[Map Script] SmartMap

keldath said:
hi surt

great work on the script - its almost perfect with the options given there :)

i wondered, do you think its possible to use the scripts with variuos mods?
and how do you think this script will run under multiplayer game?

I have not heard of it being incompatible with any mods. I know for certain that it works with SevoMod, Blue Marble Terrain, the last version of Green Mod I tried, and my own mod with no difficulties. There are a few people developing mods who have even requested specific features that are now a part of SmartMap. If you discover a mod with which it is not compatible let me know.

I have also heard of many people using it in multiplayer. I believe (from user reports) that all multiplayer participants need a copy of it, I have not verified this myself (I don't do any multiplayering ... I'm actually rather lousy at the game).
Thank you, I love this map generator!

In response to Keldath, I play multiplayer almost exclusively, and use smartmap now almost exclusively. I *think* only the host needs smartmap, but I'm not certain. I could see problems in the staging area in lan/internet multiplayer if the others didn't. It's a fairly small file, though, easy to email.
I could use some help finding the right settings.

I'd like to generate a Large or Huge map where each civilization gets a small continent/island, big enough for about 6 loosely packed cities. And I'd like them irregularly shaped (heavy fractals) but not to run together. The idea is to have each civilization develop a bit before sailing out to encounter the others.

I had this set up with the previous version using 12 islands, medium sea at 70%, heavy fractals on a Large map. But now I can't seem to find the right combo.
charleswatkins said:
I could use some help finding the right settings.

I'd like to generate a Large or Huge map where each civilization gets a small continent/island, big enough for about 6 loosely packed cities. And I'd like them irregularly shaped (heavy fractals) but not to run together. The idea is to have each civilization develop a bit before sailing out to encounter the others.

I had this set up with the previous version using 12 islands, medium sea at 70%, heavy fractals on a Large map. But now I can't seem to find the right combo.

Try using least round, no fragments for irregular shape rather than heavy fragments. Heavy fragments allow the possibility that the continents could run together.
I have enjoyed maps that have larger lakes / seas interspersed with the land. I experimented and liked the results with the "out of the box" lakes script by doubling the water percentages.

What do you think of the idea of adding a set of selections that would generate a "mostly land" map with many / several larger lakes / seas. What you have now on the "no ocean" seletion with many lakes is you get a bunch of tiny lakes. Maybe a choice of "great lakes so you get a bunch of decent sized lakes that in some cases may interconnect.
Just like to say thanks for this great script :goodjob:
Works like a charme with sevo mod.
olorin42 said:
I have enjoyed maps that have larger lakes / seas interspersed with the land. I experimented and liked the results with the "out of the box" lakes script by doubling the water percentages.

What do you think of the idea of adding a set of selections that would generate a "mostly land" map with many / several larger lakes / seas. What you have now on the "no ocean" seletion with many lakes is you get a bunch of tiny lakes. Maybe a choice of "great lakes so you get a bunch of decent sized lakes that in some cases may interconnect.

That's probably not hard to add. Will look at it for the next version.
Is there any way to generate a map style similar to Inland_Sea? I'm sure in a previous version I'd tried it and the sea didnt come out quite right (not very rectangular, whereas it always is in vanilla Civ) but with the latest version i cant seem to get it to come out at all, main settings Land: Pangea and Ocean: Central Sea.
`DG` said:
Is there any way to generate a map style similar to Inland_Sea? I'm sure in a previous version I'd tried it and the sea didnt come out quite right (not very rectangular, whereas it always is in vanilla Civ) but with the latest version i cant seem to get it to come out at all, main settings Land: Pangea and Ocean: Central Sea.

It turns out there's a bug introduced in the last version breaking inland sea. Sorry, will fix soon.
On the front page as usual.

# 8.7
# Added 3 great lakes options (few, normal, many). This will generate a map with a number
# of large lakes (large enough to typically have ocean tiles).
# Edge sea and corner sea were reversed in what they generated, fixed.
# Corrected the usage of cardinal directions, thanks to Sto for noticing. This turned out to
# be harmless, but would show up in the xml error log.
# Fixed bug with generating inland sea maps, thanks DG for noticing.
# Corrected minor math error in hill placement that was generating more hills than specified.
# Corrected disagreement between ocean percentage and size of central sea in such maps.
# Fixed problem with counting number of available sea resource spots that would place too
# many sea resources on certain styles of maps.
# Removed all used of CyPlot.isCoastalLand() because this method doesn't do what you'd expect.
# Forced central sea maps to keep the central sea away from the poles to prevent splitting
# the map in two.
# Speed up altitude calculation by simplifying the search for nearby ocean.
# Speed up wetness calculation by skipping water tiles.
# Speed up hash lookups by increasing step size.
# These speed improvements should knock about 10-20% off the total generation time.

Great work!

I was playing on 80% sea, with the random land formation.
Had 15 civilizations, in teams of 3 each. I got a couple time where two civs would be on op of one another or 3 civs would be very close, and some other areas wide open.

I used the Smart placement. Not sure if this is a bug or just some randomness generating this. I was using 8.6
Victorvanwavere said:

Great work!

I was playing on 80% sea, with the random land formation.
Had 15 civilizations, in teams of 3 each. I got a couple time where two civs would be on op of one another or 3 civs would be very close, and some other areas wide open.

I used the Smart placement. Not sure if this is a bug or just some randomness generating this. I was using 8.6

I'll have a look ... I don't usually use so many civs, nor do I use teams at all, so there may be some sort of bug involving teams.
A Silly Goose said:
It just keeps getting better and better... Soon enough, the very idea of playing Civ IV without SmartMap will be downright inconceivable.
Isn't it already? ;) :goodjob:
CyberChrist said:
Isn't it already? ;) :goodjob:

It is for me :)


What are the percentages for normal, few and many hills? I as just curious because I like many hills the most.
Rabbit_Alex said:
It is for me :)


What are the percentages for normal, few and many hills? I as just curious because I like many hills the most.

if percentHills == -1:
percentHills = 10 + dice.get(8, "Python: SmartMap: Dice: few Random Hills %")
if percentHills == -2:
percentHills = 18 + dice.get(20, "Python: SmartMap: Dice: many Random Hills %")
if percentHills == -3:
percentHills = 14 + dice.get(14, "Python: SmartMap: Dice: normal Random Hills %")

So ... few = 10 + 0-7 (random) % = average 13%
normal = 14 + 0-13 (random) % = average 20%
many = 18 + 0-19 (random) % = average 27%

So if you want yet more hills but not too much more you might try 30 or 35 % fixed.
I just wanted to say...

Thank you!!!

This script has saved the game for me. The maps are so much more interesting than before. I first was discussed with the amount of forests, until I realized that the wilderness feeling it gave was amazing. I have found a configuration that spaces continents exactly like I like them, so that boats are important but not tedious. Resource placement is excellent. I love this script!
Hi! Thanks for the fun set of maps. I enjoy OCC games, and this script has made many good maps.

I have occasionally enountered a problem where the regeneration of a SmartMap map does not honor my settings if Civ has been quit since the map was first created. This comes up when I have been crushed mid-game and want to have another go at the opponents but with a different starting position.

I am using SmartMap 8.7 and no other mods.

I can reproduce the problem with the following steps:
1. Start Civ and launch a Custom Game using the default SmartMap settings. ( The map will have mountains and ocean and other interesting features. )
2. Quit Civ.
3. Launch Civ by clicking on the AutoSave_Initial_BC-4000.Civ4SavedGame file
4. Regenerate Map.

The resultant map will have no hills or peaks, no oceans or lakes, and no x or y wrap. It will have a few forests and jungles, and some rivers that tend to travel directly north-south. I think these features are the result of SmartMap relying on default map choices that never get initialized due to the different way the Civ engine handles the Renegerate Map action.

I am not sure how this should work. Even if the script did read the smartmap84.cfg file to get the user settings, those would be the setting of the last map created, not necessarily the map of the save game that was loaded. Is it possible to annotate the map portion of the save game with the parameters of the map script? Does a saved game know which map script created it, or does Civ rely on the settings in CivilizationIV.ini?

Thanks again for the great script.
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