[to_xp]Gekko;9487844 said:
1) with default civs values, plains is worth 1 and grassland/jungle is worth 1. this seems wrong. plains may not be the best thing ever, but at least you can do something useful with them even before bronzeworking. jungles are nasty. also, marsh have -1 and tundra have -2 but they are equally bad. snow could get -3 since it's even worse than tundra.
Don't forget that you have other factors that come in, such as rivers, and that you're looking at 25 tiles at a time, not one at a time. Since plains tend to be near tundra and desert it's highly unlikely that you'll have an area of 25 plains tiles values the same as 25 jungle tiles, even on huge maps, and even in that extreme case the likelyhood of not finding a better 25 tile area with at least a few grassland tiles is pretty slim.
[to_xp]Gekko;9487844 said:
2) most civs have 0 for peaks, while peaks are actually something you don't want in your BFC and should have a negative value imho.
Even on full flavor maps a good portion of surrounding peaks are changed to hills around the starting plots. You can easily change this to a nagative value. In the end it boils down to peaks being in the 'high' areas of the maps so a nagative value for peaks pushes those civs into areas that are more flat.
[to_xp]Gekko;9487844 said:
3) dwarves have 2 value for peaks. this only makes sense for RIFE and possibly Orbis. in base FFH2, dwarves dislike peaks just like anyone else, so this seems wrong.
Again, many of those peaks will be removed when cleaning up the final starting plots, the difference here being that civs with a positive value for peaks (hills work the same way) will clear then the opposite of how other civs do. So a civ with no preference for peaks will remove all peaks adjacent to their starting plot, a good number of them one tile away and a few two tiles away. A civ with a positive value will remove all of the peaks 3 tiles away, a good portion of the ones two tiles away and only a few of the adjacent ones.
[to_xp]Gekko;9487844 said:
4) Lanun have edgevalue 1, northmod= -1 and 0 value for jungles. this means they very often start right in the middle of a whole bunch of nasty jungle.
In the off chance they do start in jungle, they're on the coast so it's pretty easy for them to recover and expand. Any other civ that starts in the jungle is basically done. They still hate marshes so in practice they do not start in the jungle often, if you're using the smart climate they will almost never start in the jungle because the civs that prefer it will already be there. The only time they really start in the jungle is when there is nowhere better to start, all things considered it's substantially better than starting in the tundra.
[to_xp]Gekko;9487844 said:
5) full flavour values are devastating for the clan of embers on base FFH2. they should start on the edge of the jungle, not in the middle of it. it's the same for doviello and illian really. in Rife and/or Orbis, their full flavor values make sense as they can do just fine in tundra. in base FFH2, they will consistently get crappy starts that will consistently make them pushovers.
That was your idea
Good luck getting them to start only on the edge of a the jungle even when you know the jungle will be in the southern portion of the map.
[to_xp]Gekko;9487844 said:
6) Illians have only -1 for deserts, whereas Doviello have -2, which seems wrong.
Desert will never appear next to snow and rarely anywhere near tundra. Unlike most civs, the Illians can actually survive a desert start once they spit out a few temples (even easier in RiFE).
[to_xp]Gekko;9487844 said:
7) this is more of a suggestion: you could add a floodplainsvalue. this would allow to set desert to a larger negative value since it really sucks, and have floodplains with a positive value to correctly offset that when present. similarly, a coastvalue, oceanvalue and kelpvalue would be nice to tell the script that coast is better than ocean, and kelp makes water better. could also be useful for the Kurios that would rather be inland than on the coast, but that could also be done with a edgemod = -1 value I guess.
Rivers are handled differently, this was a problem with the original method uses that worked off tile yields, flood plains are very good so many player starts would be in the desert. Rivers can substantially increase the value of a starting plot but only if the civ has a preference for that plot type to begin with. So if you like deserts the presence of a rive will make you like that plot a LOT but if you don't like desert it means nothing. The same is true for every plot type. Likewise, oceans are handled differently, those values are calculated based on the civs preference for a coastal start.
You really don't want to use large values for any of those values. First, you have to remember that you need to look at 25 tiles at a time, not one. Second, you have to remember that you need to consider the entire map and all civs, not one at a time. It is mostly irrelevant what a single tile is worth, one or two desert tiles in your BFC is not going to ruin a city but making them absolutely forbidden means that you will have fewer starting locations to consider and if you run out then whoever hasn't picked their spot yet is going to get shafted... hard.
Next time look at the map and figure out the value of the start tile and the 24 surrounding tiles, then look around at other places on the map and do the same. What you'll find is that you will have a lot of potential starts with identical values despite their differences, that's a good thing.
[to_xp]Gekko;9487844 said:
8) another suggestion: some civs lack flavourvalues, but they could get some. bannor could get a positive neighbour value since they are militaristic. elohim and grigori could get a negative neighbour value since they're pacifists. and calabim could get a flavour for high food output which is excellent for feasting... greedy vampires
No luck for the calabim, yields are not considered. The civs that work of the generic values are civs that work well with the generic values. Yes, I could have made each of them unique, but why? It's doubtful that any minor changes in there will have enough impact to be noticeable.
[to_xp]Gekko;9487844 said:
9) yet another suggestion: you could add an option for "starting distance from other civs" . some people like crowded starts, some like isolated starts. you could have 3 levels with the current values being default, one level that makes civs start closer to each other ( edgemod = -1 like minimal flavour currently does ) , and one level that makes them start more distant ( double the minimum distance values ) . this one would be an excellent option to allow people to tailor the map to their tastes imho.
Too many options already, and y-wrap breaks it.
[to_xp]Gekko;9488617 said:
whoa! this has gotta be the weirdest thing I've seen yet. this is an UNEDITED 2.71 map with limited flavor. I have no idea how the orcs with their northmod= -1 and edgemod = -1 ended up there, especially considering both the doviello and the illians were in the game O.O
Welcome to my world
This is the result of you only looking at one civ and not the big picture. If you have logging enabled you can see exactly what happened, in this case it was most likely that they were placed last and couldn't find anything on their first try, maybe not on their second try either in which case they just took something that was open.