great job on 1.4. the only serious issue I notice is that it seems like on default mountain setting there are way too many hills. they definitely outnumber flatland tiles by more than 2/1 , maybe even 3/1 ( maybe even more??? I'm not very good at extimating proportions
), which hampers growth ( it's already hard enough on 100% grasslands/hills areas, and it gets even worse with any other terrain... nobody likes to be forced to spam windmills
) . I noticed some areas and islands that were 100% hills. so I suggest to tone down the percentage of hills significantly. aside from that, desert is still very rare on default setting ( like, 5 tiles on the whole map? admittedly these were all duel size though, so it may be more abundant on bigger maps, I don't know. if that's the case, maybe desert amount could be tweaked to better scale with mapsize? ) . even increased desert doesn't give A LOT of desert, it gives about 20 tiles on a duel map. which would be fair for the default amount imho. besides, these duel maps are not as tiny as one would expect
ice OTOH could use a slight decrease at default imho. about 70 tiles of ice at default setting, which means a lot of crappy terrain. basically, around 30% of the map is going to have a climate that will cause land tiles to be ice . this seems a bit over the top, but maybe I'm just an ice hater
good thing is that I've never had a civ spawn in there so far, all starts have been good. don't know if you changed something in the starting spot selection code, but it's giving great results
aside from all the suggestions I posted earlier in the thread, I'd like to elaborate a couple more:
1) to make sure that it's impossible for a civ to start imprisoned in a tiny area due to peaks, maybe peaks could be removed from the starting BFC? it's rough I know but it might work. besides, peaks are as bad as it gets as fas as terrain is concerned. unworkable, unimprovable terrain
2) an option to tell the mapscript to get rid of islands that are less than 10 tiles would be nice. they look good, but towers/lairs/unique features spawn there and sometimes AI settle them crippling their economy. 10 tiles is arbitrary, but it's the same as the max number of tiles at which a lake is considered freshwater so it seems kinda fair. besides, a 10-tile island allows a decent city on it, which is great imho. Colonies!
also, you could tell the mapscript, if many tiny islands are close together, to merge them together into a bigger island instead of getting rid of them altogether. not sure how hard that would be to code, but would be nice
thanx for providing us with an ever-improving mapscript and being always willing to listen to suggestions
edit: yep, the hills/flatland ratio definitely seems way off. a 45-tile island had 4! tiles of flatlands ( and no peaks, so it shouldn't have been the hilliest place on earth
). the areas with lots of flatlands are fine ( i.e. many flatland tiles, some hills ), but the hill heavy ones should definitely get a lot less hills imho ( currently they have a ratio of hills over flatland that borders 90% . ouch! highly inhospitable
) . rivers could also use a slight decrease, I love them but having so many of them makes them feel less special