Margarine And Butter


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Jun 12, 2004
Personally, I extremely dislike margarine. It is a oiled-down version of butter, and very inferior. A good ole' stick of butter beats margarine anyday, although some sprays can be useful.

Land O Lakes spread (which is butter/canola oil) is also very yummy. I use margarine only when I don't have butter. The only redeeming quality margarine has is it's easy spreadibility.

So, which do you prefer? And please enlighten me on why margarine doesn't suck!
Margarine is disgusting. In large quantities i feel like it's eating my liver. :crazyeye:
Butter made from milk at home is awsome. The one from shops is not bad either.
I can eat butter with bread - margarine is :vomit: with bread alone.
Margarine's only redeeming quality, like you said, is spreadability. And that there's usually some left even after all the butter is gone, because everybody thinks it's nasty. (So you can still make a grilled cheese sandwich, even though it won't be as yummy.)

Butter is vastly superior. (But it shouldn't be salted.)
Butter!! I don't care that margarine is easier to spread. Just warm the butter a bit (I usually keep it in the sun for a while, as in the morning I have the sun shining right on the window of my kitchen) and it's going to be very easy to spread too. :)
I never use sprayed butter.

I just use a butter spread.

That stuff never tastes right to me.
I only have butter, and if it needs to be softer I warm it a little.. nice and simple :mischief:.
It depends greatly on use. Margarine (vegetable based)on toast or for grilled cheese or in some noodle pack stuff. Butter (dairy based) for any baking or candy making.
Eggo Waffles go great with Margerine, butter, it tastes better, but it's not as easy to spread.
Butter! We got some crazy spray-on butter thing that's pretty cool and probably saves on fat because you can use that more sparingly, or something. No crappy substitutes for me!
Butter. I might just have to go eat a whole stick of it, right now!
Eggo Waffles go great with Margerine, butter, it tastes better, but it's not as easy to spread.

Have you ever thought of getting "Whipped Butter" at the store?
I never understood the difference between margarine and butter.
Butter is made from milk while margarine is made from various oils e.g. vegetable oil. Butter is better unless you have a specific health condition that would be made worse if you ate butter.
I prefer guns. In the equation of guns versus margarine, it's guns every time.

But butter is vastly superior.
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