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Magister Modmod

Perhaps, but to be fair the Illians and Grigori are significantly overpowered in my version.
I've completed an infernal pact but instead of a Hyborem I've got Lethe. What can I change to make Hyborem be the first choice to spawn, I don't wanrt some gimped minor demon lord.

Edit: figured it out, just swapped their names in the demon list in CvEventmanager.py
What's up with the mod almost 3 months passed and not even a new post,no offense but hearing something here and there would be great.As you can guess I barely wait for an update of your great and famous modmod.
If you add a leader (named Judasvati, Judacai, Judecca, or what-have-you)

with Spiritual/Aggressive traits

that can lead either Hippus or Infernal ...

you would be my hero! ;)

**stronger version is Spiritual/Philosophical/Aggressive, while his Alternative personality is Spiritual/Aggressive/Raiders

-Favorite religion (Ashen Veil)

-Favorite Wonder (Form of the Titan)

-Favorite Civic (Military State)

personality-> Heavy Military, Spread Religion, Your religion matters A LOT!!! in diplomacy w/ him.
So, I notice this modmod (which I might add has been long overdue ;) ) is supposed to work for patch m. Does it break for patch n?
I have not tried with patch n, so I don't know. It does not look like it would cause a problem to apply the modmod over patch n instead of m though. Feel free to try it and report back.

I haven't really been in the mood for modding in a while. I guess I could try to get back it it for long enough to release a new version before returning for my last semester of college in the fall. It does not look like I'll be getting a summer job this late. I don't think I'll have any time to work on it once school starts again though, as I really need to study to get my grades up, pass the engineering licensing exam, and make sure I graduate in December. (On second thought, it might be better if I use the rest of the summer for EIT review instead of modding.)

Recently I've been busy with family matters. My grandfather died on Saturday, and we buried him today. (Actually he legally died a months ago, but after having no heart beat for 20 minutes he came back and seemed to have suffered no brain damage from it. He seemed to be recovering nicely, but the internal defibrillator seems not to have worked too well this past weekend.)

p.s. I won't be adding a Hippus-Infernal leader until after you convince Kael to make such a character a canonical part of Erebus, with a good enough backstory for the civilopedia.
I did a quick test. It worked for a short time. But I didn't run a full game.
I did not bother with an installer, but simply includes those files which I altered. You unzip the downloaded file with just about any unzipping software (I think i used 7-zip), drag the Assets folder into your FfH folder (or a copy thereof), and agree to allow it to overwrite everything.

p.s. Although I should probably be focused on getting a head start on classes instead, there is a good chance that I'll release a new version of the modmod this weekend. The biggest change will probably be an overhaul of how Resurrection works.

thanks a lot!! I'll try it after work.



P.S.: Focus on the head start on classes. We all learned being patient... your personal success is more important then the release of your eager expected modmod.


Economic Left/Right: -6.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian:
If you check the first post, you shall find a new version has been released.

Again, I avoided using an installer and just included a zip of those files I changed, i the proper file structure. Just decompress it, and drop the assets folder into the folder containing Fall from Heaven 2 0.41o.
Hello all,

I started to play this modmod for the first time today.
I choosed to play the grigoris and I encountered what i think is a bug.

My scouts are all unable to explore lairs, tumulus, dungeons or unique features... even whith the hero and/or courage promotion...

Is it intended or is it a bug? (didn't find a post that explains that gregoris are not able to do this sort of things)

Nice job for the modmod however. ;)
It appears that one of my later changes accidentally added an extra coma in line 6339 of CvSpellInterface.py, which prevents that all important file from loading. For some reason my Civ4 ini file can't seem to remember to not hide python exceptions (or to ask to open in full screen or windowed mode, or to have the right resolution for my 1080p screen), or else I would have noticed this in my last test before the release.

I'll go ahead and re-upload, but this is an extremely simple fix so there is not much reason for you to download again.
Thanks a lot MC ;)

It works definitely better without this comma ;)

I encountered an other strange behaviour since...
I got a hunter that explored a lair and found a portal... I decided to pass through this portal and now the game acts as if this hunter is always exploring some lair wherever he can be on the maps.
Every round or something like that he gets a result of exploring even if he is not on a lair or a dungeon.
Stange but fun.
It got 3 healing salves poping in 3 rounds, eat some poisonned apples while exploring a desert,...
I take it you are still playing as the Grigori, and that this hunter is an Adventurer, and that is has quite a few levels by now? If so, this is to be expected, but has nothing to do with the portal.

Adventurers have a knack for finding trouble, and habit of going off on their own whenever they are in unowned lands to exploring things that no one else would think need exploring. In my modmod the Adventurer promotion has a PyPerturn effect that causes this, with the chance of doing so being based on the unit's level.
Spoiler :
def effectAdventure(caster):
	if caster.getUnitCombatType() != -1:
		pPlot = caster.plot()
		if not pPlot.isOwned():
			if CyGame().getSorenRandNum(100, "Adventure") <= caster.getLevel():
				iRnd = CyGame().getSorenRandNum(100, "Explore Lair") + caster.getLevel()
				iDestroyLair = 0
				if iRnd < 14:
					iDestroyLair = cf.exploreLairBigBad(caster)
				if iRnd >= 14 and iRnd < 44:
					iDestroyLair = cf.exploreLairBad(caster)
				if iRnd >= 44 and iRnd < 74:
					iDestroyLair = cf.exploreLairNeutral(caster)
				if iRnd >= 74 and iRnd < 94:
					iDestroyLair = cf.exploreLairGood(caster)
				if iRnd >= 94:
					iDestroyLair = cf.exploreLairBigGood(caster)
				caster.changeExperience(1, -1, false, false, false)
This is not actually a new addition, but there was a typo preventing it from working back in the March version. (It was still hiding python exceptions when I tested it then, so I had not noticed that the parameter I was giving the function was pCaster but only caster was used i the actual code.) I don't think I've ever actually seen in work in any of my test games, but I haven't played as the Grogori much or let my adventurers leave home much when I did. Glad to hear that it is working! Although, if it is happening as often as you say, I should probably reduce the chances somewhat, or maybe just remove the part of the code that makes higher level units get better results.

If you want to avoid the risk of these random explorations, just move the unit back into territory that someone owns.

till now i like it very much... weird bug happened: in turn 296 I cheated letum fregus into my borders and entered it with my hunter: 332 Auric Ulrin popped into existence. So, do I now freeze hell or ruin my economy? I might sacrifice 331 Auric... maybe.



P.S.: Is it wanted that - as illians - I can't have acces to fire mana or is it a bug that the fire mana near my capital is imprisoned by a wall of force?


  • illian-mcmagmod.CivBeyondSwordSave
    313.5 KB · Views: 62
I realized shortly before this release that the way the code had been set up it was impossible for the AI to get the event that gives them Auric, which made everything White Hand or Ascension related impossible too. Thus, I chose to make it automatic.

I thought that adding the line pPlot.setPythonActive(False) in the if statement that creates Auric would prevent the function from being called again and thus prevent multiple Aurics. However, PythonOnMove calls happen not only when a unit moves into the tile from another tile but also when a unit is created there. As Auric is being initialized before the python is deactivated, he is activating it again himself and creating clones of himself. I'm a bit surprised that it stopped at 331 actually, instead of causing an infinite loop.

Switching the order of lines 6587 and 6588 in CvSpellinterface should fix this.

I'm assuming that said Wall of Force is the Ring of Carcer. That is Brigit's prison, and should be impassible for any unit of less then level 14. (Strangely, I found that the tile was passable in the game I just decided to play to test how Adventurers .) Units of level 14+ may enter the tile and cast a spell to free Brigit, but not if their owner's alignment is Evil. Freeing Brigit also makes the player Good. The opposite is true of freeing Odio from Odio's prison, but there is not a level requirement for entering the tile.
Thanks for the quick reply, I'll try that bit of coding, but I really know nothing about coding... let's see. To the ring of carcer... when you play my attached savegame you'll see that inside the ring is no brigit but a mana-fire-knod. It's not workable, because my workers cannot enter (road) and till now I have no mages at level 14. But I could enter the ring (or whatever) with my level 12 hunter.

To Odio: how can I free him??? Is this one of your new features? Or is this possible in ffh2 and modmods (WM, Orbis, Rife), too? I was always a bit pissed of that Odio is stucked in the ground and is (was?) useless... (one mod gave bodymana for Odios Prison, never got the idea why?).

Thanks for the cool modmod, no crash, till now no bug, very hard AI, kicks my ass pretty well on deity.



P.S.: Regarding the tech tree I should be possible to build the white hand, but I can't figure out how to iniciate the ritual or trigger the event... Now I built my Highpriests of winter via transforming Prophets. What am I doing wrong?
P.P.S.: My wife's on a hiking tour and I am really glad to can waste time now in front of your fine modmod, but 2 hours ago I said to myself that I have to go to bed now, work (tomorrow I have a big case in court) is waiting, so just one last turn... and now I'm here to let my mental farts spread out... to say it with a slightly changed citation from T.'s Jacky Brown: Sid's bad, man, Sid's bad.
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