons, specifically the one from the Unicron Trilogy because that’s the only one of the cartoons that choxorn knows very well and he thinks that one was the coolest Megatron that sought to CONQUER THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!

Your transforming abilities are somewhat more advanced than most of the other Cybertronians- many of them can only turn into one vehicle or smaller thing, but you can transform into a jet AND a tank, and you could probably easily figure out how to transform into other things if you felt like it. Maybe you’ll use that to hide yourself from anyone who is for some reason capable of killing someone as powerful as you at night.

Frozen should probably win the late-game innocent MVP award, or at least share it with Kennigit. He played well. He mostly hid behind spaceman, then behind dcmort at the end.

That hiding ability gave me a headache a few times because of how it interacted with other abilities:

-On Night One, classical hid behind sprig who was roleblocked by BSmith, which redirected the roleblock to classical, which stopped him from hiding, which prevented the redirection, which made the hiding work again... I ended up going with "The roleblock is redirected to classical, but any other abilities will work as if he wasn't hiding" which didn't matter, because nobody else targeted classical or sprig anyway.

-On Night Four, Frozen hid behind spaceman98, and tailless bussed himself and spaceman. How does that even work? Does Frozen hide behind tailless? Does tailless's bus get redirected to Frozen? I decided not to even bother trying to figure out how that worked, since nobody else targeted either tailless or spaceman that night. Buddhafish did try to probe Frozen, but I decided that Frozen's hiding ability stopped almost anything intended to target him whether or not tailless's bussing ability would redirect them.

-On Night Five, Frozen hid behind spaceman, tailless bussed spaceman and Darth Feather, Darth Feather was the intended target of two kill attempts, and dcmort used his ability on Frozen. Again, how does that work? If tailless's ability has priority, both attempts go to spaceman and Frozen's hiding goes to Darth Feather, making nothing much happen. If Frozen's does, tailless's ability might switch to targeting him and then the killers hit him instead of spaceman. What I ended up going with was that roleblocks were the only thing that could get through Frozen's hiding ability, so dcmort roleblocked him and the killing attempts both hit spaceman.

Note to self: If you put more than one redirection ability in a game, figure out how they interact with each other ahead of time.

Darth Feather:

Spoiler :

Ability: Shapeshifting Master of Darkness: At night, You can shapeshift into someone else, gaining a one-use copy of their ability. You don’t have to use it the following night- you can save it as long as you wish. You can use a copied ability on the same night you use your shapeshifting ability, but you can’t use more than one copied ability on the same night. You can’t copy passive abilities or active abilities that are used during the day.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Finish the game with at least 2 copied abilities that will be useful for taking over the world. I’ll tell you if you copy an ability that will fit this description.

You are Aku, Shapeshifting Master of Darkness and nemesis of that fool, Samurai Jack. Long ago in a distant land, you unleashed an unspeakable evil and generally wrecked everything. He tried to stop you with his silly magic sword and actually managed to overpower you a bit when you fought (can you believe it?), but you threw him into the distant future, where you ruled the world. Somehow, you don’t currently rule the world. Presumably, you’re somewhere between that past and the future that you sent Jack to and haven’t gotten around to taking over the world yet.

You’d very much like to get back to ruling the world. Er, on to ruling the world. Is that right? Has it happened yet? It’s so confusing. Well, anyway, you, as the Shapeshifting Master of Darkness, can use your shapeshifting powers to temporarily copy abilities from the other assorted villains here, somehow. Don’t ask exactly how that works, okay? It’s… complicated. You think you should be able to use these powers to far greater use than any of the other idiots here to stop all those who oppose you- and if you should happen to find some powers that can help you take over the world and rule it on your own (screw the rest of these idiots), well, maybe you can wait until after you’ve beaten the good guys to find a way to use them. Hehehehe….

The Ability-Copier. He could technically copy the mafia's abilities, but not their Team Kill Ability, and the only mafia who had other active abilities had the same abilities as their cover roles. And he couldn't copy Jarrema's abilities at all.

The Full List of abilities that would have been useful for his PG:


Sprig's, BSmith's, and Buddhafish's are all obvious, edse's and robbiecon's are partly for use and partly for flavor reasons.

He had BSmith's and Buddhafish's abilities when he died, and I decided that was good enough for me to give him a PG completion.


Spoiler :

Ability: Mind Control: At night, you can go into someone’s head (literally, you’re that small) and force them to vote for someone else the following day (but not themselves). You can also force them to abstain.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Outlive all other characters who desire riches more than ruling the world.

You are Plankton, the Microscopic owner of the Chum Bucket, perhaps the least successful restaurant that somehow manages to still exist despite apparently never having any customers. You’re sure you could get some if you could manage to steal the secret formula to the Krabby Patty, the amazingly delicious burger created by your business rival, Eugene Krabs, but you never can steal the formula, always getting stopped by that brainless idiot, SpongeBob SquarePants. But now, as part of the League of Evil, you can steal the Krabby Patty Formula, and RULE THE WORLD!!!! Well, wait, how exactly does that make you rule the world anyway? It’s just a sandwich, for crying out loud.

Heck, at this point, you’ve failed for so long that if you could just get the formula and get insanely rich off of it, you wouldn’t care that much if it wasn’t you ruling the world, as long as the actual ruler was ultimately villainous. Besides, you can always use your tiny size to slip into someone’s head and control their brain for a while if you want to do some actual ruling. But you know that there are a few others out there who are also money-hungry. You don’t like that. You will be the last one standing, and then ALL THE RICHES WILL BE YOURS, and YOU WILL BE THE BEST RESTAURANT IN A WORLD RULED BY EVIL, WHICH MAY NOT BE RULING THE WORLD BUT IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

As Zack noted at some point, I really hated the vote-controller from Columbo, but that was largely because it could force people to self-vote, by bribing them, which made no freaking sense at all. This one was at least logical, and didn't come with the ability to make people kill themselves.

The only time edse ever actually used it was to make Takhisis vote for him- on the same night Takhisis died.

He completed his PG by outliving Zack and BSmith despite not actually doing anything for most of the game, which made me kind of sad.

Gone 3 The Celt:

Spoiler :
The Joker

Ability: Why So Serious?: At night, You can target someone with one of your hilarious devices, confusing them and causing them to target another player at random (maybe even you!) with their ability, if possible.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Use your ability to directly or indirectly prevent your own death… or cause it.

You are The Joker, insane, villainous clown arch nemesis of that Crusader with a Cape, Batman, or Batsy, as you like to call him. Now, as you have appeared in many different types of media, you may wonder why you decided to ally with a bunch of cartoon villains. Answer? Because you’re the Goddamn Joker and you can! Also, being a cartoon allows for you to do all manner of crazy and hilarious things you couldn’t do outside of a cartoon. Well, okay, maybe in a comic, but in a comic, you aren’t voiced by Mark freakin’ Hamill. Anyway, you decided to join this silly little League of Evil and help them with their plans for World Domination, because it seemed like a fun way to spend a few weeks. Plus, this way this League will be way funnier than it otherwise would be, and you can make the world even funnier if they rule it, and you aim to spread your jokes far and wide! HE HE HE HA HA AAA HAA HAAHH!!!!

I didn't actually create this role with Gone 3 the Celt in mind, but I figured he'd probably enjoy it when the RNG decided to give it to him.

Instead, he disappeared as soon as the game started. Come on, man! You were The freakin' Joker and you weren't around to play him! Are you serious?


Spoiler :
Hector Con Carne

Ability: More Than One Person in Here: You’ve managed to convince the League to count your votes twice, seeing as how you’re technically two people (well a person’s brain and stomach and a bear), but they refused argument that you should get three votes based on your brain and stomach being kind of separate (like your stomach would ever vote for anything but food anyway)
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: At least one Animal who would make a better host for you than Boskov survives the game.

You are Hector Con Carne, Jillionaire Playboy. Er, well, you were Hector Con Carne, Jillionaire Playboy, until your body was blown up. Luckily, your brain and stomach survived and were put in jars attached to a stupid circus bear, Boskov, who you now use to get around. You will somebody RULE THE WORLD!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Well, if your evil plans ever stopped being foiled by Boskov’s stupidity, your stomach’s wimpiness and hunger, and a certain one-eyed General with a lightning bolt scar whose schemes to overthrow you would make Starscream jealous, you will someday rule the world. Maybe joining up with all these other villains could help you. After all, only a few of them are stupid evil and have Starscream-esque traitorous second-in-commands.

You even managed to convince the rest of the villains that since you count as two separate beings, a circus bear and a human’s brain and stomach, they should count your votes more than once. You’re not quite sure why they all believed that Boskov always agrees with you on who needs to die, but hey, a few of them ARE stupid… And, then again, a few of them are smart, even a few other animals who are clearly more intelligent and skillful at evil than Boskov. Maybe after this is all over, you can make one of them the new “host” for your brain and… well, you can probably leave your stomach with Boskov. Screw that guy.

He played a solid game and did the best detective work of anyone in the game in pointing out dcmort and Mat's scumminess. His double vote never actually made a difference, though it came close a few times.

The list of Animals who Hector would have rather had his brain stuck to than Boskov:

Mojo Jojo (CivGeneral)
Le Quack (Zack)

Plankton and the Brain probably would have also been better, if they weren't so tiny.


Spoiler :

Ability: Message Delivered: At night, You can send one of your robots to deliver an anonymous message in the following morning update.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Either you or at least one of the other dark, mysterious, martial arts badass villains with actually working and cool plans and weapons and evil stuff survives the game to make the world an eviler place with their darkness and mysteriousness.

You are Slade (well, originally, you were Deathstroke the Terminator, but Cartoon Network decided that that name was a little bit too PG-13 for them), the masked archnemesis of the Teen Titans. You’re brilliant at coming up with plans and making robotic henchmen (that, or you just order them from the Cartoon Villains Robot Henchmen Supermarket that serves a lot of Cartoon Villains, it’s not really clear), you managed to convince two of the Titans to temprorarily serve you for a while (one by threatening the others, and one by helping her control her powers and later by ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL) and you’re such a totally badass fighting dude that not even getting thrown into a pit of lava stopped you forever (well, okay, you got some help from an ancient archdemon bent on causing Armageddon there, but still). Still, you can’t quite manage to achieve your goal of… actually, it’s never really made clear what exactly your goal is, but it’s probably world domination.

When you were trying to convince Robin to join the dark side, you were fond of sending him cryptic messages with your henchmen and your attacks on Jump City. You don’t have a lot of henchmen to send messages right now, but you do have plenty of robots, and they’re just as capable of sending messages as humans are, so you think you’ll have them leave some cryptic messages to defeat the good guys or for the lulz.

He was the sender of the messages in the first two updates. Both times, I forgot about his ability until after I actually posted the update and had to edit it in. I suck.

A member of the group of shadowy badasses seeking to survive. The only other one was spaceman. In retrospect, giving groups of people a survival VC wasn't a great idea when one of them had an ability that made surviving incredibly easy.


I'm up against the 30,000 char limit and the Superb Owl is on in 20 minutes. I'll post the rest of the role PM's after the Seahawks win.

Spoiler :

Ability: Knowledge From the Future: Twice in the game, you can extend the length of the night by 24 hours. After the first 24 hours, you’ll learn the identities of every player being targeted by an ability that would kill them, but not who is targeting them. Be warned, anyone, including the killers, can change their abilities in the extended part of the night phase.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Outlive all of the other aliens who are trying to conquer the entire universe.

You are Gorrath, War-Master of the Glorft, a conquering alien race from a few hundred years in the future that fought and won a war against humanity, but then you were accidentally sent back in time with a lot of your race, a human, and a giant robot prototype the humans stole from you and dubbed “MEGAS.” Apparently the giant robot went back even farther in time than you did and rusted in a junkyard on Earth for a while until a modern-day human, Coop, somehow modified it to work with his car plugged in to the top of it. And he keeps thwarting your attempts to conquer Earth in the present, usually with dumb luck. Well, if luck isn’t on your side, maybe having a bunch of other villains fight with you will tip the scales in your favor a bit.
Being from the future, you know that things will happen before they do- or at least would know, if you being here wasn’t changing history a bit. Or if you had ever bothered to learn much about the history of some puny planet you were conquering. Still, you know just enough to put to use, and can know what’s going to happen on a few nights in advance- maybe. You’re not sure how much the fact that you know what will happen changes things.

Maybe at some point I'll be able to make a game without a night-delayer ability, but it was not this game.

He was the cause for the delays Nights Two and Three, and indirectly Night Four because Darth Feather copied his ability Night Three and used it Night Four.

Nobody was saved by this ability, thanks to some hilariously bad innocent coordination, but it helped get the early town network together.


Spoiler :
The Brain

Ability: Are you pondering what I’m pondering?: At night, you can ask me a question and give me a player, and I’ll tell you whether or not you and that player would give the same answer to that question. Be warned that the answer might not always be true (for instance, directly asking if someone is a Mafioso or a Good Guys or some equivalent of that would always get that they’d answer that they aren’t Mafia/Good/Something Similar, even if they are- the same way you would answer that question, so you’d get “Yes”).
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Outlive all of the other hyper-intelligent evil animals.

You are The Brain, one of two sentient lab rats who every night attempt to take over the world. Er, well, you’re sentient, and a genius. You’re not sure about your partner-in-crime, Pinky, who is completely insane. Maybe that’s why none of your plans to take over the world ever work. Or maybe it’s because even you can’t come with any particularly good plans to begin with. It’s kind of hard for a lab rat to rule the world, after all. Maybe contributing your genius to this League of Evil will help someone who actually is capable of ruling the world do so.

Probably the most confusing and interesting ability I've ever come up with, even I wasn't entirely sure how it was going to work when I made it. It seemed a bit odd since it couldn't really be used to directly ask people about being mafia, but it probably could have been used to find results if it was used creatively (getting someone to lie when they should have told the truth or tell the truth when they should have lied, or something like that). I didn't know if it would work well, but I wanted to see what it would do. If nothing else, it would be very interesting.

So of course, azzaman killed him on Night One.

Interestingly, he was the only one of the "Outlive this group" PG people who had a unique PG- Basically, he wanted to outlive Zack and CivGeneral (no, Boskov doesn't count as intellegent and I'm not sure what biological group Plankton belongs to), but neither of them cared about outliving him.


Spoiler :

Ability: Evil Technology Expert: At night, you can scan someone to determine if any part of them is robotic.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: At least one of the villains, yourself included, with a sufficiently distinctive evil laugh survives the game to continue ruling the world with awesome evil laughs.

You are Mandark, which has definitely always been your name. You certainly were never named Susan by your weird hippy parents and you certainly never looked like a girl at any point in your life. And you certainly don’t hate Dexter just for laughing at you for looking like a girl when he first met you. Nope, don’t know where anyone would get that idea. You’ve always been Mandark, Evil Genius, and you’ve always hated Dexter because he’s a Good Genius and Evil Genius and Good Genius have to be enemies. For that matter, you hate pretty much everything (except Dee Dee, she’s pretty). HA HA HA! HA HA HA HA HA! HA HA HA! HA HA HA HA HA!

Your Evil Genius shows in particular when you build robots, especially robots of the giant variety. You’re so good with robots that you can tell just by looking at someone whether they’re a robot, even partially. Okay, you have to look very closely at someone, and probably use some kind of robot-detecting device (or maybe just see if they react to a magnet) to be sure, but that still counts!

The second of the four "Can scan one of the four mafia" scanners. He could catch Inspector Gadget, who is very clearly is at least part-robot, whereas Dr. Claw doesn't appear to be, unless you count the movie Claw and his prosthetic Claw-Hand.

When I post the night actions, it will become readily apparent that none of the four scanners hit the mafia they could actually catch, but a few of them hit a mafia they couldn't catch.

He belonged to the "Evil Laugh Survival" PG group, which included him and Skeletor (SamSniped).

Putting a Vengeful Lynchee in a Survival PG Group was not my best idea ever.


Spoiler :
Vlad Plasmius

Ability: Overshadow: At night, You can take control of another player, forcing them to use any active abilities they have on a target of your choosing. If they have no active abilities or are incapable of using what ability or abilities they do have as you intended, Overshadowing them will do nothing. You will not discover what ability or abilities they used, just who they targeted. Some characters, such as robots, cannot be overshadowed.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Outlive everyone who you cannot Overshadow.

You are Vlad Masters, also known as Plasmius, the half-ghost Big Bad of Danny Phantom. You’ve gone a good way towards taking over the world on your own, since being able to turn invisible and intangible and take control of other people is a great way to get away with just about any crime ever, and you’ve used these abilities and others to become a very rich half-man/half-ghost. Still, like all the other villains you are now teamed up with, you can’t completely take over the world on your own, or even with the help of some of the other Nickelodeon villains you’ve appeared in crossover video games with, always getting stopped by those meddling kids and the Fentons’ stupid anti-ghost technology.

With the rest of these villains, though, you are sure you will finally dominate the world once these last pesky heroes are out of the way. And then you’ll copy yourself and use your overshadowing powers to rule everything! But… it seems a few of your fellow villains are robots, or entirely ghosts, or something else that makes them impossible to overshadow. It would sure be a shame if anything were to… happen to them.

One of the first roles I came up with, and one of the few where I actually came up with an awesome ability that made sense for them. But, then again, Danny and Vlad have so many powers that almost anything would make sense for abilities for either of them.

Full List of People Immune to his Ability: Megatron (because he's a robot), Danny (because he's also a half-ghost), and Aku (because he's... well, I'm not sure what my original justification was, but something to do with being an immensely powerful, demonic, master of darkness)

If he used his ability on one of the mafia, it would only make them target someone with their cover abilities, though it also would have stopped them from night-killing if he used it on the person that tried to kill. Using it on Jarrema would have redirected his second kill ability and done nothing if Jarrema had used his first.

Like Nintz, he was an interesting role that died too spoon.


Spoiler :

Ability: Evil Skeleton Magic: If you are lynched, you can kill one of the people who lynched you.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: At least one of the villains, yourself included, with a sufficiently distinctive evil laugh survives the game to continue ruling the world with awesome evil laughs.

You are Skeletor, a skeleton demon-like creature that has lots of power, a skeleton throne, and desires UNLIMITED POWER!!!!!!! So, yeah, you’re pretty evil. Sadly, your attempts to get the power of the Castle Greyskull and rule over Eternia are always thwarted by that roided-up douchebag He-Man, and all of the other good guys that go on adventures that are definitely not just 22-minute excuses of plots to sell toys.


Not much to say about this, just a vengeful lynchee who never appeared and I had to give the actual use of the vengeful lynchee to another dead player (Zack).


Spoiler :
Dr. Drakken

Ability: Walking Cliché Storm: At night, you can check if someone has done the only thing that could make them more cliché than you: You can check to see if someone has grown Evil Facial Hair.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: At least one of the people with “Doctor” in their title, yourself included, survive the game.

You are Dr. Drakken, the blue, evil, megalomaniacal archnemesis of Kim Possible, who was certainly never named Drew Theodore P. Lipsky or anything silly like that. Like a lot of the other villains here, you are an evil genius scheming for world domination who can never seem to achieve it, largely because your plans are actually kind of dumb and you always like to grab the Villain Ball at times that it lets the heroes escape from your electric-sharks-with-lasers deathtraps and foil your evil plans. Clearly you just need more lasers! And more electric sharks! And, while you’re at it, you think you’ll get some giant robots, and put all of it in a secret lair under an active volcano.

Drakken, Scanner #3. He could catch Samurai Jack, who very much doesn't have any facial hair, while Boris Badenov clearly does.

He didn't do much.


Spoiler :

Ability: Made of Shadow: At night, you can use your natural darkness to hide near someone and see everyone that they use an ability on and everyone that uses an ability on them, but you can’t tell whether you see someone because the player shadowed targeted them or because the player you shadowed was targeted by them.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Outlive every character who isn’t an adult.

You are Father, the semi-official leader of the only-sometimes-remotely organized group of evil adult villains that is opposed by those STUPID, ROTTEN, KIDS NEXT DOOR! You’re eternally covered in shadow, making you appear to be a silhouette of a man with a cigar, aside from your eyes. Oh, and you can make fire and shoot it at people. So you have that going for you. You’re also kind of lazy and don’t particularly care about actually fighting the KND yourself, usually leaving that to your Delightful Children or to all of the other evil adults. Maybe that’s part of why you can never actually beat them and…. Rule the world? Or something? Well, whatever you plan on doing after you defeat the Kids Next Door, teaming up with all these other villains should probably help with that. Your being constantly surrounded by darkness helps you hide, maybe you can use that to follow people at night and see who they interact with.

If only the rest of the villains had gone with your suggestion for a minimum age to be part of the League of Evil. Seriously, who just lets STUPID ROTTEN KIDS into their evil organization, no matter how evil they are? YOU WILL DESTROY THEM ALL… eh, maybe later. Maybe someone else will destroy them all by the end of the game, you wouldn’t really mind that.

A combined Tracker/Watcher, basically, but incapable of seeing whether he'd gotten a result on someone because of Tracking or because of Watching.

List of characters he needed to outlive to complete his PG: Azula, Kim, Danny, Dexter, and Mandark, which probably means I made it a bit too hard.


Spoiler :
The Shredder

Ability: Secretly an Alien: Any attempt to kill you at night will merely destroy the robotic exoskeleton you use to get around, leaving you unharmed, and you will be able to fix it or get a new one before the following night begins (You can’t be killed at night).
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Either you or at least one of the other dark, mysterious, martial arts badass villains with actually working and cool plans and weapons and evil stuff survives the game to make the world an eviler place with their darkness and mysteriousness.

You are Oroku Saki, also known as The Shredder. More specifically, you’re the totally badass and scary looking Shredder from the 2000’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Series (not the not-as-badass and kind of silly 1980’s version). You are the leader of the Foot Clan that rules the New York underworld with their martial arts moves and cool ninja weapons. You, specifically, have these epic claws on your left hand, which never actually get used to do anything but look badass, because TMNT is a children’s cartoon and god forbid you ever actually used them to so much as scratch someone.

Though you look human, you’re actually an Utrom, a several-thousand-year-old grapefruit-sized alien that was being imprisoned for some crimes by the rest of the Utroms and transported across space when you forced them to crash-land in Feudal Japan, then got yourself a robotic human-looking exoskeleton and some armor and spent the next 1000 years or so fighting them and trying to rule over parts of the planet you landed on. Because of your exoskeleton, you can take apparently lethal damage and come out fine- it wasn’t you that lost your head, after all, just the robotic suit, and you don’t really need your robotic suit’s head to go on living.

Winner of the World's Most Effective Bulletproof Townie Award, 2014 (and probably every other year). Took 4 attacks (one each from the mafia, the SK, the Vig, and the Vengeful Lynchee) and gave Frozen a safe hiding spot for most of the game. Could have been injured and made vulnerable by Takhisis (though the mafia did consider doing that, I guess they decided it wasn't worth taking two nights to kill him) and killed by Jarrema's kill-through-protection ability, but neither of those things ever happened.

Note to self: Bulletproof Townies suck as much for the Mafia as Unlynchable Mafia suck for the town. Avoid using them.


Spoiler :

Ability: Lightning Bending: At night, You can vig-kill someone.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Kill at least one of the Good Guys.

You are Azula, Princess of the Fire Nation and nemesis of the Avatar and his foolish friends. You’re one of the most powerful firebenders in the Avatar World, throwing blue fire and lightning at people like it’s nothing. And you are one seriously crazy psycho Fire Princess, to the point that you frequently creep out even your allies (you’d say “friends,” but whether you actually see anybody as a friend is debatable), thanks largely to your powerful abilities and crazy diatribes about victory and how your opponents WILL SUFFER ETERNAL SHAME AND HUMILIATION IN THEIR DEFEAT! Your own mother thought you were a monster. Well, okay, she was right, but still, it hurt!

Most of the other villains here are from cartoons where nobody gets to die. You say “Screw that” and are more than happy to kill people to death with your lightning. You even did kill someone with lightning in Avatar: The Last Airbender, in an epic battle under Ba Sing Se! Well, okay, he came back to life a few minutes after you killed him, but you still temporarily killed him!

The innocent vigilante. He hit only townies and died early at the hands of Takhisis.

He was sort of a part of the early innocent network with BSmith, Visorslash, Buddhafish, and Neverwonagame. And sort of Darth Feather and tailless.


Spoiler :
The Red Guy

Ability: Master of Disguise: At night, you can use your masterful disguise abilities to give two people paper-thin disguises of each other, making anything that would target one target the other and vice versa.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Directly or Indirectly, cause the death of one of the Good Guys with your ability.

You are The Red Guy, the Red-Skinned, effeminate arch-nemesis of Cow and Chicken and I. R. Baboon and I. M. Weasel, who might be Satan, walks on his butt all the time, and has decided to copy older generations of cartoons by never wearing pants. On the other hand, those characters were all animals, and whether you are an animal or not is debatable. The 4 creatures you love to torment (or at least play mean tricks on while in disguise) are all talking animals, though, none of whom wear pants. Or shirts, for that matter, aside from Baboon. You don’t seem to be as interested in taking over the world as most of the other people here, but on the other hand, if you actually are Satan, evil ruling the world sounds pretty good to you.

The Bus Driver.

As others noted, he had a chance to save sprig or BSmith on the night that they both died because Darth Feather knew they were being targeted, but got confused by what they told them and ended up bussing himself with spaceman.

Never really came close to completing his PG, though maybe he could have if he'd bussed BSmith or Sprig with one of the mafia on Night Four.


Spoiler :
Denzel Crocker

Ability: FAIRIES!!!!!!: At night, You can scan someone to determine whether they are magical.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: At least one Magical being survives the game.

You are Denzel Crocker, a schoolteacher with terrible teeth and ears far below where a normal person’s ears would be. One of your students, Timmy Turner, is wholly unremarkable, except for one thing: You are certain that he has FAIRY GOD PARENTS!!!! which totally exist, as you have spent your entire life trying and failing to prove. But you will eventually prove that FAIRIES!!!!!!!! do exist, and then you will use their power to RULE THE WORLD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Since this League of Villains appears to have several members with some sort of magical powers themselves, you figure being a part of it should help you do this. Somehow. FAIRY GOD PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Though you can’t exactly prove that magic exists, you’ve gotten good at finding evidence of its use or evidence that something or someone is magical. Just look hard enough at it, or use one of your soon-to-be-patented magic-detection or anti-magic devices, and you can be sure. And then, if they’re not magic, you can give them an F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or if they are magic, you can hopefully capture them after the good guys are dealt with and use their power to RULE THE WORLD!!!!!! Assuming they survive, of course. But hey, there’s probably enough magic users out there that surely one of them will still be alive at the end of this, right?

Scanner #4, the only scanner with an ability that made sense, even though it gave up negative results for some things it wouldn't be expected to, namely Azula and Danny (the mafia he was intended to catch- he wouldn't see Danny as being magic but Wuya, his cover role, is very, very magic). I apologize for making this role a bit screwy, topsecret.

List of characters that actually were magic: Aku (Darth Feather), Skeletor (SamSniped)

Amusing Note: Most of the role PM images come directly from Google Image Search, which gave me some awesome pictures, some lame pictures, and slightly less porn than I expected. This one, while technically gotten from Google, was originally a three-image GIF that I copied and pasted so that all three parts of it were visible at once.


Spoiler :
Marvin the Martian

Ability: Earth-Shattering Kaboom: Twice in the Game, during the day, you can blow someone up, killing them at the end of the day.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Kill one of the Good Guys with your ability.

You are Marvin the Martian, a Martian (who would have guessed) who is bent on destroying Earth (or sometimes other things, it depends), for obstructing your view of Venus, and that makes you very angry, indeed. Which might make you wonder: Why are you part of a League of Evil that has its goal as conquering a planet you intend to destroy? Well, mostly because that will make destroying it a lot easier without all those pesky good guys to stop you. And hey, maybe they’ll do something to it that makes Earth stop obstructing your view of Venus or make it go all dark and villainy or something, and you could live with that.

Whether or not you end up deciding to blow up the Earth, you have plenty of things that could be used to blow up something. You think you’ll use some of them to try to blow someone up at some point. They’ll never see it coming!

A two-use Day Vigilante. I expected he'd use the ability at least once, but he died on night one without ever actually doing anything. Not much to say here.


Spoiler :
Le Quack

Ability: Pretending to be a Doctor: You’re not actually a doctor, but you know just enough about being a doctor from pretending to be a doctor to know how to protect people from being killed like a real doctor. At night, You can target someone, protecting them from any attempts to kill them.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Outlive all other characters who desire riches more than ruling the world.

You are Le Quack, a duck and a con artist who pretends to be anything ranging from a doctor to a hot air balloon pilot to get money, money, and more money. And you would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for that stupid, cowardly dog Courage and… wait, actually, there’s no meddling kids involved, just that stupid dog. Why can’t he just be easily fooled by your evil plans like everyone else, including his owners? Especially his owners?

You’re not actually a doctor, you’re just pretending to be one, but hey, you have all the doctor tools, right? A mallet, a stethoscope, way more anesthesia than would be needed to kill everyone else here (better not mention that last part)… so you’re pretty sure you can save people from dying at night every bit as well as a real doctor could.

You don’t honestly care that much about this whole taking over the world thing, but if villains rule the world, that might make it easier for your evil plans to succeed and then you’ll get ALL THE MONEY! Well, with just one problem: You know there’s a few other villains here with the same motivations as you, more into money than into ruling the world, and if they’re still around when the bad guys win, that means they’ll also be trying to get ALL THE MONEY and you’ll have trouble doing so. Maybe you could make sure that something happens to them that your “doctor” skills can’t save them from…

You have no idea how funny I found it that Zack's name rhymed with the name of his role.

On night two, armed with the knowledge that he, robbiecon, and spaceman were the mafia's kill targets, he attempted to protect... spaceman, who he didn't think was actually bulletproof.

Of course, robbiecon also redirected Zack at Takhisis, so... yeah. I would have had one incredibly silly situation if Zack had attempted to protect robbiecon instead and then force by robbiecon not to protect him.
The Alliance of Good:

Team PM:

Spoiler :

Which, in this case, means you're the good guys. Specifically, you call yourself the Alliance of Good, and you are currently the only Good guys standing between the Evil Guys and WORLD DOMINATION (All the other Good Guys are probably lying on a beach somewhere or something or were put on a bus to the 7th dimension)

Your mission is to stop the League of Evil from taking over the World... by any means necessary.

You all bring a set of amazing and powerful abilities that should make you more than capable of fighting off this evil threat- Kim Possible's (azzaman333) martial arts skills, gadgets, and sneaking-into-evil-villain-hideouts experience, Samurai Jack's (Takhisis) powerful Magic Sword and Samurai Expertise, Danny Phantom's (dcmort93) nearly uncountable number of ghost powers, and Inspector Gadget's (Mat93) impressive array of devices hidden inside of him.

You are currently disguised as villains yourselves- Kim and Jack are disguised as Pottsylvanian Spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale, pretending to have a reasonable reason to work together more closely than other villains. Danny, wanting a disguise with some ghostly abilities, is disguised as the entirely-ghost Heylin witch Wuya. Gadget is disguised as his own archnemesis, the evil Dr. Claw.

You must succeed. For if you fail, the world is doomed.

This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds.

Somewhat embarassingly, I forgot to include this very important part of the PM when I first sent it:

Team Kill: One of you can go out and kill someone at night. If you do, you can't use any other abilities you might have.

I also, although I had given them the names of their partners in their Team PM, had forgotten to replace the <player> placeholders in their role PM's with the names of their teammates.

Those mistakes were why I extended the night on Night One, because it was only fair to give the mafia some more time when they'd been badly underinformed by my mistakes.

And their individual role PM's:


Spoiler :
Kim Possible

Ability: Unstoppable: You have a 50% chance of being unaffected by any night action that targets you.
Alignment: The Alliance of Good
Victory Condition: The Alliance of Good forms a majority of all remaining players, or that outcome is inevitable.
Personal Goal: Personally night-kill at least one of your fellow Disney characters.

You are Kim Possible, a mostly ordinary high school student. You do homework, you’re on the cheer squad, you hang out with your friends at fast-food restaurants. You’re also a not-actually-secret agent who routinely helps save the world against incredibly cliché action villains with your extensive martial arts skills, cool gadgets, sidekick/best friend/boyfriend Ron, and his pet naked mole rat, Rufus. Okay, maybe you’re not mostly ordinary. Mostly ordinary people can’t do everything and look cool doing it like you, and mostly ordinary people probably wouldn’t be trying to fight off this League of Evil that’s trying to take over the world.

But you joined the Alliance of Good to stop them, and together with your partners (<player>, <player>, and <player>), you will! You, personally, will probably be using your epic spying skills to sneak around and avoid the attempts of these silly villains to stop you from stopping them. You’d especially like to get rid of your arch-nemesis Drakken or one of the other Disney Villains out there, harmless as they all probably are.

Cover Role:

Spoiler :

Ability: Pottsylvanian Spies: You know your partner, Boris Badenov (<player>) is innocent.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Outlive your partner, Boris Badenov.

You are Natasha Fatale, a spy from the Eastern European nation of Pottsylvania sent by your Fearless Leader to spy on… something, for some reason (it’s the 1960’s, cartoon villains aren’t supposed to have logical motives). Accompanying you is your partner, Boris Badenov. He can be a bit of an idiot sometimes and his plans rarely succeed, but you’re at least certain he’s on your side, more so than any of these other villains. And besides, his plans would probably succeed more if it wasn’t for Moose and Squirrel constantly messing with them.

Had a chance of being immune to night actions, which never really did anything, and led to an amusing night two when sirtommygunn and classical both targeted him, both abilities worked, and classical's ability didn't redirect sirtommygunn's.

He did most of the killing because the Mafia were afraid Takhisis had attracted too much attention and dcmort and Mat both had abilities that weren't passive.

I wanted to see how giving two mafia the cover of being mason partners would work. Answer: one died as soon as the other did, though azzaman did PM a few people the night before Takhisis died saying he was suspicious of Takhisis.

As mentioned by myself and others in a few of the QT's, the mafia were largely did in by how much they associated with each other, and they all became a lot more suspicious as soon as Takhisis was killed by Jarrema.


Spoiler :
Danny Phantom

Ability: Intangibility: At night, you can render one player, including yourself, intangible and thus immune to all night actions, but incapable of performing any of their own (Using it on yourself won’t stop you from making yourself intangible, but it will stop you from using the mafia kill ability).
Alignment: The Alliance of Good
Victory Condition: The Alliance of Good forms a majority of all remaining players, or that outcome is inevitable.
Personal Goal: Using your ability, Prevent the death of at least one player that would have been caused by someone not on your tam.

You are Danny Phantom, a formerly ordinary high school student until you became half-ghost when accidentally turning on the Ghost Portal your weird, ghost-hunting parents created. Since then, you have used your powers to fight the many evil ghosts that come from the portal to do evil things, using your ghost-powers and your parents’ technology. As bad as they are at actually catching ghosts, the technology they invent mostly works. And your ghost-powers have also usually worked since you got the hang of them, though there’s still a few you have trouble with. You think you’ll need your ghost-powers a lot more than your parents’ anti-ghost technology now, though, as most members of the League of Evil don’t appear to be ghosts.

Ghosts or not, though, you and the rest of your partners in the Alliance of Good (<player>, <player>, and <player>) will stop them. You will stop the incredible amount of ghost-powers you have: Invisibility, Intangibility, Flight, all sorts of shields and rays created by manipulating ectoplasmic energy, and about a billion other things. Most of those will only be useful in combat, but Invisibility and Intangibility will also be useful to keep yourself and your partners safe from the villains and night- or if you prefer, prevent the villains from being able to do anything.

Cover Role:

Spoiler :

Ability: Heylin Magic: You don’t have most of your powers in this form, but you do have a few, among others the ability to surround someone with illusions at night, preventing them from being able to do anything but preventing anyone else from being able to do things to them.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: At least one of the villains capable of returning you to human form and not realizing that that’s a bad idea survives.

You are Wuya, an ancient and powerful Heylin Witch that was sealed in a puzzle box for 1500 years by the Xiaolin Monk Dashi. You have since been freed by supposed “Evil Genius” Jack Spicer, but in your much weaker ghostly form. You seek to return to your human form and use your magic powers to take over the world, but you need some of the mystical Shen Gong Wu (specifically, the Serpent’s Tail and Reversing Mirror) to do so- and getting the ones you don’t need couldn’t hurt you. You also need someone capable of actually using said Shen Gong Wu (you, being a Ghost, can’t actually touch anything) that is also not capable of realizing what a bad idea returning you to human form is. Some of the other villains here are also incapable of using the Shen Gong Wu and some of them are smart enough to not free you, but enough are powerful but dumb that you think you can convince one of them to return you to full power after those pesky good guys are dealt with.

The massive differences between the justifications for his ability and his cover ability were why I didn't tell people exactly why they were roleblocked- because how was I supposed to explain this?

His jailing ability never actually interfered with any of the other killers, mostly just stopping scan results. I actually forgot exactly how it worked once or twice (I thought it protected from just kills instead of everything), which led to some results I shouldn't have given, but it probably didn't matter much.

Wuya's PG was somewhat interesting, but I didn't have to bother figuring out exactly what would count for it because it wasn't an actual PG.


Spoiler :
Inspector Gadget

Ability: Go Gadget Go: At night, You can target someone, randomly using an active ability that exists in this game on them.
Alignment: The Alliance of Good
Victory Condition: The Alliance of Good forms a majority of all remaining players, or that outcome is inevitable.
Personal Goal: Be responsible for someone’s death, either directly or indirectly, using your ability.

You are Inspector Gadget, a police detective with an incredible amount of cybernetic implants that can do anything the plot needs them to do. Whether that means turning your hat into a helicopter, giving you weapons, or shooting toothpaste, or whatever else, one of your gadgets can do them. Unfortunately, you can’t always control them and can’t always use them wisely, so you have to rely a bit on luck to defeat the schemes of the evil Dr. Claw. You’ll probably need a bit more than luck to beat the League of Evil.

Luckily, you’re not alone, and your partners (<player>, <player>, and <player>), all seem capable of getting by on more than just luck. And hey, as long as you’re lucky, maybe your gadgets will cooperate and help you do some things to the League of Evil yourself, maybe even kill one of them somehow…

Cover Role:

Spoiler :

Ability: Evil Gadgets: At night, You can target someone, randomly using an active ability that exists in this game on them.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: At least one of the people with “Doctor” in their title, yourself included, survive the game.

You are Dr. Claw, the mysterious arch-nemesis of Inspector Gadget. Your face is never seen, nor is any other part of you but your gloved hand. You plot to… well, do something. Take over the world? Sure, why not, that’s what all the cool villains are doing these days, why not join them? Well, whatever it is you do, you’re always getting stopped by Inspector Gadget. No more! Now you are a part of The League of Evil, and you will crush Gadget, and his little dog too! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

He used his ability to do random things to people the first five nights, then became the Alliance's killer after Takhisis and azzaman died.

It couldn't copy any ability in the game- it could only copy Active (so he couldn't copy spaceman's, for instance) Night (so he couldn't copy Verarde's) Abilities with exactly one target (eliminating multi-target abilities like tailless's or no-target abilities like CivGeneral's), that didn't require any other input (which meant Nintz's ability couldn't be copied), and it couldn't copy the mafia's kill ability or Jarrema's kill abilities, leaving him with the following list of powers his ability could become:

Any of the 4 main scanning abilities (Autolycus, parts/Visorslash, sirtommygunn, topsecret)
Buddhafish's injuring/random-scanning ability
Zack's protection ability
sprig's vigilante killing ability
BSmith's roleblocking ability
Frozen/classical's hiding ability
Darth Feather's Ability-Copying ability
dcmort's jailing ability
Gone 3 the Celt's Random-Targeting ability
SouthernKing's Tracker/Watcher ability

And yet, despite this sizable list, it copied Zack's ability 3 times and Autolycus's twice. And he was targeting Buddhafish both times it became Autolycus's ability.

The RNG is weird.


Spoiler :
Samurai Jack

Ability: Magic Katana: If you are the one that uses the Team Kill ability, and something prevents you from killing your target, your target will be injured rather than unharmed.
Alignment: The Alliance of Good
Victory Condition: The Alliance of Good forms a majority of all remaining players, or that outcome is inevitable.
Personal Goal: Kill or Injure at least 3 of your fellow Cartoon Network characters.

You are Samurai Jack. A long time ago in a distant land, the demon Aku, the Shapeshifting Master of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil that, among other things, destroyed the kingdom your father once ruled. After that, you took up his magic sword and trained yourself in the ways of the Samurai, becoming one really awesome dude. You fought Aku and nearly killed him, but then he threw you into the future where he ruled the world. The time you’re in right now doesn’t seem to be either where you came from or a future where he rules the world, though, which is… interesting. Whatever this world you’re in is, you’d vastly prefer it if Aku and the rest of the League of Evil didn’t rule it.

As such, you joined the Alliance of Good, to prevent that from happening. Together with your partners (<player>, <player>, and <player>), and your samurai skills and magic sword, you will ensure the forces of good are victorious, and find a way to finally return to your own time and prevent Aku from ever taking over any world in the first place.

Cover Role:

Spoiler :

Ability: Pottsylvanian Spies: You know your partner, Boris Badenov (<player>) is innocent.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Outlive your partner, Natasha Fatale.

You are Boris Badenov, a spy from the Eastern European nation of Pottsylvania sent by your Fearless Leader to spy on… something, for some reason (it’s the 1960’s, cartoon villains aren’t supposed to have logical motives). Accompanying you is your partner, Natasha Fatale. She doesn’t always agree with your clearly brilliant if constantly failing plans, but you’re at least certain she’s on your side, more so than any of these other villains. And besides, your plans would probably succeed more if it wasn’t for Moose and Squirrel constantly messing with them.

The role intended to be the Alliance of Good's main killer, capable of killing people most of the time and hurting people when he failed to kill them.

Instead, he attracted loads of attention right at the start, and the Alliance got scared about Trackers or Roleblockers or something and decided he should lay low and let azzaman kill instead.

It really didn't make much of a difference, spaceman was the only person they failed to kill all game anyway, but still, you have to wonder what would have happened if that had been Takhisis redirected at spaceman instead of azzaman...

And last, but not least:



Spoiler :

Chicks Dig Giant Robots: At night, You can send your giant robots out to kill someone. If you use them, you’ll be immune to all night actions, as you’ll be unfindable in your lab.
A Fine Day For Science: At night, You can go out yourself with one of your other inventions to kill someone. If you do this, you’ll ignore any abilities that would ordinarily prevent you from killing your target.
Alignment: None
Victory Condition: Kill all other players, or that outcome is inevitable.
Personal Goal: Night-kill 3 players with each of your abilities.

You are Dexter, Secret La-bohr-ah-tohr-ee owning Boy Genius, and inventor of so much cool stuff, mainly Giant Death Robots. When you heard about the League of Evil’s attempts to take over the world, you leapt into action trying to invent a way to stop them. Sadly, it seems that whatever you invented, despite giving you the power to fight evil, has also instilled in you the personality of a serial killer and an intense desire to kill everyone you see. It was probably Dee Dee’s fault. If she was in this game, you’d probably have to kill her, too.

You possess a lot of inventions to put to use killing everyone. Giant robots, laser beams, sharks, giant robots piloted by sharks with freakin’ lasers on their heads… you get the idea. Each offers different advantages. You think you’ll try them all on your way to killing everybody.

Cover Role:

Spoiler :

Ability: I Got Better: You will survive the first thing that would kill you.
Alignment: The League of Evil
Victory Condition: All threats to the League of Evil are eliminated.
Personal Goal: Outlive all of the other aliens who are trying to conquer the entire universe.

You are Vilgax, a large and immensely strong alien bent on ruling at least the Galaxy, probably more than that. To achieve this goal, you want to get the Omnitrix, a wristwatch-sized piece of technology that lets the user temporarily transform into other species. Unfortunately, it’s currently in the possession of a 10-year-old human child, specifically, Ben Tennyson, the grandson of one of the members of “The Plumbers,” a group of humans that once fought you and that had originally thought you dead, after that nuclear explosion. Or maybe after that time your ship exploded with you on it. Or… look, you’ve somehow managed to survive some pretty ridiculous things dozens of times, okay? Anyway, yeah, you’re trying to rule the Galaxy, and teaming up with all these other villains to conquer this pathetic little blue planet seems like a good place to start, especially if you can ever manage to get that Omnitrix.

I'm sure you can all guess why I decided to make Dexter a Serial Killer.

For the first few days, people kept wondering if he was a vigilante. I guess that's possible, but seriously? You think I'd put two vigilantes against one anti-town team, in a game of this size? Okay, Verarde was a day-vig, but he could only kill twice and never got the chance to do so, but two night vigilantes with no restrictions? That would be unbalanced as all hell!

He basically had two ways of killing, both of which would grant him immunity to something- sending out his robots to kill people would make any ability that targeted him auto-fail, granting him immunity to, among other things, roleblocks and scans. Going out himself would make him vulnerable to those, but would hit through almost anything to kill the player he targeted- it would hit through protection, spaceman's bulletproof ability, and Frozen/classical's hiding ability. It was still vulnerable to being redirected at Frozen/classical if he targeted the person they hid behind (or being redirected by robbiecon or tailless, for that matter), and he could be roleblocked if he used his second ability instead of his first, but otherwise, it could hit through anything.

And for most of the game, he didn't even need these abilities- he was almost never targeted at night and spaceman was the only person he failed to kill (he only used his second ability once, on robbiecon on night two, which would have further made the night two situation regarding Zack and robbiecon's decisions funny)

A good game by Jarrema, and I must commend you for making Visorslash not think you were an anti-townie for a change (though he did only say he didn't think you were Mafia).
The list of night actions, from my GM QT, The Omniscient Council of Vagueness:

Spoiler Night One :
Darth Feather copies Verarde's abilities (Result: Does Nothing, Darth Feather can't copy Day Abilities)
Sprig vig-kills SouthernKing (Result: Success)
Jarrema Robot-Kills Verarde (Result: Success)
sirtommygunn scans azzaman333 (Result: Blocked by azzaman's ability)
BSmith0168 roleblocks Sprig (Result: Classical's Hiding ability makes him target Classical instead, which stops Classical from Hiding behind Sprig, which makes him target Sprig, which makes Classical's ability work, which makes him target Classical *LOGIC BOMB*

Result: Classical is Roleblocked, which would make his hiding ability stop working for all future people that targeted him or sprig if anything actually targeted either one of them)
topsecret scans BSmith1068 (Result: BSmith is not magical)
Zack protects BSmith1068 (Result: Success)
Mat93 targets Kennigit (Result: Randomly Becomes Zack's ability, Success)
KingMorgan sends "Veni, vidi, vici - es" (Result: Success)
Autolycus scans taillesskangaru (Result: taillesskangaru is not a Disney character)
tailless Bus Drives Zack and Takhisis (Result: Success)
Buddhafish probes Verarde (Result: He's dead)
azzaman333 kills Nintz (Result: Success)
classical hides behind Sprig (Result: Success)
dcmort93 jails Zack (Result: Redirected to Takhisis, success)

Takhisis getting roleblocked made the Alliance paranoid for a little bit, until a few days later when they found out that dcmort was the one who had roleblocked him because of tailless.

Spoiler Night Two :
Before Extension:

Neverwonagame3 extends the night (Result: Success)
Sprig vig-kills spaceman98 (Result: spaceman is immune to nightkills)
Robbiecon forces Zack to target Takhisis (Result: Success)
Jarrema Science-Kills Robbiecon (Result: Success)
BSmith1068 roleblocks dcmort (Result: Success)
azzaman333 kills Zack (Result: Success)
Darth Feather copies BSmith1068's powers (Result: Success)
KingMorgan sends "Evil should not be censored by the robot poster. - For,
I am death, destroyer of worlds. B'arches" (Result: Success)
Buddhafish probes Visorslash (Result: Success, Probe becomes VC Scan, Gives Truthful Result, Visorslash is Innocent)
Zack protects BSmith (Result: Forced to target Takhisis instead)
Mat targets SamSniped (Result: Randomly becomes Zack's ability, Success)
dcmort jails sprig (Result: Is roleblocked by BSmith1068)
Visorslash scans taillesskangaru (Result: tailless is not robotic)

After Extension:

sirtommygunn scans azzaman (Result: Not blocked by azzaman's ability, not redirected to classical hero, azzaman does not have facial hair)
Zack protects spaceman98 (Result: Forced to target Takhisis instead)
topsecret scans Takhisis (Result: Is not Magical)
classical hero hides behind azzaman (Result: Success)

The epic failure to save anybody with full knowledge of who was dying seems kind of bad, but, funny as it was, there wasn't a lot the innocents could have done- spaceman couldn't die, robbiecon couldn't be saved by anything but roleblocking Jarrema, and Zack couldn't protect himself.

Spoiler Night Three :
Before Extension:

Neverwonagame3 extends the night (Result: Success)
Darth Feather copies Neverwonagame3's ability (Result: Success)
sprig vig-kills spaceman98 (Result: Roleblocked by dcmort)
BSmith1068 roleblocks Buddhafish (Result: Success)
topsecret magic-scans Kennigit (Result: Kennigit is not magical)
Jarrema robot-kills spaceman98 (Result: spaceman98 cannot be killed at night)
Mat93 targets Buddhafish (Result: becomes a copy of Autolycus's ability, Buddhafish isn't a Disney Character)
azzaman333 kills taillesskangaru (Result: Success)
dcmort jails sprig (Result: Success)

After Extension:

Buddhafish probes BSmith1068 (Result: Roleblocked by BSmith)
azzaman kills Neverwonagame3 (Result: Success)
Autolycus scans Darth Feather (Result: Darth Feather isn't a Disney Character)
sprig vig-kills CivGeneral (Result: Still Roleblocked by dcmort)

Sprig attacks spaceman, for the second night in a row! Good job on being persistent, Sprig, even if persistence was futile in this case.

Spoiler Night Four :

Darth Feather extends the night (Result: Success)
Darth Feather copies Takhisis's abilities (Result: Takhisis has no active abilities to copy)
Sprig kills CivGeneral (Result: Success)
Topsecret scans Sprig (Result: Sprig is not magical)
Jarrema Robot-Kills BSmith1068 (Result: Success)
BSmith roleblocks edse (Result: Success)
Buddhafish probes Takhisis (Result: Success)
Frozen in Ice hides behind spaceman98 (Result: Success)
taillesskangaru busses taillesskangaru and edse (Result: Success)
Mat93 targets Buddhafish (Result: Becomes copy of Autolycus's ability, Buddhafish isn't a Disney character)
Takhisis kills Sprig (Result: Success)
dcmort93 makes himself intangible (Result: Success)
Visorslash robot-scans Sprig (Result: Sprig is not robotic)


Buddhafish probes Frozen in Ice (Result: Frozen is hiding)
taillesskangaru busses tailllesskangaru and spaceman98 (Result: Success)
dcmort jails SamSniped (Result: Success)

Probably the only night where the failure to save anybody despite knowing who the nightkill targets were can be blamed on anybody. tailless, you dun goofed. And Buddhafish, you switched your target from Takhisis to the hiding Frozen, so you dun goofed harder.

Spoiler Night Five :
azzaman333 kills Darth Feather (Result: Redirected at Spaceman, who can't die)
dcmort93 jails Frozen in Ice (Result: Success)
Autolycus Disney-Scans Frozen in Ice (Result: Frozen is not a Disney character)
Zack (Replacing SamSniped) vengeful-lynchee-kills Darth Feather (Result: Redirected at Spaceman, who can't die)
Jarrema robot-kills Takhisis (Result: Success)
taillesskangaru busses Darth Feather and spaceman98 (Result: Success)
Darth Feather copies Mat93's ability (Result: Success)
Buddhafish probes edse (Result: Success, Becomes Magic Scan, Gives Truthful Result, edse isn't magical)
topsecret magic-scans edse (Result: edse is not magical)
edse forces Takhisis to vote for edse (Result: Takhisis died)
Frozen in Ice hides behind spaceman98 (Result: Roleblocked by dcmort)
Mat93 targets Autolycus (Result: Becomes copy of Zack's ability, Protecting Autolycus)
Visorslash scans Kennigit (Result: Kennigit isn't a robot)

Redirection abilities are silly when they interact like this.

On another note, Zack gave a weird reason for why he was trying to kill Darth Feather that I didn't understand at first. Then he clarified that he had confused Darth Feather with Darth Caesar and was trying to kill Darth Caesar for being an epic lurker.

Spoiler Night Six :
Jarrema robot-kills Visorslash (Result: Success)
taillesskangaru busses Jarrema and Darth Feather (Result: Jarrema is immune to night actions, fails)
Buddhafish probes Autolycus (Result: Becomes Facial Hair Scan, Gives Truthful Result, Autolycus lacks facial hair)
Frozen In Ice hides behind spaceman98 (Result: Success)
Darth Feather copies dcmort93's abilities (Result: Success)
dcmort93 jails topsecret (Result: Success)
Mat93 kills Jarrema (Result: Jarrema is immune to night actions, fails)
Autolycus Disney-Scans Mat93 (Result: Mat93 is not a Disney character)
Visorslash robot-scans topsecret (Result: None, topsecret is intangible)
topsecret magic-scans Jarrema (Result: Roleblocked)

I think this was right about the time people became suspicious of Jarrema.

Spoiler Night Seven :
taillesskangaru busses edse and Autolycus (Result: Success)
Darth Feather copies Buddhafish's ability (Result: Success)
Darth Feather uses dcmort93's ability on topsecret (Result: Success)
Mat93 kills taillesskangaru (Result: Success)
Frozen In Ice hides behind spaceman98 (Result: Success)
dcmort93 makes himself intangible (Result: Success)

dcmort at about this point decided protecting himself with his ability was the best idea. For some reason.

Spoiler Night Eight :
Autolycus scans Buddhafish (Result: Buddhafish died, and clearly isn't a Disney Character)
Buddhafish probes spaceman98 (Result: Redirected to Frozen In Ice, Scan Result is Irrelevant since Buddhafish dies)
Frozen In Ice hides behind spaceman98 (Result: Success)
topsecret magic-scans Buddhafish (Result: Success, Buddhafish died and clearly isn't magical)
Mat93 kills Buddhafish (Result: Success)
dcmort93 makes himself intangible (Result: Success)

Buddhafish, you fool, you almost made the bulletproof townie vulnerable, and instead made the hider vulnerable! You've brought ruin to us all!

Spoiler Night Nine :
Darth Feather copies spaceman98's ability (Result: spaceman is intangible, No Result)
Darth Feather uses Mat93's ability on Mat93 (Result: Becomes sirtommygunn's facial hair scan, Mat doesn't have any)
topsecret magic-scans Darth Feather (Result: Darth Feather is magical)
Mat93 kills Darth Feather (Result: Success)
dcmort93 makes spaceman98 intangible (Result: Success)
Autolycus Disney-Scans spaceman98 (Result: spaceman is intangible, No Result)

Except, the mafia did not decide to kill Frozen on the one night that doing so was actually possible. Mat and dcmort, you dun goofed. Well, okay, maybe it wouldn't have mattered, but still!

Spoiler Night Ten :
Frozen In Ice hides behind dcmort93 (Result: Success)
Autolycus scans spaceman98 (Result: Roleblocked by dcmort)
dcmort93 makes Autolycus intangible (Result: Success)

Spoiler Night Eleven :
topsecret magic-scans spaceman98 (Result: Is Roleblocked)
Frozen in Ice Hides behind dcmort93 (Result: Success)
dcmort93 makes topsecret intangible (Result: Success)

On both the last two nights, Frozen hid behind dcmort (correctly realizing he was the last mafia), dcmort roleblocked instead of killing to give himself some credibility, and the scanners both attempted and failed to scan spaceman.

And that's all of the nights.
On another note, Zack gave a weird reason for why he was trying to kill Darth Feather that I didn't understand at first. Then he clarified that he had confused Darth Feather with Darth Caesar and was trying to kill Darth Caesar for being an epic lurker.
The true mark of a mastermind.
Night 5 really couldn't have gone much worse for us. Takhisis killed leaving me screwed, spaceman confirmed (in the town's eyes) as not-AoG, and the 93s did nothing of any real use with their powers.
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